What does everyone like to do in your state?



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Apr 16, 2004
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Zepp said:
California's got just about every imaginable kind of person doing just about every imaginable kind of thing.

I lived twenty years in Southern California. What I mostly did was work and drive and park on the freeway. I did love to go to the beach, liked growing flowers, liked going to bluegrass music festivals in the San Gabriel Mts., liked running around Mission Bay with the seagulls. Liked waterskiing behind a boat. Loved the Mexican food there. Liked driving up the coast, liked Solvang and Santa Barbara with their outdoor restaurants. Liked visiting San Francisco and the seafood on the wharf. Wished I had known about martial arts then. Don't inhale the smog or drink the water straight, or forget to lock your door, or send your kids to school, not something I did like about living there. TW


TigerWoman, Big Nick

So do you call it "goolash"? It doesn't matter what it is...it's goolash.


Senior Master
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Apr 16, 2004
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Oh horrors, goulosh! I had way too much of that growing up in Nebraska. I never have that now. Glorified beef stew. They do like their potlucks around here, put everything in a pot and pass it. Or do they call it bring a dish. Probably like everybody else in the country.

Forgot what else they like to do here, the Polar Bear Club. Isn't it the first of the year they like to crack aside some of the ice and go for a dip. Just to see if the 'ol heart will take the shock. Not my idea of fun. TW

Silat Student

Blue Belt
Sep 1, 2004
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Tampa, Florida
TigerWoman said:
Sheesh, we got seven bars within a quarter mile downtown. TW
Oh I forgot to mention we have a place called Ybor down here, it can get a little rowdy but I believe there're a few drinking places around.


I didn't grow up here (in Indiana), but I"ll try and point out some of the things I've noticed:

-- Lots and lots of festivals
-- Everyone who grew up here knows how to play the card game Euchre. I haven't a clue :)
-- The so-called "walking taco" or "Frito pie", wherein you take a bag of Fritos, pour in chili and cheese and onions and stuff, and wander around eating from this heart-attack-in-a-bag at a high school football game.

kenpo tiger

Senior Master
Jun 5, 2004
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KM has pretty much covered it all.

We are fortunate in that we have fairly easy access to New England (esp. VT and NH) where we can go 'leaf peeping' starting in a few weeks. There are the usual craft fairs and so on on LI. We also have The Bounty which is a fully-restored tall ship docked out in Greenport, on the north fork after most of the wineries. Tons of golf courses also. A pretty terrific aquarium in Riverhead, which is our county seat and is also out east (in the crotch of the two forks, as it were... ). Riverhead also runs a Polish festival every year around this time (Nalia - your kielbasi reference got me thinking about that).

We also have something called the Scottish Games, which occurs the last Sunday in August. It's a meeting of the clansmen from all over and has a variety of events during the day - caber tossing (a caber is akin to a telephone pole), sheep sorting (by dogs!), lots of bagpipe marching bands, crafts, food (ever tried haggis?). The one question not answered is what a Scot wears under his kilt... although some of my guy friends have offered to show me (ack!) :boing2: :shrug: :boing1: :wink2:

Yes, it's true. I DID work with the LI Convention and Visitors' Bureau to promote LI. KM, they could use your help!


Senior Master
Jun 21, 2002
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Charles Town, WV
TigerWoman said:
Chronuss....and apparently there are some people in your state that like computer games besides all that farming and drinking.
hey...we gotta have something to do when it's raining...;)

TigerWoman said:
Sheesh, we got seven bars within a quarter mile downtown. TW
we have seven strip clubs in a ten mile stretch...and a trailer park in between each one...coincidence...I think not...


MTS Alumni
Apr 18, 2002
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Mountaineer Martial Arts - Shepherdstown,WV
Chronuss said:
hey...we gotta have something to do when it's raining...;)

we have seven strip clubs in a ten mile stretch...and a trailer park in between each one...coincidence...I think not...
Of course it isn't coincidence, the people in the trailer parks need to have somewhere for family get togethers.

WV Vegetable : pumpkin


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Apr 16, 2002
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Somewhere Wild,Wonderful and Wicked
well in our neck of the woods.. and believe me until we move into our new house.. there are NO woods around here~! People wander up and down the street in a drunken gait from 10 am til wee hours of the morn... they stop and ask in a mumbled semblance of wordage if we either have money, a light, or can we help them in some way (always ends up being money or booze they want) And we don't drink~!! *rolls eyes* Seriously this is one hard neighborhood~! We got home from class last night and some guy walking down the street was stopped and arrested as we got out of the car and into the house~!
I've NEVER lived in such an area where booze and drug deals were par for the course in broad daylight~!!

We just bought almost 3 acres 10 miles outta the city and it's going to be sheer bliss to get the hell outta dodge~!

There are no bars in the area.. but private 'Clubs' very strange that and the strip joints.. and so 90 % of the populace drinks at home or buddies houses.. I have never seen this in any other state.. :shrug:

Now the rest of the population that doesn't do the above.. and that would include Seig and myself.. we like to go hiking and Cacapon National Park is absolutely gorgeous~! Waterfalls and wonderful trails.. There are fall festivals, white water rafting, Shenandoah/Potomac river is nearby. Caving, Luray caverns are closeby.. course we are near DC, Baltimore so city options are at hand.. plays, shows etc.

but me, I'm just looking forward to picking up a hammer and getting our house built ~!!

