The Cultural Emsculation of the American Male


El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
This thread got me thinking about a related topic, about the cultural war on boys and men. I’m not talking about good-natured kidding, or poking fun at each other between boys and girls, or men and women. I’m talking about the all out attack on maleness that is so ubiquitous today; most people don’t even recognize it. It has nothing to do with equality of the sexes, but rather a radical, hateful social engineering that has crippled several generations.

According to the Department of Education, by 2010, 65-70% of college students will be female. Boys are falling far behind girls on test scores, especially math and science, yet the radical feminists (and that chowderhead at Harvard) will tell you the opposite. A shocking percentage of boys are on medication for ‘behavioral disorders’. Much of the “Attention Deficit Disorder “today is the result of forcing little boys to behave like-well- little girls The radical feminists have jumped on the bandwagon of victim-identity politics and have been far more successful in reshaping this culture in a relatively short time, than they probably ever imagined possible. They allow no discussion or debate on the issue. They scream down anyone who challenges them, accusing them of being sexist, racist, or homophobic. I know whereof I speak. I used to be a substitute teacher , and hope to teach school again when I retire.. Once I had a 5th grade class of boys who were given special assignments because all the girls were out going to work with their parents. The boys thought it unfair that they didn’t have a special day. In my best child of 60’s activists way, I told them to meet with the teacher and principal, and tell them how they felt. The boys said they’d already done that, and the teacher and principal had laughed at them. I told them I didn’t think it was fair for them to be treated that way. They must have told their teacher what I said. Soon after, I was back at that same school. One of those boys informed me that his teacher had told them not to pay attention to me, as I was just an ignorant man who listened to Rush Limbaugh on the radio. Uh, yeah, sure. My demographic profile:son of activist liberals, African/Native American, New Age-metaphysical-alternative spiritual seeker, scientist/engineer, civil libertarian with sometimes leftist leanings who does yoga and martial arts, is really popular with the radical pseudo-Christian conservatives:rolleyes:

As he told me what his teacher had said, several girls walked by with tee-shirts that said, “Boys Are Stupid”. He told me that the girls got the shirts at a local organization which is exclusively for girls. He said, “They’d send us boys home if we wore a shirt proclaiming ‘girls are stupid’.” He was a bright kid, but already demoralized and socialized to accept double standards as “equality”. George Orwell’s Newspeak is here, alive and well in the public schools. This boy sees that there is a Girl’s Inc., but no Boy’s Inc. He’s quite aware that there is never likely to be one. He also knows, at such an early age, that he’s expected to be passively quiet, and to celebrate diversity in rigidly controlled ways. All this, by the time he’s in fifth grade.

I didn’t watch T.V. for nearly ten years. Rita-that’s the wife-insisted that we get satellite television, so I’ve been watching for about two years now, and suffering from all sorts of cultural shock. I’ve watched how men are portrayed on TV. I’m old enough to remember “Father Knows Best”-does anyone else? Well, today father is an idiotic buffoon, if he’s even around at all. On shows, and in commercials, women push, punch, slap and kick men on a regular basis. On a popular funny video show, the favorite clips are always of men being hit in the crotch. The brainwashed audience howls with delight when that happens, and it happens often, on many shows. You’ll hear the following, over and over: “men are scum”, “men are pigs”, “I don’t need a man in my life, to be happy”. The new “girl power” shows are the worst offenders.

This has been going on, unchallenged, for years, but don’t take my word for it. Look for yourself. One of the very worst offenders was the often quite funny and well written sit-com, “Everybody Loves Raymond”. Raymond was slapped, punched, kicked, and hit in the crotch by his wife, and sometimes his mother, while the audience roared with laughter. The crotch is where men are obviously, biologically male. It is a powerful political statement to hit a man in the crotch. None of this is accidental. Taken by itself, it may indeed seem insignificant, but if you begin looking at the whole picture, seeing how men are constantly criticized, attacked and belittled, you begin to see a pattern. For the radical feminists, it is payback time. I’ve been around them-it's hard not to encounter them in varying degrees when one travels in certain spiritual circles- and I can assure you that the matriarchy they are preparing for us is far harsher than the old patriarchy they seek to supplant. When you challenge them, they say, “Oh, if I were a man, you wouldn’t say that…you’re just threatened by a strong woman.” I let them know that imitating the very worst characteristics of male chauvinists is not strength. Isn’t it ironic that the radical feminists have become exactly like the ugliest male chauvinists they criticize? It is unlikely they will ever be open enough to grow beyond their hatred. The radical feminists don’t represent the majority of women, yet they intimidate many, many women into silence. Still, there are many of us in this culture who delight in strong women, in the beautiful, authentically feminine spiritual leadership they present to us. It’s also amusing that I’m “threatened by strong women” when I’m married to an uber-fitness freak who regularly squats 500 pounds for reps, destroys me (and most other men) on long, uphill bike rides-at age 40, is a far more knowledgeable outdoorsperson than I (whose camping advice I always follow), and makes considerably more than my already considerable salary, doing what is-to the laboratory organization, at least-a more important job.

