The Kenpo paunch. Know what I mean?


Purple Belt
Jun 28, 2007
Reaction score
Albuquerque NM.
It seems to me whenever I come across old time Kenpoists, they are all to often, heavy-set. You agree? Don't get me wrong, these guys are still very tough. And you certainly don't need to be thin to be a great martial artist. But think about it, Ed Parker and a host of other Kenpoists, became heavyset. This doesnt automatically happen to everyone over 50. I've got a theory. Its because the workouts in the past were grueling, and they got used to an appetite for alot of calories.
What do you think?
agreed. It is the same with alot of other arts as well.
I'm just pushing 30 but I've found my weight gain to be going haywire after being retired for a few years due to injuries. I'm struggling to keep myself at 220 pounds when I use to be in the 160 to 170 range :(

"chi belly" --> you guys are too much!

I have also wondered about this. It seems very strange to me. I have seen men who have a fairly large belly, doing jumping kicks, and jumping spinning kicks, and nailing them spot on, very powerfully, with very nice form.

It just seems weird that the belly is so big.

One thing is for sure, though. If I ever go to any Kenpo seminar, or see a gathering of Kenpo people somewhere, and see the belly out, I will not shout out the "famous last words", "Cmon, fatboy, lets see what you got!!!"


That's a good way to get hit, what, oh, say 20 or so times before I hit the floor???
Looks like I picked the right MA. I start Kenpo in a few weeks and I already have a large "chi belly". Will this move me up in belts quicker than the skinny guys? As for my caloric intake I think all thousands of 16oz. curls over the years had something to do with it.
PS. As my teacher is ~6'4" and 270 I don't think I'll call him fatboy either.
Kennedy, saw by your profile that you're a young guy still. It takes years of training to truly develop an impressive chi belly. But if you eat some of that Little Ceasars and do a lot of 16oz curls you will be well on your way. I wish I had a photo so I could show you what one REALLY looks like, Segal would be jealous.
Just tell them that you have the body of a god...Buddha!

Do you guys remember Sammo Hung from "Martial Law"? I was reading an interview with him and he said something along the lines of "I'm not out of shape, I'm just fat".
Just tell them that you have the body of a god...Buddha!

Do you guys remember Sammo Hung from "Martial Law"? I was reading an interview with him and he said something along the lines of "I'm not out of shape, I'm just fat".
Hmmm... body of a God. Now that you mention it there is a certain resemblance( shaved head, prodigous chi belly) but the seated pose just seems to escape me. Guess i'll just have to wait for the next incarnation.

As for Sammo, he could really move for a big guy. Have you seen the old Jackie Chan movies? Sammo is in many of them and did a lot of fight choreography too. Kind of gives us larger guys some inspiration.
I've seen him do backflips, chi belly and all!
Well, I can't do backflips, but I have to laugh when I hear these under-achievers brag about their 6-packs. Hell, I'm working on a keg. :lol:
We're doing it as a public service to all our chi-bellied non-MA brethren. How much trouble are you going to start if you have to worry about every old fat guy in the area being a kenpoist? Not much.

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