the pleasures of moveing (lol)


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Aug 29, 2001
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Athol, Ma. USA
Haveing just packed and moved the first 75 boxes of stuff out of my apt. to the new one, and seeing how much more there is to do, I hought it might be fun to here some of the funny and horror stories of those that have made moves, be it across town or acroos country


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Apr 16, 2004
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Each time you move it, it gets more difficult to move all your stuff. Stuff just accumulates according to how much space you can move into. I cannot fathom another move from our house now without some serious selloff. Even that would be difficult as you get attached to your "stuff". I'm at the point in my life that I would like less stuff to dust and clean. Simplicity in design and fewer things seem to be the way to go.

Last time we moved across country, California to Minnesota, our stuff went to the south as in Georgia, then up roundabout up to Minnesota. Didn't even know that was going to happen until it did, but happily we got it back. Happy moving, Tshadowchaser! TW


2nd Black Belt
Apr 15, 2005
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Miami Beach, FL
I will be moving in about two weeks to another place in the same town, but will be in an area called Coconut Grove down here where I live. Sure I am looking forward to living there, but not looking forward to the move. I can already anticipate having a lamp or something fall from the 10th floor all the way into the bay or what not.


Senior Master
Mar 5, 2006
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Hillsboro, Oregon
thing one: three moves should be as good as a fire.

thing two: invite your friends to help you move. promise beer. deliver the beer only after, repeat after everything you value is safely in your new abode. i speak from experience here. ouch.

Rich Parsons

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Oct 13, 2001
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I once went to a wedding up in Houghton Michigan, (* Michigan Tech *). After the wedding unknown to us all we were helping the bride and groom move their stuff back down state. :(

After a few minutes I took over the packing and had to sometimes repack the trunks and back seats of cars multiple times as they would find one more item that just had to go on this trip. :rolleyes:

Somewhere in there a camera was lost. It had the wedding photos on it. :( :wah: I had given it to the brides mother, and she states she never got it so I must have placed it somewhere. Yet, I could tell everyone where anything was in the four trunks of the vehicles, and what was in what back seat, but I missed the camera somewhere.

I move like an engineer.

I have a plan. I get my help to carry the heavy stuff, and bulky stuff, and then I pack it for one, maybe two trips.

People always seemed amazed, yet if the professionals can do it, then I should also with the same tools, i.e. appliance dollies, proper tie downs, etcetera. I may not be as fast, but it is a puzzle that I can solve.


Mar 1, 2003
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I am the quinticential cheap bastard. When I moved to New Hampshire, it probably took 12 or more trips in my jeep to get my crap up from Western Mass.

When we moved from Hudson to Nashua.

College Bound Movers !

The best six hundred bucks I ever spent.


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Jul 22, 2004
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a happy place
When we moved last year I did a MAJOR clean and purge of all of our stuff. Gave lots of stuff away to charity, etc. It made the move so much easier cause we didn't haul all that useless crud with us.

Oh yeah and what Bushidomartialarts said about the beer is so true! :D


Senior Master
Feb 6, 2006
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West Michigan
Packing right now for a move 1/2 way across country, Michigan to Maine. The wife and I have the exact view on things; If we haven't used it for a while, we can get rid of it. I have made more trips to Salvation Army, Goodwill, and the dump than I care to admit (My how "stuff" gathers.)

Having moved more times than the average there have been a few horror stories, but funny incidences overshadow them in the long run. Never forget moving from Dallas, Tx to Sault Ste. Marie, MI as a teenager with my parents. The POS car mom drove (why she liked it is beyond ANY of us) started having clutch problems shortly after leaving Texas, well Dad being dad just couldn't see stopping and having the clutch repaired "on the road" so bless her heart she kept that thing going all the way. I think that woman only stopped for gas from point A to point B because she was convinced every time she stopped, that is where the car was going to stay and not get going again. Have to pee? either go out the window or hold it until the next gas stop. Lordy that was an interesting trip! Could be construed as either a Horror story or funny story, depends on living it, or looking back on it. As an adult looking back, I can see why the choice was made to press-on, money or lack thereof, not Dad being a bone-head.

