The Lee's: Murdered?


Withered Soul

Is it just me or does it seem funny the way both Bruce and Brandon Lee died?

Bruce died from swelling of the brain after taking a prescribed asprin. Seems strange? Someone gives him a pill to cure his headache and the next day he's dead? As said in Fist Of Fury, one of Bruce's own films he said "How can a healthy man die?!?".

Brandon: shot whilst doing The Crow. Apparently it was meant to be a blank. But how can you 'accidently' swap a blank firing gun to a real gun? Seems odd to me.

Maybe someone in the martial arts industy didn't like the idea that Bruce was the best and wanted rid, but Bruce had a son, maybe he inherited Bruce's super genes, so he/she had to off him too.

Your views?
Originally posted by Withered Soul

Your views?

Super Genes? Your smoking some very strong stuff.......:rolleyes:
Regarding Brandon, I believe that it was in fact a blank that killed him. A blank being just a bullet without a projectile, something was in the barrel and the blank caused it to become a bullet.

I may be thinking of someone else though....:confused:
I agree with MoB..

The day Brandon was shot the armorer was not there, the assistant armorer was handaling everything and we can only assume he mad a mistake considering once he heard what happened he killed himself..

In a movie where you are sometimes firing blanks and sometimes live rounds in guns that look the same (depending on what sequience they are shooting in) it could be easy to switch two guns.

As to Bruce, he had an alegic reaction.. healthy people CAN have alergic reactions..

And what evidence do you have of someone wanting them dead? just because they were good and in movies?
I had a friend who went to school with Brandon Lee, then moved east after college. She said he was a good guy, but a little wild; and she also said he was haunted by his father's death. It didn't surprise her he died the way he did. It makes me wonder sometimes- I think many die because of the way we live and maybe he courted disaster one too many times. Who knows?

I've heard the conspiracy theory many times in regard to Bruce Lee's death, and although there are probably many plausible reasons for his death, it wouldn't surprise me either way.

Both men left a void in the martial arts community. Let's not dwell on how they died, but what they left behind. :asian:
Bruce Lee had a brain aneurysm due to an allergic medication for his headaches. A very rare condition to be allergic to such a relatively common medicine.

Brandon was killed more to direct accidental reasons.
from what i have heard brandons death was an accident at the fault of a bad armorer... the shot was supposed to be the camera looking down the barrel of the gun and they had taken some ammo dumped the powder out and put the bullet back in the casing to give the illiusion of live rounds in the gun when the camera looked down the barrel... the problem being that they left the primer intact on the rounds and when the guy pulled the trigger it was enough force to lodge the bullet into the barrel and then when they did the shot with the full load blanks.. it forced the bullet lodged in the barrel out and into brandon... could have been prevented had they just removed the primer from the round but hey hind sight is 20/20... as far as bruce goes i dont know if i really believe the whole allergic reaction thing... i mean he did piss alot of people off and im sure that the triad had enough influence to get a doctor to slip him something...
Originally posted by Withered Soul
Is it just me or does it seem funny the way both Bruce and Brandon Lee died?

Bruce died from swelling of the brain after taking a prescribed asprin. Seems strange? Someone gives him a pill to cure his headache and the next day he's dead? As said in Fist Of Fury, one of Bruce's own films he said "How can a healthy man die?!?".

Brandon: shot whilst doing The Crow. Apparently it was meant to be a blank. But how can you 'accidently' swap a blank firing gun to a real gun? Seems odd to me.

Maybe someone in the martial arts industy didn't like the idea that Bruce was the best and wanted rid, but Bruce had a son, maybe he inherited Bruce's super genes, so he/she had to off him too.

Your views?

Clarification of some skewed facts:

Yes, Bruce died from an allergic reaction to a prescribed painkiller. However, the painkiller was NOT prescribed to him. The prescription was for Betty Ting Pei. To be more specific, the painkiller was Equagesic and the compound that the medical examiner said Bruce was allergic to was Meprobomate (sp?). So, with the correct information, it doesn't seem quite so mysterious that Bruce could have an allergic reaction to medication that was meant for someone else. It was just a sad coincidence.

As for the gun that killed Brandon, it was a gun that was used in two ways. First, it was used for closeup shots. Rounds with no powder were placed in the gun so that it would look real, since blanks do not look like complete rounds (no bullet). Later, the dummy rounds were replaced with blanks to film the death scene for Brandon's character.

During shooting, one of the bullets from a dummy round somehow became dislodged and got stuck in the gun's barrel. Later, the rounds were replaced with blanks...moderate powder charge but no bullet. However, the gun did have a bullet stuck in the barrel. That, combined with the discharge from the blank that was fired in Brandon's 'death scene' effectively made a live round. The bullet was fired from the barrel and into Brandon. I believe it severed a large artery and he bled to death. Another sad coincidence.

I realize Bruce and Brandon get new fans all the time, as younger generations discover them. They eventually come across the tragic circumstances of their deaths and then start to read and hear about the 'mysterious circumstances' involved. Please. To all you new fans, before you get taken up with all these idiotic conspiracy theories, try to read up on some actual facts. Their deaths were tragic enough as it is without having to deal with sensationalist bullcrap.

Originally posted by Cthulhu
Meprobomate (sp?).

Meprobamate. I didn't know that- very interesting. Also known as Milltown.

BTW, it is still used, although not too frequently. It's used for anxiety & pain, has a lot of cross-allergies associated with it.
Originally posted by Jill666
Meprobamate. I didn't know that- very interesting. Also known as Milltown.

BTW, it is still used, although not too frequently. It's used for anxiety & pain, has a lot of cross-allergies associated with it.

Thanks for the correction, Jill. Yes, I believe cerebral edema was a known (though very rare) allergic reaction to Meprobamate, which is why the M.E. made that decision.

There are other theories surrounding cannabis leaf remnants found in his stomach as well as a collapse with seizures he suffered some months earlier, but I think I'll go with the M.E.'s report. The thing is, as far as I know, all the people coming up with these whacked out theories are NOT in the medical or forensics field.

I just watched a show the other day that stated it was just as likely that Bruce Lee, who had an alergy to THC, died from an injestion of hashish. I didn't know it was possible but Mr. Lee was a pretty hight strung guy. Stranger things have happened. The aspirin theory was not brought up oddly enough.
Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
Mr. Lee was a pretty high strung guy.

Oh, you knew him then? :rofl:

I never heard that one. :shrug: Imagine being allergic to THC huh-some of us would never make it through junior high.
Yeah the theory I always got told was that Bruce was out on the town one night and had a lil' bit of weed or hashesh or whatever it was causing an allergic reaction. The reason the Aspirin and "Mysterious" coma stuff came up was because Bruce's fans and family didnt want everyones hero's death to be linked to drugs and cause a huge scandal. Makes sense but.....:idunno:
Thanks for the info. But I still find Bruce's death a bit strange.

Also, does The Crow have Brandon's real life death scene or is it, like Game of Death, replaced by a lookalike?
Originally posted by Withered Soul
Thanks for the info. But I still find Bruce's death a bit strange.

Also, does The Crow have Brandon's real life death scene or is it, like Game of Death, replaced by a lookalike?

Thats a bit sick if they put a man dyeing in the movie......and pretty disrespectful :asian:
They had a double (forget his name) finish the movie. Of course they didn't have the film of Brandon dying in the movie!
Originally posted by Jill666
They had a double (forget his name) finish the movie. Of course they didn't have the film of Brandon dying in the movie!

Jeez had me scared for a while!

But back on it me or does the whole Weed smoking thing make more sense then he just took some medication....cuz theres quite a few stories of that one :confused:

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