TDK Presentation


Senior Master
Dec 20, 2004
Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona

Could be a terminology issue too. When I say block or defense, I'm not talking about a down block etc. I'm talking aobut keeping you hands up so that your target areas are protected. Blocking a kick just because my arms are up is not an incidental block. That's the whole point of keeping the hands up in the first place.

Yeah, terminology :) We focus more on evasions than downblocks to defend against a kick for example. If you came with a roundhouse attack, I'd be more likely to evade bakwards or laterally and counterstrike from that position than I would be to downblock our outerblock your attack and strike back from my original position. Our instructor puts a very strong emphasis, though, on keeping your hands and arms up in a defensive posture. Once when sparring him, he lightly kicked me in the chin just to remind me to keep my guard up.

What I meant by 'incidental' is more like in the middle of a melee you would naturally block a kick with a downblock, etc...but that's not normally the first line of defense.