So to all who are moving: Keep the faith, it will look funny in 20 or 30 years! :partyon:


MTS Alumni
Jan 21, 2003
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79 Wistful Vista
I really miss being in the military when it's moving time. Every time I was transfered in the Corps all I had to do was sit in a chair, watch the movers pack stuff up and check off every thing on the list. Unpacking was just as easy and I was always lucky in that I never once had to file a damage claim. Moving as a civilian is a huge pain in the butt.


Sr. Grandmaster
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Aug 29, 2001
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Athol, Ma. USA
When I was younger my wifw and i would move to a new location about every five years 9 just wanted to see the country) so we did not collect a lot. As we got older we moved less oftem and for the life of me I can't figure out how she collected so much (we all know i didn't collect much:rofl: )
we where moveing from the west coast to the east one time and an officer of some kind (i forget what now) pulled us over so his new dog could get some practice sniffing for many things. After haveing my open the truck he asked i we had receits for all we had in the truck (like anyone keeps furniture recites as long as the have the furniture) when i said no he had me unload almost half the truck so he could be sure all the stuff was old. I guess he thought I was smuggling) after which I got the pleasure of trying to repack the damn thing. He did say thank you befor he left.

Jade Tigress

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Mar 11, 2004
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Lisa said:
When we moved last year I did a MAJOR clean and purge of all of our stuff. Gave lots of stuff away to charity, etc. It made the move so much easier cause we didn't haul all that useless crud with us.

Oh yeah and what Bushidomartialarts said about the beer is so true! :D

Same here. Whenever we move we do a major purge of stuff we don't want to move. So much accumulates over the years that we just don't need to keep anymore. Lessens the amount to pack and haul for sure.

All I can say is moving is a pain. We are moving to another state in about 3 weeks now and i haven't even begun putting anything in boxes yet...*sigh*...


Sr. Grandmaster
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Aug 21, 2003
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Chattanooga, TN
I've moved a lot. More than I care to count. Lost a lot of stuff on the way. Found some things too.
Almost every single time that I've moved it rained or there was some type of precipitation. As if the heavens weep I sometimes think.

But like TigerWoman I've found that I keep having more stuff to pack than when I first unpacked. Right now I don't have a lot, as my last move took a full-sized pickup truck bed full with a single load. The time before that it was a mid-sized truck bed.

One of the key elements I found in my moves is to learn how to get rid of what you will not need for the next place. It's amazing how much junk one can acquire without realizing it.

One of the things I do is go through all of my stuff (pre-packing) and with a trash bag/can I pick up an item and ask myself do I need, will use, hold value (real value ... sentimental or monetary) to this? If I can't answer that in five seconds it goes in the bag/can. Honestly... of the stuff that I threw away; I don't miss it and 99% of the time don't even remember what it was.
This I found to be very helpful in minimizing the size of the move.


Crazy like a...
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Jan 16, 2006
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Heh. My most recent moving experience is probably my most memorable of all...because it didn't happen :D

Due to a slow-pay contract broker, my cashflow stopped right around the holidays. A huge check was held up. For the first time in my life, I was facing eviction papers. As much as I didn't want to leave, I was getting prepared to do it. My delinquent broker is not my landlord's fault.

I went to court, negotiated an lenient repay agreement and agreed to vacate. A day later, I had a job offer letter in my hand. The following Monday, I called up my property manager, proposed a more agressive repay agreement and asked if I could stay on. She agreed.

And as of Thrusday.....120+ days overdue, I finally have my check that I was counting on, I have a cool new job, my landlord and everyone else are paid up, and I don't have to give up a place to live that I absolutely adore, and that dang, can go to blazes.

I have never been so happy to NOT move in my life! Woo HOO!!!


Black Belt
Jan 19, 2006
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San Francisco, CA
Hmmm moved from Seattle to San Fran...Gave everything away that couldnt fit in two duffle bags.. Yep...The joys of being 23


Sr. Grandmaster
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Aug 29, 2001
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Athol, Ma. USA
I can almost remember the says when i could put everything in a ufle bag now it takes a couple trucks. If I took only what i needed it would be way different but I have become sentimental

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