Zero Tolerance strikes again!

I didn't know you could get convicted of legal actions.

She didn't get "convicted", just unilaterally punished by a group of school officials that optimize politically correct stupidity. Just think how much worse it would have been if she had a pop-tart with her.
She didn't get "convicted", just unilaterally punished by a group of school officials that optimize politically correct stupidity. Just think how much worse it would have been if she had a pop-tart with her.

Or a butter knife?

The suspension, etc is going to hurt her though, probably more than an actual conviction in a court of law.
But at least she has something interesting to write in her college application essay!

The day I got suspended for picking up a friend in trouble......
Blind application of regulation dressed up in robes of apparent fairness because it satisfies a "No exceptions, One rule for all" dictat is one of the banes of the modern world :grr:.
how did they even know she was there? Some of the story must be missing.
She was cleared by the responding LEO's so she would be in the report however, I suspect that someone who got busted gave a listing of who was there and her name came up.
She was cleared by the responding LEO's so she would be in the report however, I suspect that someone who got busted gave a listing of who was there and her name came up.
Not any report I would do. we dont put juv. names in reports if they didnt do anything. We are required to provide names of any kid arrested to the school but not names of kids not arrested. Not even names of juv. suspects that were not arrested.
Apparently she was charged with underage possession. She was found not guilty in court after the officer testified she wasn't drunk. So she was charged just not convicted

I hope there is more to the story other than a girl driving her intoxicated friend home!

After all, drunk teens being stranded is the material for sad and horrible blurbs in the local newspaper!
I didn't know you could get convicted of legal actions.

Probably a knee jerk reaction from the dummies at the school. Usually, when you play sports, you need to be on your best behavior, according to the school, so when they heard this, they probably assumed she was part of the underage drinking, over reacted, and thus we have what we have.

IMO, this girl sounds like a damn good friend to have! Good for her for helping her friend out. Better to do that, than have the drunk kid drive themselves or get into a car with others that're drunk and next thing you know, you're reading about a fatal car crash.
Apparently she was charged with underage possession. She was found not guilty in court after the officer testified she wasn't drunk. So she was charged just not convicted

Didn't catch that in the original story. That certainly makes a lot more sense and explains how the school found out.
I saw this on the Houston news this morning. I would hope the school would see reason, but I would expect them to get a bit more pressure with this kind of national publicity.
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Apparently she was charged with underage possession. She was found not guilty in court after the officer testified she wasn't drunk. So she was charged just not convicted

By any chance do you have a source for this info? Its a local story but I haven't seen this part of it.
By any chance do you have a source for this info? Its a local story but I haven't seen this part of it.

No they were talking about it on the news they said she was charged with a citation on scene and released along with 15 other kids, 10 more were detained and transported to the police department. Her charges were later dropped due to police testimony. It was on the local news here but I dont know where they got the info.
No they were talking about it on the news they said she was charged with a citation on scene and released along with 15 other kids, 10 more were detained and transported to the police department. Her charges were later dropped due to police testimony. It was on the local news here but I dont know where they got the info.

Gotcha, thanks. It doesn't sound to me as if she was actually in possession of alcohol at all, that she was rounded up in the melee with a bunch of other kids and the lot was charged en masse. There are several news sources here saying the officers have gone on record saying she was not in possession of alcohol and had not been drinking, and many saying that there were several kids arrested, while others were summonsed.
Gotcha, thanks. It doesn't sound to me as if she was actually in possession of alcohol at all, that she was rounded up in the melee with a bunch of other kids and the lot was charged en masse. There are several news sources here saying the officers have gone on record saying she was not in possession of alcohol and had not been drinking, and many saying that there were several kids arrested, while others were summonsed.
Yeah thats what is sounds like cops showed up and charged everyone and sorted it out later.
I was just tryng to figure out how the school found out. If she was issued a citation or arrested which are the same thing in this state, then thats how the school got her info.