What's a "Sabard"

Em MacIntosh

3rd Black Belt
Apr 17, 2007
Reaction score
Lynn Valley, North Vancouver, BC, CA
I've tried researching the word and keep coming up with links related to caligraphy. This leads me to believe that it's circular and could possibly be a block with a simultanaous strike. It sounds like it might also be a savate technique. Any help or speculation would be appreciated.
What context are you getting it from? Did you read it in a book? Did another martial artist mention it to you? Did you see it in a movie? I'm not sure what it is off the top of my head, but if you give us some more context some one here may be able to help you figure it out.
It was mentioned in passing without a description of what it is in an article in an MA magazine (along with a few others I recognize like a fireman's carry, elbow cross and whatnot). Just wondering if anyone's heard of it as applied to the martial arts. I think it's a savate move because it's the only french MA I know of and I think sabard is a french word. I speculate that it's named after the guy who made it famous (if it is indeed famous)
Did a litte googling, couldn't find anything. I'd repost this question in the Western MA section, and specifically mention something in your title about Savate so the savateurs on here will know you have a question for them.

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