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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KenpoTess said:
well in our neck of the woods.. and believe me until we move into our new house.. there are NO woods around here~! People wander up and down the street in a drunken gait from 10 am til wee hours of the morn... they stop and ask in a mumbled semblance of wordage if we either have money, a light, or can we help them in some way (always ends up being money or booze they want) And we don't drink~!! *rolls eyes* Seriously this is one hard neighborhood~! We got home from class last night and some guy walking down the street was stopped and arrested as we got out of the car and into the house~!
I've NEVER lived in such an area where booze and drug deals were par for the course in broad daylight~!!

We just bought almost 3 acres 10 miles outta the city and it's going to be sheer bliss to get the hell outta dodge~!

There are no bars in the area.. but private 'Clubs' very strange that and the strip joints.. and so 90 % of the populace drinks at home or buddies houses.. I have never seen this in any other state.. :shrug:

Now the rest of the population that doesn't do the above.. and that would include Seig and myself.. we like to go hiking and Cacapon National Park is absolutely gorgeous~! Waterfalls and wonderful trails.. There are fall festivals, white water rafting, Shenandoah/Potomac river is nearby. Caving, Luray caverns are closeby.. course we are near DC, Baltimore so city options are at hand.. plays, shows etc.

but me, I'm just looking forward to picking up a hammer and getting our house built ~!!

First, Congrats on the Land :D

Second, I have been to their current residence and it is not the best place. Yet, I have worked, trained, and even lived, in worse, and I fully understand the desire to move out. I am right now no where near anythign like this. I get teh occasional Drive by though. An Egg thrown at the house, or some kids after school playing and chasing each other and the run into your yard or land scaping. ;)


Brown Belt
May 13, 2004
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Chiles. this time of year I always smell chiles and I love it. There are people with big metal turning baskets that roast the chiles that you buy. On the side of the road, outside grocery stores, Wal mart. New Mexico chiles taste as good as they smell too. The temperature is great. About 50-60 in the morning and perfect for a run among the yucca, jackrabbits, and prarie dogs(watch out for holes)I was able to run outdoors every single day last year. There was snow, and a little ice, but I just shortened up my run. Might be a good time to drive a little ways down to Roswell or Carlsbad, maybe go see the caverns again. The temperature in the caverns is always nice and cool but stepping outside again into the Chihuahuan desert heat in summer can make you hurl your cookies. Might drive over to Ruidoso. I don't ski, but like to watch the leaves turn color, enjoy mountain town atmosphere. great time of year in my state.


Yellow Belt
Jul 6, 2004
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No. California
In Northern California, the weather will finally start to cool off, making for pleasant outdoor stuff, like hiking and mountain biking. Soccer season starts! The fog that is everpresent along the coast during the summer starts to dissipate , making for beautiful beach days. Big Sur in the fall is gorgeous.

We do get some season change here: Some leaves change color (a few) while other trees just drop their leaves. I run frequently at a local park, and one of the best smells ever is right after the first fall shower, which still a month or two away.
Halloween and football season are the next "big things" at our house! My husband _loves_ Halloween and so does our Sifu. Every year he goes hog wild decorating the school for a fabulous Halloween party for the kids (and their parents).


Master Black Belt
Jun 21, 2002
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Harpers Ferry, WV
Well let's see, when i first moved here, i was well how do you put it a little critical. i saw a lot of people sitting on their porches with beers and shot guns in hand, ready to go hunting. lord knows i never gone to any school with such a high rate of teenage pregnancy i thought that they were offering that as an extracurricular activity or something. however, i have moved past those misconceptions. let's see, for fun, we have some of the best white water rafting on the east coast in the southern part. they even have a group that goes mudding down there, that was funny when i first saw that. lost of outdoors stuff. hiking, camping, fishing, hunting, 4-wheeling, rafting, some of the best slopes on this side too up at snow shoe and cannan valley at least on this side of the US. now the rockies are so much better but that's okay. caving, which is really cool. i know that on the west part of WV they have a lot of glass blowing which i thought was interesting. during the summer we have a large arts and crafts fair which people from MA to SC come to. which i thought was really neat the 1st time i went. but for fun, oh yea i recommend getting some friends together, heading down to the river, poping up a tent, having a bon-fire, watch some idiot fall into the river while trying to fish. and mid-night 4-wheeler rides in parts of the country you're not suppose to be in ;)


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Apr 16, 2002
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Somewhere Wild,Wonderful and Wicked
Family Cooking Feud Turns Into Gun Battle

Associated Press
Thursday, September 30, 2004

BLUEWELL, West Virgina -- A family meal erupted into a gun battle after a father and son clashed over how to cook chicken.

The two men argued Sunday over the best way to prepare skinless chicken for dinner.

"It started out as a physical confrontation, but it escalated until both of them were shooting at each other," Detective Sgt. A.D. Beasley of the Mercer County Sheriff's Department said.

Beasley said each man fired a .22-caliber handgun at the other. Harley Shrader was struck by a bullet that went through the upper part of his right ear and lodged in the back of his head. He was treated at a hospital and released. The elder Shrader was not injured.

Jackie Lee Shrader, 49, was charged with malicious wounding and wanton endangerment. Harley Lee Shrader, 24, was charged with wanton endangerment.


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