"the heartland"


Blue Belt
Feb 10, 2007
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Can someone fill me in as to what this phrase means? As far as I can tell the "heartland" is any part of the country that isn't the coasts and votes republican..is this accurate?
It's a feel-good phrase, nearly devoid of real content. Thus, it has no precise definition. Politicians say it, and those who feel it applies to them are warmed by it and are presumably more likely to vote for said politician. Generally, it seems to mean wherever early primary voting agriculture-intensive states are which receive massive federal entitlements due to their importance in the voting process. There's a reason why all the candidates talk about corn ethanol subsidies early in the primary season, and walk around Ohio and Iowa with corn cobs in their hands.
That's sort of what I thought. Thanks for filling me in.
I live in The Heartland. Doesn't make me feel all gooey inside. But then, it DOES sound better than "Fly Over States." =)