"Torture" or testing ordeals?

I don't believe this is a viable strategy. Your body needs constant hydration, it's not like fat tissue that the body can simply store up and use later if needed. You have a limited tank of water that your body can hold. When it becomes depleted, you run into trouble. You cannot fill a reserve tank the week before, in preparation. That's just the way it is.

Well said. We aren't camels, after all.

Ultimately, you're going to have to decide if this grading is important enough to you to justify risking you're health. If is is, then I wish you all the best. If not, I wish you well searching for a training environment more suitable to your needs.

I'm not a black belt in any art. I was in an Aikido class and watched a blackbelt test. It was pretty good. He had to show all of his current material, and then a 2 minute stay on your feet keeping moving don't get pinned and stay in control of the attackers randori. The whole thing lasted like 20-30 minutes tops. Now I being where I'm at in the martial arts and the limited experience off and on over the years in different styles I have maybe a unique perspective. I know that physical fitness is important to being able to properly defend yourself, but by the same token most places that I have been too, the tests aren't no 6 hours long. The instructor has seen you do the previous materials for years, and you've worked hard to get to the black belt test. He should already know if your capable of performing these techniques in a life threatening situation or not. IMHO if he doesn't when you test then he probably didn't teach as much as he should have. Perhaps he didn't pay much attention to your previous tests.

I guess really what I'm trying to say is. When your in that situation yes a good run is better than a bad stand, and I know from personal experience, I'd rather get out of there any day. Sometimes you can't. I can't see myself saying, " Wait a second, I gotta stretch, do some calisthenics, a little kata, ok 5 hours later I'm ready to defend myself, now that I'm winded." Course if they actually let you do that, they might get bored enough to just walk away and leave you alone LOL. It does really sound extreme to me. Rangers, Green Berets, those guys need it. ME Not really. I don't see myself ever going 6 hours with someone. It's a macho, I'm a bad dude thing, really. That's not what it's about.

Ok I'm getting myself into enough trouble, but that is my opinion on the matter. Don't be to harsh with me on here. I have meant no offense to anyone. Just stating how feel from my limited experience.
I've judged at numerous black belt tests, none over two hours long. They covered forms, seveal rounds of sparring, and breaking.
It is not necessary to show every form you've learned, spar 20 people, and do some incredible breaking technique. If you have consistantly practiced, your concentration, balance, technique, power, fluidity, and ability to show effective technique will show up in the forms, sparring, and breaking you do show. If sparring three people doesn't show how much you have learned, sparring 20 certainly won't.
Bottom line: there is simply no need for a grueling 6 hour test. In this land of the lawsuit, I certainly wouldn't recommend it.
I have to admit, this is silly to push your student's to do such a thing is just plain wrong. But I do agree there are Instructors out there with no care to the world but there own. And those guys need not have student's
Can someone enlighten me? The longest test I have ever had was maybe 45 minutes, and that was demoing a large number of kata, movement ideas and fighting skills... what can possibly take 4-6 hours?[/quote]

I don't think a colored belt test taking that long accomplishes anything except exhausting and discouraging the kid taking it.
However black belt tests take that long because it is a culmination of everything you have learned up to that point. You demonstrate every Kata with and without bunkai, every technique (punches, strikes, kicks, blocks, takedown, etc.), self defense, Kumite, history, and terminology, possibly teach a few minutes of a beginners class. The thought here is you will be passing this knowledge on to beginners and you should know these areas if not mastered them to pass.
It's not a set time. It may take longer depending on the student. A student might be asked to do a Kata again because s/he missed something and you know they know the Kata. Nerves are a B--ch.
Every one is different. In this I don't think there is a right or a wrong. It takes what it takes. But I do agree that if it turns into a fittness test then it is getting out of hand.