Need a room near Alexandria Virginia, military transfer...


Master of Arts
Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2012
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
So the Coast Guard is sending me to the Alexandria Virginia region for the next four years. Anybody on here live in that area and willing to rent me a room to live in? I can pay a reasonable rental rate. It could be an incredible opportunity for someone who wants to learn Hapkido....
Sorry, no spare room, and not all that close to Alexandria, either. Something to realize about the DC area is that, due to the joyous traffic snarl we have (last I heard, we ranked 2nd to Los Angeles... and it was close), 30 or 40 miles can be a long trip. I'd suggested you focus on Alexandria & Arlington, though it'll be a bit spendy. You might find something in Fairfax, and you may want to consider looking in MD, too. A lot depends on exactly where you'll be, too. If you're at the Coast Guard base off Telegraph Road, you might look at eastern Prince William County, too, but if you're at the Pentagon? Some of those same places mean an hour plus travel time each day... You can probably find places available via eBay and Craig's List.

I'll see if there are any rooms posted at the police academies in the area.
I utilized Craig's List for room mates or housing all the way up to when I bought my home 5 years ago. Its a great resource.

Pay particular attention to the local universities such as Marymount and the services that attract students of those universities. You may be able to link up with a Masters or PhD student who also needs someone to room with for a year or two.
Another resource is the military; there are LOTS of military personnel in the DC area, for varying lengths of time. There are many service members who are in a similar position as Instructor...
Thanks guys. I am reaching out to anybody and everybody at this point. Fort Belviore offered a 2 bedroom apt for $1,850 a month.... I just about fell off my chair. That's more than we are paying for our very nice house and 3 acres back in Gloucester.
That's about reasonable. Honestly, right now, if your finances can swing it, you might be better off buying a condo or townhouse and either selling it down the road, or turning it into an income property when you get reassigned.
Your housing allowance that the military offers will take the market in to account. Plus if I'm not mistaken, since you are married, your housing allowance will reflect that of a married person (and therefore be higher), even if your wife and kids are remaining home in Gloucester.
Yup telegraph road.

Well, at least welcome to the area, wherever you end up staying.
Thanks guys. I am reaching out to anybody and everybody at this point. Fort Belviore offered a 2 bedroom apt for $1,850 a month.... I just about fell off my chair. That's more than we are paying for our very nice house and 3 acres back in Gloucester.

That is a lot. But prices in this area vary due to location, and what the traffic will bear. Quite often, one may find a two bedroom apartment actually being shared by three people. I have heard that places like the new Walmart in Washington are renting for a little over $2200 on up, but that is close to Capitol Hill. I suspect you could find places not too far from Ft Belvoir for less. You might want to try Stafford, VA, or even Fredericksburg, VA, for less. Stafford is not that far, but the traffic can be bad unless you are willing to pay for a flex pass. However, places like Stafford and Fredericksburg may well have car pooling available. Your only problem will be finding someone who can get you to your place, which isn't a popular destination. One other option would be buses or trains from where you are to a location where local buses take over. Many people do that.

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