Do any of you out there have sons, or grandsons, or nephews? Please let them know that being a man is a good thing. They don’t need to be embarrassed about making good grades in school, or ashamed of preferring competitive sports to leftist sensitivity training. Are there any fathers out there who still have a pair, who haven’t been turned into castrated Donahue clones? For God’s sake, for all our sake, stop throwing your sons to the wolves. Some things are worth fighting for. One of those things is your children. Are there any mothers out there who aren’t intimidated by the shrill harridans who are emotionally, psychologically and spiritually abusing and crippling your children, both your sons and your daughters? Why is it up to someone like me to point this out? Why aren’t you paying attention? These children have done nothing to deserve the cruel, inept, brainwashing that passes for education and socialization these days. Will you at least think about some of this?

elder999 said:

I’m talking about the all out attack on maleness that is so ubiquitous today; most people don’t even recognize it. It has nothing to do with equality of the sexes, but rather a radical, hateful social engineering that has crippled several generations.
I have been aware of it for years. I talked about it for a long time but it fell on deaf ears. It is human nature to want to ignore thoughts that make them feel bad. Sadly enough, there are man people out there that are content with the way things are as long as they have a six pack and can watch Sunday football. This reminiscent of the herd of cattle going to the slaughter house, they just follow and don't care or even oblivious as to where they are going.

elder999 said:

They scream down anyone who challenges them, accusing them of being sexist, racist, or homophobic.
Oh sooooo true! It is a very powerful tactic! Not unknown to other organizations and movements. Nobody wants to be labeled! So out of fear they acquiesce.

elder999 said:

One of those boys informed me that his teacher had told them not to pay attention to me, as I was just an ignorant man who listened to Rush Limbaugh on the radio.
Welcome to the affects of social engineering.

elder999 said:
Uh, yeah, sure. My demographic profile:son of activist liberals, African/Native American, New Age-metaphysical-alternative spiritual seeker, scientist/engineer, civil libertarian with sometimes leftist leanings who does yoga and martial arts, is really popular with the radical pseudo-Christian conservatives:rolleyes:
Please don't be offended, but... If I understand this correctly, you are pretty liberal? Wow, I am amazed to hear a liberal speaking openly about such things. The liberal men I know would flagellate themselves for their perceived inequities.

elder999 said:
George Orwell’s Newspeak is here, alive and well in the public schools.
No doubt! Not just school though, society. There is more... George Orwell was quite a visionary.

elder999 said:

The brainwashed audience howls with delight when that happens, and it happens often, on many shows. You’ll hear the following, over and over: “men are scum”, “men are pigs”, “I don’t need a man in my life, to be happy”. The new “girl power” shows are the worst offenders.
Ahhhh... Yes the media. You should see Cartoon network and Nickelodeon. There are many shows about "Girl Power". The heros are now girls, the stars are girls with boy side-kicks. There is no balance in the media, it has shifted completely oposite. They start the social engineering at a very young age.

elder999 said:

The crotch is where men are obviously, biologically male. It is a powerful political statement to hit a man in the crotch. None of this is accidental. Taken by itself, it may indeed seem insignificant, but if you begin looking at the whole picture, seeing how men are constantly criticized, attacked and belittled, you begin to see a pattern.

Wow, you are very observant! I have stopped watching that those sorts of shows several years ago. I came to realize that those shows are mind numbing fodder for the cattle masses. It provides them with a false reality. More social engineering.

elder999 said:

The radical feminists don’t represent the majority of women, yet they intimidate many, many women into silence.
In all fairness that is true. My wife was the first to point that out to me on numerous occasions when I used to speak openly about these things. Thankfully she is not like them. But I did point out, that she certainly gets to enjoy the fruits of their labor. :)

elder999 said:

Do any of you out there have sons, or grandsons, or nephews? Please let them know that being a man is a good thing. They don’t need to be embarrassed about making good grades in school, or ashamed of preferring competitive sports to leftist sensitivity training.

I have a 10 year old son. He is aware for sure! However, I have to constantly find out what they are teaching him at school and be able to counter balance that with facts. Well not all the time, but often. Fortunately, he will ask me questions about what he is told at school. I also encourage him to find out things for himself, don't just take his teacher's word for it. Research it. Same goes for me.

elder999 said:

Are there any fathers out there who still have a pair, who haven’t been turned into castrated Donahue clones?
I am with you on that! I stopped talking to others because nobody would listen, so I figured I would just take care of my own. People don't like to think about negative things like this. They want to just have fun and feel good. People will ignore it because they can see the resistance they must go through to make things happen. As you say, people need to wake up. Again, it is very Orwellian!
Great post, keep fighting the good fight! :p
Who knows maybe we are in the need of a Men's Civil Rights Movement
Sorry, not feeling very emasculated. And the odd thing is, after almost 30 years in colleges, I've never really seen any of this stuff.
I see it a lot in commercials, and my wife and I have talked about it. Men are often portrayed as boorish, selfish, stupid, clueless, or clumsy. In the same commercial(s) women are portrayed as in control, smart, and having the answers (to or for their idiot or insensitive husbands).
I'd comment on this if I could find my nads. Actually my wife and I both have been noticing this advertising trend for at least the last fifteen years as well. Crap sells.
Crap sells.

