What was your silly childhood fear?

Originally posted by RCastillo
Thanks for the ammo!:)

Next time you go and visit the goldendragon I will personally ask him to keep a few of his scorpions alive just for you.:eek:
childhood fear eh.. hmm gotta think about this one.. kinda long time ago.. :)

I don't recall any particular thing that scared me as a wee little kid.. but as I got to be a teenager.. there were a pack of timber wolves that used to roam across the back slope of the mountain behind our house ... pacing back and forth from dusk on.. they creeped me out~!!!

I was an atypical girl kid methinks.. as I used to pick up garter snakes.. wander around with them.. bugs or spiders never bothered me.. played in the creek and all sorts of critters would be slinking around, that and spent many hours adventuring in the woods.
I wasn't afraid of the dark, though I did have an aversion to that 'thing' that just might grab my unsuspecting arm or leg from under the bed .. :)
The things that still bug me that bothered me also as a child are spiders (except Daddy Long-Legs don't bug me for some weird reason), snakes, and rats.

One of my fears as a child that lasted for awhile was that there would be a shark (this probably came from the Jaws movies) in some swimming pool (yes, swimming pool!!) or lake I was swimming in. Creeks didn't bother me. Now I swim in the ocean when I Boogie Board!! Guess I got over that one!! Well....maybe not completely- it is in the back of my mind still sometimes....but not in lakes or swimming pools anymore.

I had the fear of the dark- which sometimes still bothers me if I am somewhere unfamiliar......and because of a re-occuring dream I had as a kid, I used to have a fear of someone breaking into our house or harming my family in some way.

Finally- Tess reminded me of how I used to get in bed every night as a kid. Because of the fear of someone under or next to my bed, I would turn off the light and quickly launch myself into the air, clearing the space by the bed and landing on the bed (so as the "thing" couldn't grab my ankle). I didn't want to sleep with an arm or foot hanging off the side of the bed either or the "thing" might grab it!! Oddly enough, my brother hid next to my bed one night and after I'd gotten into bed and settled in, he grabbed me and scared me half to death. That pretty much ended my fear of something under the bed though......then I just had to check my room for my brother each night!!

:asian: :karate:
hehee I hear ya Ceicei~!! My brother was most likely my most fearsome issue growing up.. I remember waiting for my parents to get home from some get together.. and not expecting my brother home at all that weekend.. I must of been 11 I was sewing something for home-ec.. and had a whole box of straight pins in my hand when I heard a door slam downstairs.. (we had an open stairway) I slunk over and peered over the top of the staircase looking down into pitch black.. Calling out. .'Who's there??? No answer.. I heard someone rustling around below.. so didn't stop to think .. just tossed those straight pins down on whomever it was..
My brother came racing up the stairs 3 at a time.. ready to clobber me .. pins sticking outta him like a porcupine~!!!
Very funny now.. but Oh did he ever swat me around~!!! Hey he shoulda answered me :)

It's very funny now.. bu
Originally posted by pknox
And when you found out what they're really made of, that made you feel better? :)

No, but at least I can eat pig guts, beef hearts, chicken livers, horse tongues, etc.

Seriously, I do enjoy eating menudo (tripe stew) when I lived in Texas. I also like sliced rattlesnake meat in salads. I had soup made from whole pig's head....
tastes good too.

- Ceicei
Originally posted by Seig


Think about it, think about it, and LLLOOOVVVEEEE it!

:jaws: :jaws: :jaws:
Originally posted by theletch1
Vampires! Blood suckin' soul stealin' Vampires. I remember having a dream at age 6 or 7 that scared the bejeebers out of me. When I woke up my subconcious was still going wide open, I SAW a freakin' vampire heading across the room at me. Of course I screamed at the top of my lungs, jumped out of the bed at charged for the door (which looked like it was open... really) and BAM I was flat on my back. I looked up and there was my dad in his boxers lookin' at me like I had lost my mind. They still enjoy telling that story at family reunions almost 30 years later.
My mom used to watch Dark Shadows. That vampire soap opera show when I was very little. For years I slept with the covers around my neck.:eek:
Uhh... these are things I only discuss with my psychotherapist.
:D :D :D

Hmm. I dont recall being afraid of much. Snakes, but as an adult I have owned many and love them. In nature they still creep me out on occasion.
My mom used to watch Dark Shadows. That vampire soap opera show when I was very little. For years I slept with the covers around my neck.

So did my mom! My grand dad used to give her a hard time. He was OLD country and believed that watching a show like that while pregnant would "mark" the baby. That's the show she was watching when she went into labor with me. Hmm, maybe grand dad was right:EG:

I noticed the other day that it still comes on one of the cable channels. That is one weird show.
When I was about three I was afraid of Snuffleupagas (sp?) on Sesame Street.
1. When I was real little, like 3 or 4 I used to love to watch "The Incredable Hulk" TV series w/ Lou Ferrigino (SP?). But I was afraid to watch him change. You know that part were Bruce Banners eyes get all big and florecent, and he starts convulsing, his clothes start ripping, etc.? I used to run and hide behind my toybox just during that part; I would ask my Mom,"has he changed yet?" when she would say yes, I would then come out from behind the toybox to continue watching the program.

2. A couple of times, around the same age, when I understood the concept of the toothfairy, and how she wanted teeth for $$, but would only take teeth that were under the pillow, I would start to worry. What if, while I was sleeping, my head accidently slipped underneath the pillow? Would I wake up with all my teeth missing, and a 10 dollar bill under my pillow? I didn't worry incessently about this, but I do recall not sleeping with a pillow a couple of times when I got to thinking about this.

3. I used to think that the ghost of my dead grandfather was following me around. Strangely enough, that's not what bothered me. It was the thought that other ghosts were following around also, and that they could be evil and that they could try to hurt me.

4. I used to fear that I would be captured by a serial killer, and killed. More prevelent, though, was the fear that someone that I knew and trusted, like a teacher or parent, would turn out be a serial killer who would try to kill me.

5. I wasn't afraid of insects, but I worried sometimes that a spider would lay eggs in or on my body while I was asleep.

6. I used to wonder if I was living in someone elses dream, and that I wasn't really real, and that my "reality" wasn't real. That when I went to bed at night, someone else, the "real" person, was waking up and living out there day, and when I would wake up, the real person was dreaming. This was sort of frightning because it rendors your life meaningless, if you think about it. THis was when I was about 7 when I thought up of this one, unlike the other stuff which I thought of before.

7. I used to think about the "what if I was being controlled by giants" thing too.

Yes....I am every psychologists friggin dream. Especially back then! ;)
Oh my. I've had the "reality" thing too. Creepy as heck!

hey, how do you do that quote thingie in the blue box deeduhleebob.....
^^ i love my l33t english skillz! :p
Originally posted by TheRustyOne

I can even quote INSIDE The blue box whosidinger.. how's that for talent.. *snortles*
*Poke the quote button*

hey, how do you do that quote thingie in the blue box deeduhleebob.....

Look inside boxy for your answer :)
okiday. hey i found it. i think. i know i'm a dork...i quote myself...ach
Some times that the only person worth quoting.:shrug:

If my life were someone elses dream they need to get their butt outta bed alittle more often so I can sleep more than 4 hours a day.:mad:

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