WHow they view WC on other forums....


MT Mentor
Oct 20, 2007
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
When it comes to MA forums, MT is my home. People here are generally really decent. And smart. So, whenever I meet a friend in the MA who likes forums, I mention this place. And, of course, I do browse other forums as well. When it comes to WC there aren't too many good ones. And some are downright hostile. I really can't figure it out. I respect what they do. Why can't they cut me a little slack?

Anyway, from time to time I drifted over to a place called Martial Arts Planet. (Note to Admin: I assume it's OK to mention other places by name? If not, please just erase this thread and let me know!) Man, talk about attitude. People will post asking about WC, and every time the same group of "MMA" fans dog-pile on them and basically deride all WC as useless rubbish. Well, I try to be a good sport. I listen to their points of view, but I won't capitulate or give quarter. Instead I just started a new thread over there on "WC's unorthodox body dynamics..." talking about how we punch (one version--of course there are many interpretations). If you get a chance, check it out. If you like it, you could even chime in and give some support. Then get back over here and tell me about it!!! Also, any input on the punching method (EBMAS) would be appreciated as well.
Went over and waded through 11 pages or WC bashing and trolling before I realised you had 'started' a new post. Found it eventually. Good video and interesting post.
I'm not sure that I'd like to be part of that community though. A bit too negative for my liking.

Also, there seems to be a 'wham, bam .. thank you mam' mentality. If it's not a punch that knocks the socks off it's not a martial art. Here we cop enough stick if we talk about the effectiveness of aikido. Over there ..... ??? :asian:
. . . . . . . . I do browse other forums as well. When it comes to WC . . . . . . . some are downright hostile. I really can't figure it out. I respect what they do. Why can't they cut me a little slack?

. . . . . . . . Man, talk about attitude. People will post asking about WC, and every time the same group of "MMA" fans dog-pile on them and basically deride all WC as useless rubbish. Well, I try to be a good sport. I listen to their points of view, but I won't capitulate or give quarter. . . . . .quote]

That's why I quit visiting other MA forums. The MMA fans just take over, insulting and just belittling anything you write. And in the end, I end up defending myself and Wing Chun from everyone on their forum. It's turns into me argueing against everyone on the forum. It's a loosing battle so I just quit visiting.

But I'll go look at your posts.
You'd think sharing something you find beautiful, in a civil way, should get across to anybody with a somewhat open mind, it seems fine so far, but I haven't ventured outside of the thread in question as of yet. Time will tell, by the way.. no swearing! :p
There is a lot of hostility in many competitive group discussions. Reminds me of some
forums on dog breeds... you have no idea ...possibly. So some forums do go to the dogs.

Let's keep this one decent and keep accomodating different views of our art.

joy chaudhuri
To me, MT is like the scene in Jet Li's Fearless where Huo Yuanjia and his Japanese counterpart enjoy tea and conversation. It's about mutual respect as well as self-respect.

Respect to the fellow posters on MT. :asian:
Don't particularly give a rats **** what they think to be perfectly honest.

Actually, yours is the best approach. A student asked me just this morning about all that negative attitude. I answered that while it doesn't help promote our art, it can be used to our advantage. Let people underestimate you, and if you ever have to use your art they will be in for a surprise. Surprises can be useful!
Actually, yours is the best approach. A student asked me just this morning about all that negative attitude. I answered that while it doesn't help promote our art, it can be used to our advantage. Let people underestimate you, and if you ever have to use your art they will be in for a surprise. Surprises can be useful!

My thoughts exactly
Well life's too short isn't it , and as one of my old bosses used to say "You can't put brains in ****ing statues" (excuse the French)

You are never going to change these peoples minds because that would mean they would have to actually go and join a Wing Chun school and train for a decent amount of time to see what a logical and practical system it is.

But they won't because its much easier to jump on the bandwagon and sit behind your keyboard being a drooling gibberer , regurgitating crap and misconceptions about a self defence system you don't understand.

Forget about them I say , and just concentrate on making yourself and the people that train under you the best damn exponents of Wing Chun / Wing Tsun that you can possibly be.
It's a mostly british board. What do you expect? :)

Just kidding, of course. I used to post there, and for whatever reason I migrated. I don't have anything against them, but I just seldom visit anymore.
HAHA!!! You can put brains on statues... that's a good one!!

Also, you cannot save losers. You can only guide people and share with those that want to. Ultimately, those people are not going to become your students, pay you or help you in any other way.

People that want to discuss and share are different from people that troll and just mess around for arguing sake. Here we discuss and take into account the experience of others, instead of starting from the view that you are a complete idiot.

This from people that most probably do not train and you would kick their asses with a eyelash or something...

Forgive the harshness, since this isn't aimed at anyone in general. Many people take the posts in forums way to seriously or don;t give them the importance they deserve. Sometimes it's relevant and useful, sometimes not.
A lot of people are negative about things they don't understand. I am sure if they trained with a Wing Chun practitioner and learned about the art they would change there mind. :ultracool
I find the kung fu magazine forum an ok place to visit from time to time, not like what you cats are describing at the other place. Though I prefer MT :D
I find the kung fu magazine forum an ok place to visit from time to time, not like what you cats are describing at the other place. Though I prefer MT :D

Kung-fu magazine...in some ways they are even worse! A bunch of WC fanatics all bickering over trivia. I tried to register there and for some reason couldn't. Later I decided it was a blessing in diguise. Joy sometimes posts there. And there are some very knowledgeable people, but I'd steer people here for decent advice and good conversation.
There was a great moment on Bullshdo last year when somebody called out a WC player only to get his **** handed to him......boy was that funny!
Kung-fu magazine...in some ways they are even worse! A bunch of WC fanatics all bickering over trivia. I tried to register there and for some reason couldn't. Later I decided it was a blessing in diguise. Joy sometimes posts there. And there are some very knowledgeable people, but I'd steer people here for decent advice and good conversation.

I had tried to register there too a couple of times too, but it wouldn't let me.....for the best I guess. There were a couple of guys on there who were a couple of real a$$ bags. I noticed they have been banned recently.
But, I just don't like the overall feel of that forum, so I think I'll stay right where I am.

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