Spinning after roundhouse kick


Purple Belt
Oct 25, 2015
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Now I've seen this in a few mma fights. The fighter does a roundhouse kick and ends doing a full 360 spin when getting back to their stance. Anyone know why they do this. I get that it'd give you more power and momentum but on a defensive side it's very risky especially in a mma fight where you turn you can get taken down and jumped on and choked out. On one occasion I saw them throw a kick knock the guy down but by the time he'd competed fhe full spin the guy was back on his feet. Now I'm not disrespecting anyone's style if that's the way a style teaches. I have a feeling it could be a mauy Thai techique? But I could be wrong. I just want to understand it and learn and hey I love roundhouse kicks maybe I could learn something to put into my own training
Because if you throw a roundhouse and miss you are in an awkward position. And need to either move or throw something to back the guy up.
The risk is worth the reward, in this instance. Yes, this is a ring technique, and no, you don't use it on the street, unless you are fighting twelve year olds. :)
Also, if the roundhouse is powerful and/or close enough, it makes them go defensive for an instant, which gives you time to throw the spin kick without too much fear (assuming they do not generally respond to roundhouses by rushing-this is something you'd test out beforehand).
It depends on how well you kick to start with. Circumstances come after that.
Now I've seen this in a few mma fights. The fighter does a roundhouse kick and ends doing a full 360 spin when getting back to their stance. Anyone know why they do this. I get that it'd give you more power and momentum but on a defensive side it's very risky especially in a mma fight where you turn you can get taken down and jumped on and choked out. On one occasion I saw them throw a kick knock the guy down but by the time he'd competed fhe full spin the guy was back on his feet. Now I'm not disrespecting anyone's style if that's the way a style teaches. I have a feeling it could be a mauy Thai techique? But I could be wrong. I just want to understand it and learn and hey I love roundhouse kicks maybe I could learn something to put into my own training

If you kick and miss, it might very well be faster to complete the turn than to reverse your momentum.
Which is also a bad habit.

Not necessarily.
Consider. I throw a roundhouse at your head with my right foot (now, that's not a threat, it's purely a hypothetical example. :) ) and you step back, causing me to miss. I allow my momentum to turn me around a bit further, drop that foot to the floor, and (still allowing my momentum to turn me) throw a spinning back kick with my left foot, which you're in range of.
Unless you're on the receiving end of the kick, how is that bad?
Not necessarily.
Consider. I throw a roundhouse at your head with my right foot (now, that's not a threat, it's purely a hypothetical example. :) ) and you step back, causing me to miss. I allow my momentum to turn me around a bit further, drop that foot to the floor, and (still allowing my momentum to turn me) throw a spinning back kick with my left foot, which you're in range of.
Unless you're on the receiving end of the kick, how is that bad?
A practice of stopping your motion, is a practice of stopping your power. The idea is that you are bouncing off your opponent, rather than putting the brakes on yourself. Just something to consider. :)
A practice of stopping your motion, is a practice of stopping your power. The idea is that you are bouncing off your opponent, rather than putting the brakes on yourself. Just something to consider. :)
By the way, that is what is supposed to happen when you actually connect with a Muay Thai round house...
A practice of stopping your motion, is a practice of stopping your power. The idea is that you are bouncing off your opponent, rather than putting the brakes on yourself. Just something to consider. :)

Gotcha. Misunderstood you.
I get that it'd give you more power and momentum but on a defensive side it's very risky especially in a mma fight where you turn you can get taken down and jumped on and choked out.
Agree. But the risk is relative. You may have a plan for that. Or even be willing to go to grappling (more than the other guy)...
By the way, that is what is supposed to happen when you actually connect with a Muay Thai round house...


The issue you have is if your round kicks are not hard. The other guy will be encouraged to catch them and take you down. Also creating risk.

(I will see if I can find it)

But generally they catch the kick and punch you pretty much unopposed in the face. Which sucks by the way.

Found him.

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Dude. That's what you are supposed to do.
Assuming you are talking to the OP, it depends entirely on the style (both fighting style and MA). Some MA's preach that you should turn to launch another attack (in certain circumstances), while others suggest you should never turn your back to the opponent, and if you miss to plant it in front and shift your stance, launch another kick, fall back, etc.
Even if you are in an MA that supports spinning after, if you have a slow spin/are not confident the other person won't bum-rush you, you wouldn't respond to a missed roundhouse by spinning.
Surely it's possible to kick through a target with correct form and not compromise position post-kick. No? I guess it depends on what you understand to be correct form.

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Gotcha. Misunderstood you.

I guess I misunderstood as well. I thought what you described was one continuous motion. I thought it was obvious that you would be keeping your eyes on your opponent to ensure they did not immediately attack either your roundhouse or your back kick. If they do not or can't react to the second kick (assuming the round house didn't tag them) it should catch them off-guard and connect.

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