What do you think of this

definitely something not to be proud of. its all fun and games until someone gets hurt. and if you still do it after someone does... than you are just plain dumb!
Guys.... I kinda think your missing the point here, you should be getting hurt at least a bit in your martial arts training don't you think? We aren't practicing ballet right? Not trying to put down anyones point of view but if you guys are condemning the way these guys train based on how much they get hurt..... I'm in a constant state of healing from my martial arts training, isn't everyone else?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

Guys.... I kinda think your missing the point here, you should be getting hurt at least a bit in your martial arts training don't you think? We aren't practicing ballet right? Not trying to put down anyones point of view but if you guys are condemning the way these guys train based on how much they get hurt..... I'm in a constant state of healing from my martial arts training, isn't everyone else?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD


I would have to agree and disagree with you at
the same time. Let me explain. I have minor
injuries from time to time. A broken Finger, a
sore wrist, or hyper-extended elbow. I once
and only once had a dislocated/bruised rib.

So, yes people get hurt. But the level of injury
is different. I believe people are commenting
on how serious these injuries are and how
long they have to be out to heal properly to
come back and 'play' again.

This is just my take on it as I have been reading.
I could be wrong and have been wrong in the past,
and I can guarantee that I will be again.

Definitely ... I hope I never have to take a stick to the
groin! :wah:
It is brain dead twits like these guys who give martial arts and martial artists a bad name. These guys are hurting legitimate martial artists with their backyard crap!
i plan on getting hurt in my TSD training, and i'm not afraid to. it is something that comes with the teritory.

but to deliberately hurt your partner is not the true way for martial artists! we train to defend ourselves. not to see who is the last one standing.

these guys are just another prime example of people who don't get what its all about, making a true martial artists job even harder.
I fully understand what martial arts are all about and there is no malice in my heart when I knock my opponent out but it does happen. And I never for one second feel angry when I get hurt either. Blah, what the hecks my point? I don't really know, I think I train differently than a majority of martial artitsts and I am unable to explain myself without sounding like an *** so I'll just stop posting on this one heh.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
If they are stupid/brave enough to train in this way then let them. At least they've put the movies up on the web so that we can benefit in some way from their 'training'. Once upon a time all martial arts were practiced closer to the real thing, i.e. challenge matches and the like.

Some of the moves and missed opportunities were woeful and their throwing skills were on the whole appalling, why they weren't sweeping the back leg when they were holding the front leg is anyone's guess - out of politeness probably - and their total lack of uchimata style throws was to the fighters' detriment, but I liked the scissors takedown (banned in Judo because of the danger of all four legs snapping).

Watching the inexperienced but enthusiastic fight with a fear element present has got to be educational, because it resembles street fighting, and unless you've got honed counters for the more common moves and tactics you may just come unstuck.
Okay, give these guys some points for guts, but then take them away again for stupidity.

Yes, they are "working hard" at what they do, but not being very smart about it. I'm actually surprised that they haven't had more injuries, and even more surprised that no one has sued them or attempted to have their antics stopped by the police.

The point is well taken that you will get hurt in your training at some point. Even if you are just doing forms, the potential exists to pull muscles, throw out your arm, etc. If you spar, up those chances about 50%--even when you are being careful, you can get tagged.

However, I don't think these guys are doing MA; at least, they are not doing them *well*. Calling what they do "backyard martial arts" is like saying that the idiots who do "backyard wrestling" are training like "real" professional wrestlers. Not a chance. Yeah, they are going out and whomping on each other and taking the pain, but.......

.....is that bravery and strength, or just plain stupidity?

I weigh in on the latter, but to each his/her own.....

this is jason,from this site,despite what you may think,nobody is out there to hurt any one,the injuries are posted only because people like to see things like that,the one's who dont like seeing injuries dont have to watch them, we get together and spar pretty hard,we have taped them now for awhile,thought we would make a website with the footage,were not just a bunch of punks trying to kill eachother,there is only a very few of us here that are trained,but that what we have the real class for,sundays at my house is practice for the ones who are trained.and a lot of the time the street fighters are the ones who show up.and to me,i think fighting guys like that is great training because your not going to get in a fight with a trained martial artists on the street unless you start it.it is guys just like this,and me and the other ones who are trained really get good practice,you can see what really works (for youself anyway).but thank for visiting my site and posting your opinions,just wanted to tell you despite what you see,i feel what we are doing is great training because like i said not everyone is a martial artist and anyone can be beaten on any given day by anyone skilled or not!thanks again

The site is now being updated,there will be more clips and options to do very soon,some new clips are there now.thanks

Originally posted by Danny

Seriously you can tell just by those clips that those guys couldn't figh there way out of a paper bag.

I agree. It looks like Pee-Wee Herman meets The Three Stooges meets Pro Wrastlin'
Honestly, I'd like to see some of the critics in this thread go up against a couple of the guys from that site. How do you think you would fare?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Jackass meets MA. That's what I started to think when I saw this.

I've seen alot more injuries in my MA carrer, than this. And some that were more serious. I don't think I need some backyard fights to know that the stuff I do is dangerous (both for uke and tori).

And to what would happen if I meet them. We drink a beer and talk about it. ;)

Originally posted by Damian Mavis

Honestly, I'd like to see some of the critics in this thread go up against a couple of the guys from that site. How do you think you would fare?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Your kidding right?
Originally posted by Damian Mavis
Honestly, I'd like to see some of the critics in this thread go up against a couple of the guys from that site. How do you think you would fare?

I think they wouldn't make it out of the parking lot which is where I would be waiting for them with a baseball bat.
Bah Gou you're a cheater! haha Yes, yes i know there's no such thing as cheating when it comes to fighting. But I was thinking more along the lines of an agreed upon combat were you can back out at any time. No baseball bats allowed heh. And on top of that.... you're not a critic!

RyuShinKan.......2 questions, did you bother to read this whole thread and did you bother to watch ALL the videos on the website?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
As hard as it is I do tend to agree with Gou on this one, although I wouldn't be waiting with a baseball bat. These guys are hurting serious martial artists by putting this crap out on the web where anyone with out a clue can think this is martial arts.

As for the question, "How do I think I would fare against any of them?" unfortunately I used to bounce in bars so i have had my share of real life combat. And I will say right now that I would be able to hold my own and do damagae if neccessary. But in a real life situation there is no winner if it escalates to violence.
I'm not sure how you're agreeing with me Rob. I think that what these guys are doing is ok. Just that they need to be a bit more refined in how they do it. You know, spend more time learning the techniques rather than just trying to use them.

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