Superman renounces US citizenship.

Omar B

Senior Master
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Queens, NY. Fort Lauderdale, FL
So I was supposed to be in a meeting but 2 people didn't show yet so I'm puttering around with nothing to do.

An issue has been dancing around my head since last Wednesday. Action Comics #900 which was a super sized issue with many special guest writers and artists had something a little shocking to some.

Speaking to the nation's National Security advisor he said ""Truth, justice and the American way - it's not enough anymore. I'm tired of having my actions construed as instruments of US policy, I've been thinking too small. I realize that now."

Some people are against the idea, some are all for it. Personally I think it's an outgrowth of Batman (Bruce Wayne's) "Batman International" storyline going on now where Bruce has left Gotham to Dick Grayson's Batman and Bruce's own Son Damian as Robin. He's traveling around unifying the superheros who started out because they were inspired by Batman to pick up the fight. Like England's Knight and Squire.





Some are gonna take some knee jerk reaction about him being American and that's it. But one could argue that he is Kryptonian rather and he has always protected the entire planet (universe indeed). Or the way I look at it, my father's from India, I was born in Jamaica, I've lived in 8 countries, but I am American.
I hear that man. Much like myself he is an immigrant and loyal to the USA. But I care very deeply about the countries of my birth and father as well as the ones I've lived. One can only imagine how Kal El feels since he has activly participated in events all over the world.
I hear that man. Much like myself he is an immigrant and loyal to the USA. But I care very deeply about the countries of my birth and father as well as the ones I've lived. One can only imagine how Kal El feels since he has activly participated in events all over the world.

No, I agree. I figured that the point of having him land in the rural US was that it was being raised by a midwestern farm couple with traditional values that shaped his morality and guided him toward his role as a hero, not that it made him specifically or exclusively American. I think there was something in The Dark Knight Returns when the nuclear bomb detonated where he alluded to his adoptive world, and it seems to me that that would be the greater loyalty for someone who is not of this planet.
One can also cite The Dark Knight Returns where they take the "truth, justice' and the American way" to the extreme and Superman's just a tool for Reagan and the Military helping to fight that proxy battle between US and Russia in Maltise.
One can also cite The Dark Knight Returns where they take the "truth, justice' and the American way" to the extreme and Superman's just a tool for Reagan and the Military helping to fight that proxy battle between US and Russia in Maltise.

Yeah, it's like that's the situation they are trying to divorce from with this storyline.
Could be. Although the conspiracy theorists are all attwitter about Henry Cavill being cast as Superman since he is English. Personally, I would have never thought Cavill in a million years for the role but I'm no casting director. But he is 4 inches shorter than Superman should be.
Seems to me Donald probably demanded to see the birth certificate and Super told him to F... off! He's welcome here but he won't find as much work ... I mean crime fighting and stuff!
Could be. Although the conspiracy theorists are all attwitter about Henry Cavill being cast as Superman since he is English. Personally, I would have never thought Cavill in a million years for the role but I'm no casting director. But he is 4 inches shorter than Superman should be.

I am pretty sure you won't miss those 4 inches on the big screen!
They have experience in making the average man look good there! ^_^
Superman was awarded 'honorary' citizenship by 'All the Countries of the UN' in 1961, which would have included the USA. So I suppose he could renounce his US citizenship if he wanted to.

However, the US State Department has a very strict procedure for renouncing US citizenship. You can't just blag it around that you're done and all and have it stick.
Superman was awarded 'honorary' citizenship by 'All the Countries of the UN' in 1961, which would have included the USA. So I suppose he could renounce his US citizenship if he wanted to.

However, the US State Department has a very strict procedure for renouncing US citizenship. You can't just blag it around that you're done and all and have it stick.

Well since Superman never gets carded, IDed or anything of the sort I don't see it as an issue. Besides, Clark Kent is still American, as is his wife and son, plus he owns lots of property, pretty nice house in the city and lots of land out there in Kansas (that he still manages to farm).
Superman was awarded 'honorary' citizenship by 'All the Countries of the UN' in 1961, which would have included the USA. So I suppose he could renounce his US citizenship if he wanted to.

However, the US State Department has a very strict procedure for renouncing US citizenship. You can't just blag it around that you're done and all and have it stick.

That's because they want their tax dollars. Does Superman pay taxes? Clark Kent probably does, I wonder if he's going to renounce also.
Well since Superman never gets carded, IDed or anything of the sort I don't see it as an issue. Besides, Clark Kent is still American, as is his wife and son, plus he owns lots of property, pretty nice house in the city and lots of land out there in Kansas (that he still manages to farm).

Well, wait a minute. When did Clark Kent become an American citizen? He was legally adopted by the Kents, but that doesn't confer citizenship; at least it did not at that time. Since 2000, a new US law confers automatic citizenship on foreign babies adopted and brought to the USA legally by parents who are US citizens, but since Kal-El's foreign birth wasn't recorded, nor was he 'brought into the US' after his adoption, I doubt even that would apply to Clark Kent.

In fact, it would be interesting to know how he managed to come by a Social Security card, or how he proves his citizenship to his employer, the Daily Planet. By law, they have to maintain an I-9 form on him, proving his right to legally work in the USA. Just being adopted by parents who are US citizens doesn't make him one.

Now, Clark Kent's son would be a US citizen by birth; an anchor baby. I've been out of the loop - I didn't even know he had married.
Your going off of an old version of the story. Since the Superman restart in the 80's Clark has been an American Citizen. The Superman movies (including Superman Returns) follow the old version of the story (since the first one was before the comic restart) with the elderly parents and the father dieing. In the current story they are a younger couple, they found him and due to being isolated and being snowed in for months it was quite easy to convince the town that Martha gave birth during the winter. Everyone knows John and Martha have been trying for years and people accepted him as their miracle baby. Doesnt hurt that he looks almost exactly like his adopted dad too.

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Then he's definitely an illegal alien. Just because "people accepted" the lie that he was born to the Kents, he wasn't. Tsk, tsk.
I love that you fixate on the "how" he is a citizen part of the alien living god story. I would hate to watch a movie like Beastmaster with you, fuy born from a cow but you would fixate on the who really owns the cow part.

But yeah, small town in the country, where most births are at home. Sure the town doctor/midwife/whoever else is involed in such paperwork would see to him having the necessary paper ... so yeah he is a citizen. Fact is it happened even if it was fraudulent and a few people in town know. Small town hide big secrets.