varify promoting stat

I'm not sure what you mean.

Nobody really recognizes rank from one organization to another. Sure, out of courtesy they may informally recognize it, but there are no enforced standards across the board that are adhered to. I guess what I am saying is that anybody can really give any rank that they want. Nobody else has to recognize it, but that goes both ways. If outside recognition doesn't matter to someone, they can do whatever they want. If recognition does matter, then you need to become part of an established organization and follow their rules.
Well your question is vague but if you are talking about one Dan promoting another to the same rank, probaly not, also I would take into consideration the fact if they know there materials or not. Most time people recieve rank that they do not deserve, just my opinion.
Master Stoker
Or, if you meant, "how different is one Dan promotion Test from another." (eg. How different was my actual 2nd Dan test from my 3rd Dan test). Or did they cover the same subjects (forms, free-fighting, etc.)
Confusing question. If you meant the former, I would agree. Probably not. If you meant the latter, absolutely!

Maybe you could explain a bit further.