Solo Bolo work!

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
Las Vegas, Nevada
Okay yesterday I was working with all kinds of bolo's that I own and just playing with some simple things like downward figure eight, upward figure eight, up and down motion, Side to side, Thrusting, etc. I also was working some sumbrada (6 and 10 count) and what we call high/low or 4 count movements in solo drill. I adde in a punal to also make it fun and to get some variation going. I had an old bag that was on it's last leg so I used it for cutting practice which is always enjoyable.

So when working with the Bolo on your own what do you like to do?
Thanks for posting Brian!

I have yet to do bolo training of my own but I am looking forward to it when the time comes :)
Thanks for posting Brian!

I have yet to do bolo training of my own but I am looking forward to it when the time comes :)

Hey Carol you will love it!
I also was working some sumbrada (6 and 10 count)

I was at the Dan Inosanto seminar today and we went through something like 24 different variations of sumbrada!

I don't do much bolo work but when I do I like sumbrada and the striking drills (banda y banda, focho-ocho, etc.).
KEAT Group - Bolo Routine

Starts with
1.Figura Ocho
3.Banda Y Banda
4. Rompida
5. Arko

from the basic, we mixed it up...add litle some fancy moves for fun
Our Ginunting Routine is differents as its a different sword so as