School Cop Investigated for Porn Link on Friend's MySpace Profile


Master Black Belt
Jan 29, 2006
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Long story short...

A middle school cop is being investigated because 1 of his 170 friends on his myspace page has a link to a porn site.

This sounds like one of the craziest things I have heard and is a total waste of time and money spent on this. How can you be responsible for what other people have links to on their page's????

I don't know what is worst......

this cop being investigated or cops being in middle schools period.
Long story short...

A middle school cop is being investigated because 1 of his 170 friends on his myspace page has a link to a porn site.

This sounds like one of the craziest things I have heard and is a total waste of time and money spent on this. How can you be responsible for what other people have links to on their page's????

I don't know what is worst......

this cop being investigated or cops being in middle schools period.
sounds like he should have kept closer attention. Kids may want to contact him and he shouldn't be the source of debauchery, even indirectly.
sounds like he should have kept closer attention. Kids may want to contact him and he shouldn't be the source of debauchery, even indirectly.

When did porn becomes debauchery?

Did you read the whole article? Come to find out, the school's official page had its own indirect link to a gay porn site!
When did porn becomes debauchery?

Did you read the whole article? Come to find out, the school's official page had its own indirect link to a gay porn site!

Not indirect, the school had a direct link to a gay porn site.
sounds like he should have kept closer attention. Kids may want to contact him and he shouldn't be the source of debauchery, even indirectly.

That's three degrees of separation away from debauchery. Come on, that is ridiculously indirect. Kids don't exactly need to go through a cop's friend list on myspace to find porn on the internet, you know. What can the cop do anyway, scour all of his friends' profiles on a daily basis for potential porn links?

Another moral panic, that is all.
When did porn becomes debauchery?

Did you read the whole article? Come to find out, the school's official page had its own indirect link to a gay porn site!
Debauchery? Sorry; I meant hot porn. Why are we debating the value of porn again?
What I find to be outrageous is the sheer lack of analytical skills that is being demonstrated by the education "professionals" in that district.
Well, I'll say it here. MT links to porn. Oh, not directly, that's against our rules. But, if you follow any of the links from here faar enough, you'll hit something that someone considers to be porn. Hell, one of our banned waste cases thinks my photography site is porn. Guess that makes me a fatter, poorer, less surrounded by hot babes Hef, huh? LOL

Seriously, there is no way you can monitor every possible end destination and filter it for content.
What I find to be outrageous is the sheer lack of analytical skills that is being demonstrated by the education "professionals" in that district.

That is hardly unusual. These are the same bright bulbs that label kids who find files in completely open networks as "hackers." Or suspend a kid for using his inhaler to save a girl's life. Or call the police when a 6 year old brings a butter knife in her lunch. Or...
Well, I'll say it here. MT links to porn. Oh, not directly, that's against our rules. But, if you follow any of the links from here faar enough, you'll hit something that someone considers to be porn. Hell, one of our banned waste cases thinks my photography site is porn. Guess that makes me a fatter, poorer, less surrounded by hot babes Hef, huh? LOL

Seriously, there is no way you can monitor every possible end destination and filter it for content.
heh, anything halfway or semi nude can be considered porn depending on who you ask. I have been told that nude art is just really soft core porn (grew up around ultra conservative Christians) so i could see how one might make that complaint but art and porn ARE very different some people just need something to whine about.

As for this guy.. UGH PLEASE... no kid is going to check on his school police officers friends web page for porn ... google is much easier and almost a sure bet if you know the right words to type.
heh, anything halfway or semi nude can be considered porn depending on who you ask. I have been told that nude art is just really soft core porn (grew up around ultra conservative Christians) so i could see how one might make that complaint but art and porn ARE very different some people just need something to whine about.

As for this guy.. UGH PLEASE... no kid is going to check on his school police officers friends web page for porn ... google is much easier and almost a sure bet if you know the right words to type.

While it was a good thought trying to connect with the kids I doubt any of them would even go near his webpage! How uncool would that be!
-Guess I'm still confused as to why cops are needed in middle schools; have things really fallen so fast? I graduated 10 years ago from High school, so middle school for me was roughly 1990-1993, in my district, grades 4-6. 10-13 year olds. Maybe I have some catching up to do with the reality of newer generations. But that also leads me to this panel about the cop's myspace page. The thinking involved seems to be antiquated, like they don't know enough about the technology to make rational decisions. As others have pointed out, it doesn't take 2 seconds to access porn on the web. anyone? Gov't research project gone wrong for the kiddies.

no kid is going to check on his school police officers friends web page for porn ... google is much easier and almost a sure bet if you know the right words to type.

Yup. I can't imagine how anyone's web page would not be just a few links from porn. It's a web!
-Guess I'm still confused as to why cops are needed in middle schools; have things really fallen so fast? I graduated 10 years ago from High school, so middle school for me was roughly 1990-1993, in my district, grades 4-6. 10-13 year olds. Maybe I have some catching up to do with the reality of newer generations. But that also leads me to this panel about the cop's myspace page. The thinking involved seems to be antiquated, like they don't know enough about the technology to make rational decisions. As others have pointed out, it doesn't take 2 seconds to access porn on the web. anyone? Gov't research project gone wrong for the kiddies.


As a middle school teacher who works in a school with a cop - he's there for way more than arresting people; that's actually pretty rare. The neighborhood the school is in is very distrustful of authority in general, and the police in particular - but the kids know him, and they will tell him things that he needs to know about what goes on at the school and in the neighborhood. Our SRO (School Resource Officer) spends time in the cafeteria during lunches, helps with tutoring, talks to kids at their request - and yes, he is also part of the disciplinary system in the school. A lot of problems are avoided because he is there, when things happen, and does an incredible job of catching things before they blow up.
As a middle school teacher who works in a school with a cop - he's there for way more than arresting people; that's actually pretty rare. The neighborhood the school is in is very distrustful of authority in general, and the police in particular - but the kids know him, and they will tell him things that he needs to know about what goes on at the school and in the neighborhood. Our SRO (School Resource Officer) spends time in the cafeteria during lunches, helps with tutoring, talks to kids at their request - and yes, he is also part of the disciplinary system in the school. A lot of problems are avoided because he is there, when things happen, and does an incredible job of catching things before they blow up.

That sounds a lot like the old days when officers walked a beat, and got to know the people in the neighborhoods.
-Guess I'm still confused as to why cops are needed in middle schools; have things really fallen so fast? I graduated 10 years ago from High school, so middle school for me was roughly 1990-1993, in my district, grades 4-6. 10-13 year olds. Maybe I have some catching up to do with the reality of newer generations. But that also leads me to this panel about the cop's myspace page. The thinking involved seems to be antiquated, like they don't know enough about the technology to make rational decisions. As others have pointed out, it doesn't take 2 seconds to access porn on the web. anyone? Gov't research project gone wrong for the kiddies.

Ummm.... yes things have gotten that bad.