We're all doomed, uh, yesterday.

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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This is the mother of all conspiracy theories. The mind boggles.


<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/vJB2Woe5zeQ&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/vJB2Woe5zeQ&hl=en_US&feature=player_embedded&version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></embed></object>
ah.... ****.... she figured me out................................... plan B.
you know, i cant figure where and the hell these people come up with this ****. each day I am more ashamed of the idiocricy of the human race. there are a bunch of dumbasses running around.
Run by Draconians? Bozaks? Kapaks?

Run, its Takhisis!
Oooh maybe thats what the Mystery Missile off the coast of Cali was... another failed attempt by the reptillians to cull our herd...
Why are so many MILFs just plain ********** crazy??
Wow did she say we are all getting 5.3 million dollars each. Yep we are doomed. Nobody is going to go to work after they get their money... Happy days are here again!
Remember remember the 8th of November.... maybe she meant 2011??

Why are so many MILFs just plain ********** crazy??

MILF's turn into Cougars and thus their level of insanity goes dramatically down with the number of young guys they cull. So obviously this lady hasn't made that transition yet.
Oh, and for the record? This is nothing like New Age anything. Saying she speaks for the New Age movement is like saying Muhammad and Malvo speak for the NRA. She's just plain delusional. Highly intelligent and articulate to be sure, but not New Age, even if she claims the label. Real New Agers cringe when people like this come along.
Freedom at it's best, everyone has a voice. Only thing is, this could be your next door neighbor.
She sure is pretty tho' ... maybe if I pretended to believe ... ? :lol:.
Scary tho' that someone can speak so calmly and with a degree of eleoquence (other than where she gets a bit too excited) about something that is so plainly far 'left field' from ordinary experience.
Colour me daft but I couldn't help but watch a couple more of this ladies YouTube vids. I have to say that a few possibilities occur:

- she is trully requiring some medication to soothe her mental state
- she is well aware that she is spouting nonsense but wants to see what reaction she can get
- this is some form of 'viral' advertising for an upcoming movie/book release

EDIT: OMG, she has a great many vids up on YouTube! Re-assessment time (downwards) on the viability of Option 3 above :lol:
For anyone interested in mental illness and the sociology thereof, I'd recommend Kay Redfield Jamison's work. One of her bestsellers explores the lives of many creative luminaries in Western cultures and finds a lot of evidence in favor of bipolar and schizophrenia. People with mental illnesses have a well-documented tendency toward high intelligence and creativity. So her gift of gab doesn't surprise me at all.

I looked up a couple of her other videos myself, and I take back my earlier post on medication. It doesn't look like she's a danger to herself or others, aside from the nonsensical ultimatum to Obama at the end of the video embedded here. And she doesn't really seem to be in any particular pain with her beliefs - I don't see any high state of agitation or crying or anything like that. If she's content in that paradigm, if she has a sense of purpose and meaning that's not harming anyone, I say let her be.
Dan, MILF is a rather vulgar term applied to ladies of a certain age who retain a high degree of attractiveness.

I can't believe that you've not heard it before - it was used, many times, in the movie "American Pie", for example. Even I, as a bone fide 19th Century throw-back, know what it means :eek:.

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