What did you practice today?


Green Belt
Jan 6, 2011
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Morning all,

One of the other forums i use is for off road vehicles and there has been a thread which has been going for some time now. It is called "What did you do on your Landy today?". The thread is for people to share what they did on their vehicles which in turn provides ideas for others. When an idea is liked by a few people a separate post is then created and the topic discussed so the original thread does not get 'hijacked'.

Hopefully this can be successful and create some good posts which don't go off the rails.

So... what did i practice today? Well, i was running short on time so i could only practice the SLT form.

I injured my side during a workout last weekend, so unfortunately...nothing. :-( However, it DOES feel a little better, so I am going to try picking back up this weekend.
Morning all,

One of the other forums i use is for off road vehicles and there has been a thread which has been going for some time now. It is called "What did you do on your Landy today?". The thread is for people to share what they did on their vehicles which in turn provides ideas for others. When an idea is liked by a few people a separate post is then created and the topic discussed so the original thread does not get 'hijacked'.

Hopefully this can be successful and create some good posts which don't go off the rails.

So... what did i practice today? Well, i was running short on time so i could only practice the SLT form.

I haven't, yet. I have a class to teach tonight. I normally get there about 45 minutes before class time and have some practice time for myself. I'll be working on refining one of the kata (have to teach the next section to 3 students on Saturday), and will spend some time on the heavy bag practicing mid-power strikes. I will probably spend a few minutes working on deepening my stances, which have gotten taller lately because of trouble with my knees.
Nothing yet but it's evening here right now and ill probably do some techniques and shadow boxing maybe a few forms
Did some slow motion uppercuts into a Muay Thai head grab. Just walking around the yard, waiting for the sun to come up over the mountain.
I'm at work, teaching at a high school. I've been too busy to sneak off and do anything MA related so far. I'm eating my lunch as I type this. So I guess I'm just practicing lame excuses. :oops:

....At least until class tonight... :)
You're right. I'm headed to work now to just that.

I am already at work, and this is a job where I answer phones, so I definitely need it. At the job I will be doing as of February 9, I suspect I will need it even more.
SLT, Chum Kiu, Biu Jee, Bart Jom Do, Luk Dim Boon Quan
2 rds shadow boxing, 1 mile brisk walk (doctor said No Running), Four 5 minute rounds on the heavy bag, Four 5 minute rounds of ground dummy work. Kettlebell exercises.
Evening training begins later.
Still trying to kick this cold, so no actual practice for me.... maybe I'll practice looking inscrutable on the sidelines at class while my lower ranks work on kata and SD drills.
Running 4 miles after work. On the return stretch I do various footwork drills while running to help my Wing Chun footwork. Running sideways, running with a "cross-over" stance and running with a "wide" stance.

...as often as I can free my brain from other tasks.

Also, a bit of horse stance while eating breakfast and a bit more during bathroom breaks at work.

Maybe I'll run through my forms while I'm making dinner tonight.
In a few weeks I should have my wooden dummy completed. Then I plan on doing:

*Sil Lum Tao 3x per day
*Chum Kiu 3x per day
*Mook Jong 3x per day
*Biu Jee once

Aside from the form, I will also do a couple rounds of freelancing on the dummy. Also, the reason I say I would do SLT/CK/MJ 3x each but BJ only once is because right now, I am focusing on learning to better connect the upper and lower parts of my body LOL. Basically at this point, I am doing BJ just to keep the different sections fresh in my mind.
First went through some shadow boxing Sombrada (Kali), without the footwork standing on some home made, short, plum flower poles. It's better with a partner but I find it helps me isolate errors in terms of my upper body techniques.

Next some iron palm.

Then some basic WC straight striking training (punch and palm strikes). I find that I need to work on that the most because I still tense up noticeably sometimes, especially in the shoulders, when under pressure and I am working diligently to be more relaxed when striking.
Today I practiced feints and fakes. I was really on.

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