Spank the Monkey

Rick Wade

Master Black Belt
Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
Norfolk, va
OK I think I have a first on MT

I have all top 10 scores for spank the money in the arcade.

I love to spank the money with that cool dico music. LOL

:partyon: :uhyeah: :boing2: :erg: :lol: :D :drinky:


As an original student of Jose Bonco y Presas-Remy & Ernesto I can safely say to bash the monkey is not a good thing as it degrades you-shows no sign of respect for some one you never met-no sign of respect of ranking or the art you no not of.I started in 1975 & continued to train threw the 80s & 90s.Can you say you had over 35 years of training?Can you honestly put the monkey down were you know not.To some the statement might be funny-others its an insult & put a grim look on who said it & Why.Kuntao monkey is the meanest form of the kuntao arts & it is in the Presas line.I am Guardian & master of that Certified by Remy in 1981 & Ernesto 1981 & Ive kept the ranks current as I was 1 of the few original class members who had a chance to see both Remy & erneast teach as brothers & 1 family art.I have the class photo to this day.Mabuhay & balisalomit
Rick Wade said:
OK I think I have a first on MT

I have all top 10 scores for spank the money in the arcade.

I love to spank the money with that cool dico music. LOL

:partyon: :uhyeah: :boing2: :erg: :lol: :D :drinky:



Rick you are the man for spank the monkey.

PS Monkey he is talking about the game in the arcade.
monkey said:
As an original student of Jose Bonco y Presas-Remy & Ernesto I can safely say to bash the monkey is not a good thing as it degrades you-shows no sign of respect for some one you never met-no sign of respect of ranking or the art you no not of.I started in 1975 & continued to train threw the 80s & 90s.Can you say you had over 35 years of training?Can you honestly put the monkey down were you know not.To some the statement might be funny-others its an insult & put a grim look on who said it & Why.Kuntao monkey is the meanest form of the kuntao arts & it is in the Presas line.I am Guardian & master of that Certified by Remy in 1981 & Ernesto 1981 & Ive kept the ranks current as I was 1 of the few original class members who had a chance to see both Remy & erneast teach as brothers & 1 family art.I have the class photo to this day.Mabuhay & balisalomit

Dude Chill

Spank the Money is a GAME in the arcade IF you were a SUPPORTING MEMBER you would know that. I did not disrespect you, your art or anything else. I will lobby to to change the name.


Aloha all

Rick Wade said:
Dude Chill

Spank the Money is a GAME in the arcade IF you were a SUPPORTING MEMBER you would know that. I did not disrespect you, your art or anything else. I will lobby to to change the name.


Aloha all


Rick please do not take that comment as a personal attack, I believe he did not have a clue about the arcade.
terryl965 said:
Rick please do not take that comment as a personal attack, I believe he did not have a clue about the arcade.

Even still....very quick to jump to a crazy conclusion and get to a defensive/angry posture me thinks..

BTW Congrats Rick....(I guess. You may have too much time on your hands though.)
I do have to much time on my hands. I will back down now but i still hate political corectness.


I know of the game.To me -to me the game is not of a combat origin.I may be a bit stuck in my ways for the old school useing martial arts -quotes-ect for defence.There are 2 games monkey wise I do like Donkey Kong (which has not 1 donkey in it)Rage with an Ice monkey & Fire monkey.Dont take what I stated as physical type but rather martial type.I love combat & as the monkey some things are just not kosher.I have the name & art to relate to & combat is combat.I will note this as a way to remember that not all is combat.
monkey said:
I know of the game.To me -to me the game is not of a combat origin.I may be a bit stuck in my ways for the old school useing martial arts -quotes-ect for defence.There are 2 games monkey wise I do like Donkey Kong (which has not 1 donkey in it)Rage with an Ice monkey & Fire monkey.Dont take what I stated as physical type but rather martial type.I love combat & as the monkey some things are just not kosher.I have the name & art to relate to & combat is combat.I will note this as a way to remember that not all is combat.

Monkey no dis=respect but I'm not following your point about Mr Wade comment on the game it is differently not for combat it is a video game.
I'm waiting for a Penguin stylist to jump on board and criticize MT for all those anti-Penguin games in the Arcade... :uhyeah:
Kreth said:
I'm waiting for a Penguin stylist to jump on board and criticize MT for all those anti-Penguin games in the Arcade... :uhyeah:

That is drunin penguin to you.:drinkbeer :cheers: :drinky:
monkey said:
As an original student of Jose Bonco y Presas-Remy & Ernesto I can safely say to bash the monkey is not a good thing as it degrades you-shows no sign of respect for some one you never met-no sign of respect of ranking or the art you no not of.I started in 1975 & continued to train threw the 80s & 90s.Can you say you had over 35 years of training?Can you honestly put the monkey down were you know not.To some the statement might be funny-others its an insult & put a grim look on who said it & Why.Kuntao monkey is the meanest form of the kuntao arts & it is in the Presas line.I am Guardian & master of that Certified by Remy in 1981 & Ernesto 1981 & Ive kept the ranks current as I was 1 of the few original class members who had a chance to see both Remy & erneast teach as brothers & 1 family art.I have the class photo to this day.Mabuhay & balisalomit

Does the photo include you?
Rick Wade said:
OK I think I have a first on MT

I have all top 10 scores for spank the money in the arcade.

I love to spank the money with that cool dico music. LOL

Okay...maybe I'm just being a *little* thick, but how exactly do you play this game? I just tried it, and I don't think I really get how it works. :confused:
Swordlady said:
Okay...maybe I'm just being a *little* thick, but how exactly do you play this game? I just tried it, and I don't think I really get how it works. :confused:

Grab the hand and drag it to the monkey(non martial arts related) as fast as you can.
bobster_ice said:
I was playing it on a different website earlier...Is 643 a good score??

Become a supporting member and come see a good score of 845,

