Shaolin monks.

Originally posted by Shinobi
I've watched Kung Fu: The Legend Continues and seen them monks on it, that stuffs fun.
:) Kung Fu : The Legend Continues is as realistic about the Shaolin monks as Spiderman is about martial arts. :)
I've seen the Wheel of Life guys, and I wasn't too impressed with their Kung Fu, but it was entertaining. Had a little story to it and all, I would relate it to like a broadway show or something. I will say this, those guys do train pretty hard, their weapons are cheap and all, but its tough for anyone, martial artist or not to do two finger headstand pushups.

Originally posted by chufeng

No meat....
How much time do you think they actually spend training?

Prayers/meditation (no, you can't do it your way) for XX # of hours....

Cooking duties (and cleaning pots)...KP in the military...

Farming duties...shovel some more of that human feces on the cabbage, please.

Chop wood, carry water....

Maybe three hours a day devoted to martial arts...
The rest of your 18 hour day is chores and prayers...

Go ahead, be a monk...

But I agree, I'd be one, too, if I weren't married, and in America, and Christian, and...


...and happy just being me.
Saw the "wheel of life" show when it came to roanoke, va. I enjoyed the show and enjoyed the intermission just as well. The building was crawling with every martial arts practitioner in the state. The lobby was almost like this forum during the break. The show tells the story of the history of the original temple in China, it's rise and fall. The kids in the show really made me feel like I knew absolutely nothing! It's well worth the ticket price just for the entertaiment value.


"make civilized the mind
make savage the body"
I saw wheel of life when they came to town as well. the show was definitely enjoyable. Those guys certainly train hard.
As for "the Wheel of Life", the BBC had a documentary called "Shaolin Physics", or something like that, with a physicist went on to disprove all of the "so-called" monks feats of Chi.