Seminars, Training camps and the like


Purple Belt
Apr 14, 2007
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Does anyone know of any training camps/retreat centers for tai chi here in the USA that are REPUTABLE? Also, I live in Louisiana, and there are not a lot of seminars(that I know of) locally. If I were to try to go to seminars for Yang(or Cheng Man Ching) Tai Chi, who would you guys recommend?
William CC Chen is a top quality teacher. He does a version of CMC style that he has modified. He generally teaches his own 60 movement form, which is similar to the Yang Long form with some repetitions removed.
The Yang family also does seminars in the USA and I can't think of anyone that could be considered more reputable. I've never attended them, so I can't really reccomend, but I myself would not hesistate to attend one.

I'm sure there are many more, but I doubt anyone would disagree with these two.
I never did thank you for posting those links. I will add those when I print my other thread about seminars, videos, and books. Thank you so much for your help!
I'll probably look more into William CC Chen. Thanks!

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