Not to me. I avoid products if the commercials just annoy me by being stupid.

Also, if they basically 'this guy is an idiot...he needs out product. You need our product, too', I'm an idiot?

Also, if they seem to be trying to paint some people in a bad light, like men/husbands as we mentioned. Also kids products that make parents look stupid.
I don't see this emasculation. Perhaps it's my point of view. I was, until very very recently, working in a department made up in the majority (maybe 60%?) of undergrad women (vs. maybe 40% men). Most of the grad students were women, too. But the professors are are predominantly male.

A guy getting kicked in the nuts? Hmmmm. Of course, we do have the classic case of "Father Knows Best" - where Mother knows nothing, or just enough to please Father.

Someone who is pro-woman need not be anti-man, as we all know. And portraying men as "idiots" does not mean that women look smart.

But I scarcely think men have the short end of the stick with how they are portrayed in the media.
Name some "strong (read smart, respectworthy, strong) male" role models in the media. Then look at all the "kick ***" female roles, or "smart wife" "stupid husband" roles...

As to ADD and medicating todays boys, Ive noticed that too..boys who would fight (in the "schoolboy" sense..arm punching, wrestling etc.), daydream, talk in class etc. used to be "boys being boys" now its a medicate, call the parents and/or the police situation. Boys are too violent...girls should be allowed in combat. Granted, nobody should be discriminated against due to the chance of their birth, but we are different and we should'nt be made to feel "wrong" about it.
But all that being said, my wife would never take my "commanding her to do X because Im the man". And I wouldnt expect or want her to.
Sorry, really not feeling very emasculated. But after a quick search on the Internet, it appears that a lot of guys are--and are getting kinda threatening about it, too.

I have to say, after doing the search--wow. Talk about male hysteria under political pressure.

Me, I'd rather like to see some actual data on the supposed emasculation of men...something that wasn't as goofy as, say, George Gilder's "Sexual Suicide," book.

What's the old bumper sticker? Something about not being threatened by women of equality?
Try wearing a "women suck" t-shirt around campus and see what happens to ya.....
I hear you, brother. Major issue of our time--right up there with, say, rape. Or the fact that most poor people in the country are women and children. Or the underrepresentation of women in government. Or the systematic sexual exploitation and enslavement of women throughout the world. Or dowry murders in Asia.
So things have become fine for the goose but youre gonna get plucked, stuffed and cooked if you are the gander...but thats OK...the ganders have been having it coming for a long time.....
Tgace said:
Try wearing a "women suck" t-shirt around campus and see what happens to ya.....
rmcrobertson said:
I hear you, brother. Major issue of our time--right up there with, say, rape. Or the fact that most poor people in the country are women and children. Or the underrepresentation of women in government. Or the systematic sexual exploitation and enslavement of women throughout the world. Or dowry murders in Asia.
Tgace said:
So things have become fine for the goose but youre gonna get plucked, stuffed and cooked if you are the gander...but thats OK...the ganders have been having it coming for a long time.....
UUUUUUUHHHHHH.... I think comparing the prevalence of rape, poverty-level women and children, and dowry murders, with not being able to wear a t-shir that say "women suck", is just a BIT beyond the pale, don't you?

FYI, there doesn't seem to be any problem with guys walking around wearing t-shirts that say 9sarcasm) REALLY lovely (/sarcasm) things about women, too.

I'm delighted that little girls are watching the Powerpuff Girls or whatnot, rather than being told again that if you want to do anything, you have to get a man to do it for you.

I think getting tied up in this discussion is the very real problem of overmedicating children for ADHD, but that is a separate issue of people's perceptions of what children should and shouldn't be like - and rising incidences of chemical interactions with kids' development.
rmcrobertson said:
Me, I'd rather like to see some actual data on the supposed emasculation of men...something that wasn't as goofy as, say, George Gilder's "Sexual Suicide," book.
A book I can think of right off hand is "The Feminization of America", I don't recall the author. There are others.
Feisty Mouse said:
I don't see this emasculation. Perhaps it's my point of view.
Maybe it is... There are plenty of examples in the media. One I can think of right off (observed from the commercials for it...) 24. There are many others I have seen from their commercials (I choose to not watch them).

Incidentally, there is an entire channel dedicated to male bashing. It is Lifetime (for women).
Tgace said:
But all that being said, my wife would never take my "commanding her to do X because Im the man". And I wouldnt expect or want her to.
I am with you there too! We are the same. There is no commanding going around in our house either. It is mutual respect.
rmcrobertson said:
Sorry, really not feeling very emasculated. But after a quick search on the Internet, it appears that a lot of guys are--and are getting kinda threatening about it, too.

I have to say, after doing the search--wow. Talk about male hysteria under political pressure.

Me, I'd rather like to see some actual data on the supposed emasculation of men...something that wasn't as goofy as, say, George Gilder's "Sexual Suicide," book.

What's the old bumper sticker? Something about not being threatened by women of equality?

After reading this post closer I have to say...

Whaaaa! The writing is on the wall. I cannot imagine that a male does not see it. I don't feel emasculated, but I see it being done to many boys and young men.

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