What's your favorite maki?


Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
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For me the maki that suits me the best is the han sonal motong maki, when I spar or do self defense I always use both hands opened (for grab if I can) and with hansonal motong maki I deflect preety well the high kicks and midel kicks, also I can defend myself from a punch and grab and couteratack.

Is that the double knife hand block? If so, I agree, it's a versatile technique that leads into a variety of grabs and locks.

Another block which is very practical despite looking quite useless to laymen is the swastika block, manji-uke in Japanese or wesanteul-makki is the term I think in KKW taekwondo.
Mine would be a modified version of Wesanteul Makki . Instead of the back hand being high I bring it back across my face. Now the low guard remains and I am angling away and the other hand protects me head. We all use this in sparring but i never see a name for this.
Obviously the lower guard allows for block, deflection and catching.
Wesantul makki is a nice defense too as koduro montong makki.

Basically the stance and position of the arms/hands when I do kyorugi or self defense is:

Stance.-Ap sogi (like a boxers stance).
Maki.- Modified sonal motong makki. Lefth hand (open) at face height and elbow covering my lefth rib cage and right hand neax the solar plexus (also open hand) and my forearm is guarding my right rib cage.

With this kind of makki I can block (and try to grab) punches and kicks and use my right hand to counteratack, I can cover my toirso and head with both hands with short moves, it's a very confortable makki.
