The .600 Overkill

I don't see how. The .600 Overkill is nothing like the ar-15 and its not one of those rifles that people are trying to ban so its not political.
I think more how people are reacting to your post, big guy.
We're not talking about killing elephants. Steve was asking of the thread had to do with AR-15s which it doesn't.
The .600 overkill was developed to kill elephants. Why do you have one? What do you use it for? At $45 or $50 per cartridge, that's not something you just fire off out of boredom...

So I ask, do you kill elephants?
Killing animals for sport is a scummy thing to do. If people have to kill animals to survive then so be it. But to kill just for the fun of it is completely wrong and anyone who does I have 0 respect for.
This thread was not supposed to be about hunting and it was not supposed to be about AR-15s which Steve has brought into the discussion from left field, its supposed to be about the .600 Overkill. You don't like hunting buffalo? Fine. I didn't hunt the buffalo in the picture, its just a picture the company uses to show the size of the rifle in comparison to the buffalo. I was asking of anybody would ever try shooting it. And by that I mean not at a buffalo but at a shooting range.
This thread was not supposed to be about hunting and it was not supposed to be about AR-15s which Steve has brought into the discussion from left field, its supposed to be about the .600 Overkill. You don't like hunting buffalo? Fine. I didn't hunt the buffalo in the picture, its just a picture the company uses to show the size of the rifle in comparison to the buffalo. I was asking of anybody would ever try shooting it. And by that I mean not at a buffalo but at a shooting range.

Then all you had to do is ask the question. People aren't stupid, why would they need a picture of a buffalo to show the size of the rifle?
There is the point too that it was designed to kill elephants, after previous discussion on MT you must surely have realised that killing animals for pleasure isn't something people approve of or want happening. Hunting for food and/or survival is a different subject, killing for fun/pleasure/thrills is not only distasteful it's immoral. You know how people feel yet you ignore that feeling and post up picture of a weapon with a dead buffalo.
Life is easy as a hypocrite.(me) I could never shoot an animal other than for pure survival, it's just not in me. But I'm just fine and dandy eating anything someone else kills. I'll even cook.

Life at the top of the food chain can sometimes be morally difficult, I guess. But both the view, and the food, is exceptional.
Life is easy as a hypocrite.(me) I could never shoot an animal other than for pure survival, it's just not in me. But I'm just fine and dandy eating anything someone else kills. I'll even cook.

Life at the top of the food chain can sometimes be morally difficult, I guess. But both the view, and the food, is exceptional.

If it is any consolation. All these buffalo pigs and other feral animals that get killed over here and left to rot are generally so people can eat vegetables.

Those vegetarians are scumbags.
Life is easy as a hypocrite.(me) I could never shoot an animal other than for pure survival, it's just not in me. But I'm just fine and dandy eating anything someone else kills. I'll even cook.

Life at the top of the food chain can sometimes be morally difficult, I guess. But both the view, and the food, is exceptional.

No arguments from me, I just don't see why people find killing animals enjoyable and fun. They aren't even using the carcase for food, just cutting the tail off for example as a trophy. One has to have respect for life, that doesn't mean you have to be a veggie but it means you kill only what you need for food and use as much of the animal as possible. Killing anything should not be a pleasure, even if it's a necessity.
No arguments from me, I just don't see why people find killing animals enjoyable and fun. They aren't even using the carcase for food, just cutting the tail off for example as a trophy. One has to have respect for life, that doesn't mean you have to be a veggie but it means you kill only what you need for food and use as much of the animal as possible. Killing anything should not be a pleasure, even if it's a necessity.
And some animals should never be hunted for any reason, like elephants, rhinos, whales, dolphins, polar bears, big cats...
Those aren't animals we need to eat.
This thread was not supposed to be about hunting and it was not supposed to be about AR-15s which Steve has brought into the discussion from left field, its supposed to be about the .600 Overkill. You don't like hunting buffalo? Fine. I didn't hunt the buffalo in the picture, its just a picture the company uses to show the size of the rifle in comparison to the buffalo. I was asking of anybody would ever try shooting it. And by that I mean not at a buffalo but at a shooting range.
At nearly $50 per cartridge, who can afford to go shooting at the range with it? There is very little reason to own one, other than for the purpose for which it was designed, which is killing elephants. So, why do you have one? It's not a "fun" gun to have, unless you are quite wealthy you can't go spend the day firing off a couple hundred rounds at the range, just for fun. The recoil must be downright unpleasant if not injurious, so I can't imagine it would be fun at all to shoot.
Many years ago my cousin lived in Colorado and his next door neighbor was John Denver, but he never saw him, they lived on different mountains. My cousin had a .460 Weatherby Magnum he carried when he went out on his property, not with the intent to kill something, although he did hunt deer for the meat, just not with the .460 Weatherby Magnum. He carried the .460 Weatherby Magnum just in case he ever ran into a Grizzly bear that was not all to happy with his presence. While he lived there he did come across a Grizzly but luckily he never had to use the Weatherby.

There can be other reasons to own these guns than what they were intended for. However I do not think I would go get me a .460 Weatherby Magnum for target practice.
He carried the .460 Weatherby Magnum just in case he ever ran into a Grizzly bear that was not all to happy with his presence

If the grizzly came into his home he'd be entitled to shoot it to defend him and his family, if he goes into the grizzly's home the bear should be entitled to defend himself without being shot surely.
If the grizzly came into his home he'd be entitled to shoot it to defend him and his family, if he goes into the grizzly's home the bear should be entitled to defend himself without being shot surely.
From a moral standpoint, sure. But at the same time, if I accidentally wander into a grizzly's den, I've got the gun and he looks like he's going to kill me, you can be I'm shooting him. Not going to give my life up for the moral high ground. If I wander in, see him sleeping, I'd just try to slip away.
From a moral standpoint, sure. But at the same time, if I accidentally wander into a grizzly's den, I've got the gun and he looks like he's going to kill me, you can be I'm shooting him. Not going to give my life up for the moral high ground. If I wander in, see him sleeping, I'd just try to slip away.

or you could just not go anywhere near where bears live................

Is it true that the US is bringing I a law that hunters can shoot hibernating bears? It's been on the news here but it sounds ridiculous so we assume it's not true.
or you could just not go anywhere near where bears live................

Is it true that the US is bringing I a law that hunters can shoot hibernating bears? It's been on the news here but it sounds ridiculous so we assume it's not true.
Ideally, I would not go where bears live. But if I'm camping and accidentally run into one, I'm going to defend myself rather than die.

I have no clue. I haven't heard that law, but I also don't go hunting so don't really pay attention to news in that area.
or you could just not go anywhere near where bears live................

Is it true that the US is bringing I a law that hunters can shoot hibernating bears? It's been on the news here but it sounds ridiculous so we assume it's not true.
One of the funniest SNL skits was about the Hip Hop Kids, trapped in a bear cave. Please, you guys. Look it up. You will thank me. It will provide a much needed laugh, I hope.

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