A one day change


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
If you had the power to change one day of your training for another what day would it be and why did you choose that day and how would you choose that day since you can change it?
Ok back in Setember 1982 I was training and blow out my MCL had to have surgery and was never the same again, it was blown trying a jumping sidekick into five boards and I had the powe I would change that day of training and only try maybe thre boards was not ready for the five board break yet.
Although I think I gained something from almost every day of training, I can think of a few punches that i would rather not have stepped into! :0)
That helps Terry, and I will second that with a knee injury of my own...oddly enough in September also, but of 1994. I was going for a rebound in basketball, got tangled up landed weird and blew out my ACL. I was sick that day and came back to school at noon so I could play that night. If I could change a day, that would be it, I would have stayed home playing Nintendo (hey it was 1994, and I am an old school playa!!).

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