the worst blow


Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
Reaction score
What was the worst blow you'd ever had?

In a kup test I got a spining hook kicks to the jaw, it was a well knock out, I just did not felt a thing, just stumble and fall, in those old days the helmet was something years to come and we practiced on wooden floors.

I sure got serius blows inside tkd but this incapacitated me pretty quickly.

Took a brutal punch to the liver once. I dropped right away and couldn't continue sparring. It's the worst pain I've ever felt, including breaking a rib.
Collecting a solid sidekick with my short ribs. It did not make it any better that I repeated that a few weeks later. It hurt for weeks!
I spinning heel kick into my kidney ... the second it hit me i was knocked to the side, I felt it for days afterwards )=
Spinning back hook kick to the head. Misjudged and did a great block but it was in the crook of the leg behind the knee. The leg continued around and I effectively then stopped his heel with my head...
It was just like a Bugs Bunny cartoon, the world went smaller until it blipped out like a circle pin hole and then opened up again but now with a bunch of folks asking if I was Ok.

Walther, wherever you are... nice shot!
Outside cresent kick to my head. It was my first sparring day and I was paired up with a teenaged black belt where at the time I was 12 and even though I was wearing a helmet, I was also wearing earrings and they got ripped all out. There was some blood but it didn't tear my ear off even though it felt like it did at the time.
There have been a couple.

KO'd by a roundhouse over my overhand ridge hand strike. KO did not hurt at all. Just lights then no lights then lights again.

The two that hurt the most were a back kick to the ribs (broken) that put me out of action for 6 weeks. And the 2nd was a punch to the kidneys. That hurt like nothing else right on the spot. Pain lasted about a week.
Personally the worst blow I ever took was a spinning back kick to the solar plexis. I actually thought I broke something, but ultimate what ended up happening was pretty much every ounce of breath I thought I owned left my body and I crumpled into heap unable to do much else but bow out at the end of the class.
Actually i took a spinning back kick to my ..."Jewels" not so long ago and that hurt pretty bad too =/
BackKick to the nutz. Dropped me for 15 minutes.... couldn't breath...

I threw a round house to the head, he countered with a back kick.... hit square underneath, not on top. I had on a cup, the addidas foam contoured one,
not the traditional

... it shoved the pointy end of it straight up under the jewels....

had to go to the doctor because of the large Hemotomin behind my jewels, AND they turned BLACK.... not ok for a white guy.....:shrug:

resulted in a Few MRI's and checks....

If I develope colon cancer or prostate problems.... this will be the direct cause I'm sure.....
Good Lord! I actually got queasy reading your story. If there was a way I could UNTHANK you for this post, I would. :)

BackKick to the nutz. Dropped me for 15 minutes.... couldn't breath...

I threw a round house to the head, he countered with a back kick.... hit square underneath, not on top. I had on a cup, the addidas foam contoured one,
not the traditional

... it shoved the pointy end of it straight up under the jewels....

had to go to the doctor because of the large Hemotomin behind my jewels, AND they turned BLACK.... not ok for a white guy.....:shrug:

resulted in a Few MRI's and checks....

If I develope colon cancer or prostate problems.... this will be the direct cause I'm sure.....
Wow ... when i took a spinning back kick there i was fine after a few minutes ... nothing permantly injured ..... well here's hoping you don't develop prostate problems :)
AAaaaahhhhhhh... this crazy we life we call taekwondo....

brings us all kinds of joy.... and PAIN.
Good Lord! I actually got queasy reading your story. If there was a way I could UNTHANK you for this post, I would. :)

its all good.... didnt squash a nut or anything... and they still work.

Feel free to just skip the next thanks you consider and we'll call it even
"... it shoved the pointy end of it straight up under the jewels.... "

You win. I have to go throw up now.
Talking about pain? then I must say once when I was a red belt I got a fast tap in the tip of my pennis, this droped me in terrible pain, the pain went from the tip of my penis going inside the pennis all the way to the testicles and way up to the kidney area, it was just a tap, it was a very fast tap kick, my partner slap me in the tip of the pennis with his foot toe.

Now another deseperate thing was a reverse punch to my solar plexus, I was charging sending a roundhouse kick my sparrin (my sambonim) stoped me with a solid reverse punch I went to the floor in tear cause my diafragma sticked to my rib cage and could not breath, I felt death almost I couldn't breath for long minutes.

Talking about pain? then I must say once when I was a red belt I got a fast tap in the tip of my pennis, this droped me in terrible pain, the pain went from the tip of my penis going inside the pennis all the way to the testicles and way up to the kidney area, it was just a tap, it was a very fast tap kick, my partner slap me in the tip of the pennis with his foot toe.
This had me laughing so hard I cried. Not that you pain is funny in anyway Manny, but the way you explained it was classic. Or at least I was able to read it as such.
This had me laughing so hard I cried. Not that you pain is funny in anyway Manny, but the way you explained it was classic. Or at least I was able to read it as such.

at least he said "inside" instead of SHAFT!!!!! then it would have been something descriptive out of a porno!
I did it to my own stupid self.

Did a jump kick, landed wrong, blew my ACL.
I did it to my own stupid self.

Did a jump kick, landed wrong, blew my ACL.

Sickening painful....but I am afraid it lacks the extra ouch factor as the shots to the jewels...even if those stop hurting after a few minutes and the ACL keeps on giving...

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