School shooting averted, suspect almost suspended


Sr. Grandmaster
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Mar 18, 2005
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I, for one, am glad to see that we are safe from pint-sized terrorists weilding miniaturized weapons. Size is not the issue here, remember the 'cricket' from MIB? :shooter:
The principal's actions are exhibiting the paranoid environment/fear mentality that America's enemies seek to achieve.

Thanks for being a sheep miss principal lady.

She should be fired for being stupid and wasting taxpayer money on her paranoia/need to exert power on 9 year old kids.
The principal's actions are exhibiting the paranoid environment/fear mentality that America's enemies seek to achieve.

Are you sure it's our enemies that want this??

Thanks for being a sheep miss principal lady.
Baa just doing my job sir!! Baa!

She should be fired for being stupid and wasting taxpayer money on her paranoia/need to exert power on 9 year old kids.
Yeah I agree there. Or she should be suspended (WITHOUT PAY) for the amount of time she was going to suspend the kid.
Then while suspended given a course on dangerous weaponry and knowing the difference between a gun that can't even be loaded much less fired and a real one. But alas... as Jenny said... "you can't fix stupid".

They walk among us.
When kids encounter this level of uberstupidity at the place where they are supposed to be learning, the parents have to work four times as hard....

I wish I had a yuan for every instance I have seen where skools overreact to some 'nonincident' with an innocent kid.... and then display total gutlessness in letting the genuinely bad ones off.... again and again.

After a couple generations of this: Ever wonder where our courts get it from?
Are you sure it's our enemies that want this??

Indeed. This is very much an example of the term, "security theatre" (sorry, Canadian spelling), that's being used so much lately. In the absence of actual security -- ie a guarantee nothing bad will ever happen -- we have these absurd zero-tolerance policies.

Years ago, when my son was in grade five or six, some kids were preparing for a school show which included something about Native Canadian peoples. Trying to be helpful, he brought in some items he got from a First Nations exhibit when he was little -- souvenir spear, bow & arrows, and some pelts. The teacher organizing the show told him that the play was about peace, not war, and that aboriginal peoples lived in harmony with the land. Apparently, she was quite cross with him about the whole.

The missus and I were not impressed.

Looking at the video accompanying this news story, I have to give the parents full points for handling this gracefully. The actions of the school are absurd by any measure -- even in a 'zero-tolerance' context, the principal could have handled this much better, simply by asking the child not to bring any gun of any size to school and leaving it at that. The threat of a suspension was over the top.

I take school safety very seriously as the parent of a student whose schooling experience included three stabbings of students and staff between middle and secondary school. We have a huge responsibility to keep ourselves and our kids safe at school. Chasing down tiny plastic guns is a distraction from that.
I'd like to see what the Principal would do if the kid pointed his finger gun style and yelled "bang!"

what? amputate the kids hand?
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I'd like to see what the Principal would do if the kid pointed his finger gun style and yelled "bang!"

what? amputate the kids hand?

Shhh! Don't give them any ideas. ;)
Stupid as it may be, why am I not surprised at all about the actions of the school. I think these people (the school admin.) needs to, in the words of the late, great George Carlin, "Calm down, have some dip!" :D

Seriously though, this was a plastic toy that doesn't fire and can be bought by anyone, in any KMart, WalMart, or Toys R Us stores. Sooo...whats the big deal here? I mean, was this kid showing some suicidal, terrorist, or problem child signs? Is there a 'no toy weapons' rule in place? I mean, I could see if this was a bb gun or something that could actually hurt someone, but this is just crazy.
I can see if it was a regular size toy weapon, but this is just insane.

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