Seniors Signing In

Originally posted by Goldendragon7
I thought he "gave back" his double promotion 8th Degree to Al Tracy!


Hi Dennis and Fellow Kenpo Folks!

News travels fast...It is true I resigned from Al Tracy's Organization at the end of 2002. The reason for my decision was, I do not agree with the direction taken by the Tracy's Organization. Although I have friends in the Tracy System I decided it is better for me to seek my own path regarding Kenpo. I requested Al Tracy to remove my name from their family tree. Whether they choose to revoke my rank or not makes no difference now. Really it has no bearing on my Kenpo attitude. I truly love Kenpo and mixing it up with my Kenpo brothers and sisters without worrying who is "right or wrong".


Dave Simmons

Twin Dragon Kenpo Karate:asian:
Originally posted by Dave Simmons
Hi Dennis and Fellow Kenpo Folks!

News travels fast...It is true I resigned from Al Tracy's Organization at the end of 2002. The reason for my decision was, I do not agree with the direction taken by the Tracy's Organization. Although I have friends in the Tracy System I decided it is better for me to seek my own path regarding Kenpo. I requested Al Tracy to remove my name from their family tree. Whether they choose to revoke my rank or not makes no difference now. Really it has no bearing on my Kenpo attitude. I truly love Kenpo and mixing it up with my Kenpo brothers and sisters without worrying who is "right or wrong".


Dave Simmons

Twin Dragon Kenpo Karate:asian:

VERY interesting!!! Best of luck to you on your new path!
Best of luck for you Mr. Simmons on your altered journey.Most likely not an easy decision after being with Mr.Tracy for so long.


Big Pat :asian:
Yeah keep your hands steady on the wheel :)
Best wishes for your new leg in the journey.