TKD vs MT Match Clip

Really interesting. The last MT vs TKD clip I watched the TKD guy got beat bad. I believe that (the other) match was held somewhere in Europe. In the other match the MT guy kept kicking the TKD guy's legs out from under him, eventually scoring a nice roundhouse to the chin.

This really proves its not the art but the artist.

Thanks for sharing that clip.
I've seen this clip a few times. Though he scored some nice kicks, he apparently couldn't put the guy down for the count. Never having been able to see the entire thing, I assumed it was probably because the fight was a little more even than this clip would want you to believe.
No offense to either competitor, I wonder about the quality/experience of the MT guy. Every single time the TKD in the clip went up to throw some jump spin kicks or anything else the MT guy backed up, which makes no sense because he ended up getting hit with follow-up kicks anyway. Also, it appeared that when the MT knew the kick was coming, he turned his head away and brought his hands up, which is a natural reaction; not a trained one.
Dear Sir,

I would actually argue to some extent in favor of the MT fighters apptitude and level of previous training. Rookies dont get up from those shots. Just my honest opinion!

It just means that he is resilent, doesn't make him a skilled fighter. The mind-set may be there to keep going, but maybe not the skill and training to properly defend yourself and counter what your opponent is doing.
Seems strange that a guy standing with his arms at his sides doesn't have to worry about the MT guy ever throwing a punch.
Ok, not that I wouldnt like this video to be a sign that TKD kicks serious *** but as a TKD instructor and practitioner for 15 years and a muay thai fighter and practitioner for 4 years I can honestly tell you that the muay thai fighter is extremely low level, like a begginer. Competent muay thai fighters NEVER back up, at least not EVERY time someone comes at you with a kick. They NEVER turn their face away, begginers do that. And he keeps getting up after getting hit not because he trained so hard and is tough through training, it is because the TKD guys kicks lack knockout penetration. Just one of those kicks should be ending the fight if it scores which it did but no knockout.

Also... this is not a full muay thai rules. There seems to be no punching to the face (typical WTF restriction), possibly no leg kicks and most definately no elbows and maybe no knees although they did allow the clinch and the muay thai guy had no clue what to do in that range......

There are TONS of good examples of TKD doing well in full contact venues, but the fighter isnt billed as a TKD guy and he certainly isnt wearing a TKD uniform. Peter Aerts for instanct in the K1, he knocks people out left right and center with his roundhouse to the head, his base was in TKD.

This video is not an example of TKD beating muay thai.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
"This video is not an example of TKD beating muay thai."

I agree. It's an example of what happens to rookie Muay Thai fighters that never practice enough :rolleyes:
Damian Mavis said:
Also... this is not a full muay thai rules. There seems to be no punching to the face (typical WTF restriction), possibly no leg kicks and most definately no elbows and maybe no knees although they did allow the clinch and the muay thai guy had no clue what to do in that range......

The video's been edited to death, but it does show one leg kick, and the TKD guy opens with a punch to the face. (Vs the leg kick no less.) Hard to tell what rules they were operating under just by what's shown.
bleh - that match looks rigged tome. The TKD guy isn't kicking very hard, teh MT guy isn't doing anything but blocking. So, either the MYT guy has never fought in a match before in his life or it is rigged.
It does seem to be a little bias. The video is put out by a TKD group, so I would venture a guess that they swung it in their favor.
No not rigged but ya definately a fight set up with the intention of making TKD look good. That fighter was very inexperienced.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Dear Damian Mavis,

Glad to see you over here...havent heard much from you is everything going? How are your schools?

Hey there Spookey, ya I'm still around, I'm just very busy but I miss doing the things I used to do back in Canada so drop by the boards every once in a while. My schools are going well, the new one in Thailand is steadily growing, funnily enough the majority of my students are Japanese, I have to teach in Japanese although I use Korean for basic commands. I've got about 50 students here so far but will grow when I open a commercial dojang.

I've been getting alot of showbiz work lately, I'm very excited. It was a big reason I moved here, I've worked on 8 commercials and 3 movies so far. The best work I've had is a fight scene with Tony Jaa on his new movie (Tony Jaa is the Thai action Star of Ong Bak) it was a short fight scene but I finally lived my dream of kicking and getting kicked by an action star for an action movie. The other exciting thing I worked on and am still working on is a hollywood movie called 5th Commandment. I play 2 roles in that movie and my first role was shot already, both the camera shooting and me getting blown away by the main villain (Roger Yuan, the dude who kidnapped Lucy Lui in Shanghai Knights) I had a line I had to say to Roger Yuan before he shoots me and I do a stunt flying back over my chair. That was very exciting because when you have a speaking part the camera shows your face clearly.... unfortunatly there's no telling if this movie will go straight to video heh. I play the role of bodyguard next week for that movie, I had to grow a beard to change my look.

Things are going pretty well, now all I've got to do is have a few more muay thai fights and I'll have accomplished all my goals in Thailand!

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I've seen that clip before, either it was staged or the Muay Thai guy was just rubbish.

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