Strom With Pants Down



Well, it's official. The late Sen Strom Thurmond, arguably the biggest bigot in the Senate in his day, and a guy who built his career on a) race-baiting, b) anti-Communism, c) wacked-out hyper-patriotism, d) moaning about the decline of morals in America, had an illegitimate child.

With one of the black women who worked in his daddy's house, and whom he continued to, "see," for years.

The daughter, who was sent away by her mother when she was six months old, is now 78.

Sen. Strom, when asked about this over the years, repeatedly denied it and went ballistic.

His family has now issued a statement saying that they are glad the daughter has reclaimed her history.

Ah, the list grows of the self-anointed guardians of America's morality.

Bill Bennett. (compulsive gambler)
Jimmy Swaggert. (caught drunk in hotel with hookers)
Pat Robertson. (multi-millionaire)
Henry Hyde (drove girlfriend to abortion clinic)
...and on, and on.
Right up there with Jesse Jackson.

Oh, and there's now a tape of Nixon telling H.R.-call-him-Bob Haldeman that Ronald Reagan was a loser, because nobody liked him in person.

Can I go to the next family reunion?
Damn..he acted like a Kennedy!!...Bastid!*LOL
Yes, Mike, they really know for sure. They also know for darn sure about his being a racist, Red-baiting SOB who was always quick to lecture the rest of us on our declining morality.

They also know for sure about Jimmy Swaggert's sex-and-drugs, the millionaire TV preacher Pat Robertson's blather about lesbians and the ACLU causing 9/11, Wm. Bennett's gambling problems, Henry Hyde's little trip to the abortion clinic, Ollie North's illegal arms-for-hostages deals, Roy Cohn's flamboyant homosexuality, J. Edgar's relations with Clyde W. Toland, and the list goes on and on and on.

At least those silly Democrats are in general embarassed about the moral lectures...given some of their behaviour.
OK right. All the Republicans and military vets are unbending immoral and have no remorse.

But all the Democrat hypocrites at least feel bad for what they do.
First off, Mike, I didn't say a word about vets.

Second off, my only point was that I find it--remarkable--that the very people who keep lecturing us about our moral lapses and the moral decay of America should so often get caught violating the very moral premises upon which they've built their careers.

Kinda makes it hard to take the lectures, or the supposed general moral decline, seriously.

And third off, at least the Dems--for whatever reaon, and with the obvious exception of the Tipper Gores of the world--pretty much avoid screaming at the rest of us about their high moral standards and their religious principles.

Hey, have you seen the Ann Coulter action figure yet?
So it doesn't take a village huh? I seem to remember hearing that one from a prominant Democrat.
Hey hey hey, I resemble that remark. No wait, nevermind, I'm a libertarian vet.
A meeting with Roy Cohn. Or Cohen as he changed the spelling.
When Roy owned Sugarbush Valley Inc. (Actually his parents Sol and Silvia, really nice people owned it under the name Solon Corp.) He contracted the small maintenance company I worked for in '81 to mow the lawn at his estate. Now Servants Unlimited prided themselves on the meticulas work they did and had an exellant reputation. The two owners decided that this was an important contract and that they would do/suppervise the work themselves. They decided that because the lawns were high quality turf they would push mow the estate rather than ride a tractor so as not to leave wheel marks on the lawn. Roy came out and threw a screaming ***** fit because we were "taking too long". The owners explained we were trying to do a good job which is why we were using pushmowers. Roy offered to buy them a g%dd@mn tractor and was told they already had several. We packed up and left never to return. What an idiot.
Now we have a "real" liar, and all you can do is suggest the Kennedy's are just as bad

For Strom to be as bad as a Kennedy he'd have had to drown her and then conveniently forget that he'd done it. ;)
Loved the charming remark about Chappaquiddick, based on mere speculation as it was. Now Teddy Kennedy deliberately killed someone...gimme the proverbial break.

My point was mainly about hypocrisy and mean-spiritedness. If you see no moral issue in someone like Strom, who as one commentator noted spent his whole life fighting to deny rights to the likes of his paramour and her daughter, lecturing about the ungodliness and moral laxity of this country...welll...damn.

And yes, I did neglect the Rush, who has repeatedly lectured on-air about the moral laziness of addicts, the worthlessness of a legal system that won't put enough users in jail, the drug habits of the rich and left-wing, etc. etc. etc. One would think that would bother him.

I also left out G. Gordon Liddy (burglar and talk-show host: called for shooting ATF and FBI agents, "in the head"); Spiro T. Agnew (accepted envelopes of cash for favors, both as Governor and as VP), and the list just goes on. And this is just the guys who have made their careers out of projecting a fine, upstanding moral image and/or lecturing everybody else in the country about their moral laxity and the moral decline of the country.

But I gues that the moral stupidity of lefties is all that matters.
NEed we not forget the poster-boy of rightousness, SlickWilly himself, who makes more on "lecturing" now-a-days than Tony Robbins for all we know.
When exactly, did "Slick Willie:"

a) get elected with the direct assistance of the Klan,
b) call for head shots on cops
c) launch witch-hunts against gay people
d) spout Christian doctrine and pile up a gazillion dollars
e) drive his grilfirend to get an abortion
f) get his daddy to sneak him into the Guard, then not show up for a year
g) violate US law by trading weapons to Iran
h) take envelopes of money from rich contractors

Tell me. All this stuff is well-documented. And whatever Clinton did (or, which I think is worse, DIDN'T do), would you explain how this excuses moral righteousness by obvious hypocrites?

And when, exactly, did President Clinton lecture everybody on their moral failings? Or is this also based on mere presupposition?
"Conservatives" (for lack of a better term) seem to be so quick to bring up a democrate when Strom was brought up as if to say, "What about him?" Lets cut all that s**t for a second and riddle me this:

Does any one on this forum actually support/like Strom Thurmon?

Nope. I'm just surprised you didn't bring his name up for the list. Must have slipped your mind.
Clinton didn't make a career out of lecturing others on their morality. That's why he didn't make the list.
I'm not saying this in support of or opposition to any of the aforementioned people, but, you can't throw out the baby with the bath water. Everyone makes mistakes. That doesn't mean that what they believe, or what they "preach" is wrong. My instructor has made mistakes in class before, but that doesn't mean everything he has ever done or said is wrong. (Of course he did admit the mistake and not try to hide it :) ) Please don't lambast me, re-read my first sentence. I just thought I should make this comment.

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