Say something good...

MA-Caver... You always have a piece of good, common sense advice to give a hot-headed teenager. I think you could probably reason with a wall, and win.
Sam, you have a great sense of humor and I appreciate the honesty with which you post.
Hong Kong Fooey, your a #1 super guy. Quicker than the human eye. Youve got style, a groovy smile...
TP, you're like a crab - hard, tough exterior but all mushy inside. You're a good person ... *oops - I wasn't supposed to say that out loud, was I?*
Technopunk said:
Hong Kong Fooey, your a #1 super guy. Quicker than the human eye. Youve got style, a groovy smile...

Technopunk, you're a great contibutor to Martial Talk, with lots of informative posts. :)
Jonathan Randall said:
Technopunk, you're a great contibutor to Martial Talk, with lots of informative posts. :)

You are an insiteful person! With a good name (give or take the "..athan" part ;) ). I enjoy reading your posts/replies.
....and.......that picture of that Kyudo lady..., that's pretty cool!

Your Brother
Brother John- you're like a "big brother"- giving helpful info, funny, and encouraging to me here on MT. Thanks! have a sweet avatar and you help represent the femal TKDers on the board.
Bignick, your posts about your art are most often well thought out and well presented.
Technopunk you are always open minded and have a great sense of fairness and that is what I respect most about you.
Technopunk said:
Bignick, your posts about your art are most often well thought out and well presented.
Technopunk, you have a good sense of humor and witt that I can relate to! It is always interesting to read your posts as I never know what you are going to come up with next:)
Raewyn you are a sensible and very likeable person and I fully enjoy your posting.
terryl965 said:
Raewyn you are a sensible and very likeable person and I fully enjoy your posting.
Sensible!! :) Ive never been called that before :)

Terry - you are just the beez neez!! Always have something interesting to post!
Raewyn ~ you are always sweet, thoughtful, and supportive. YOU are the beez neez my dear. :)
Sil Lum TigerLady said:
Raewyn ~ you are always sweet, thoughtful, and supportive. YOU are the beez neez my dear. :)

Tigerlady - I feel that when I read your posts, I'm seeing MA from an entirely different perspective. You are really clear about your training and your goals and about how MA affects you personally and I think that this is part of what makes MT so fresh.
Someguy you are a brief soul but you have so much info. and knowledge withen in you Sir.
Terry, in a world full of sportsmen, you are an artist through and through. You're genuine.
Shesulsa, I've told you before how much I enjoy your posts, the wonderful job you do as a moderator, and how thankful I am you convinced me to become a supporting member. Your place at the top of the rep heap is well deserved.

But, I've been meaning to tell you how much I like your new Avatar and haven't done so. Allow me to correct that situation. It's a very beautiful picture, and I enjoy seeing it. Thank you for sharing it.