resume - picture or not?


Senior Master
Aug 5, 2005
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Just in the process of sending out resumes. do you think it is wise to stick a small picture in the corner? I've heard of people doing that, and wondered if it would be wise... One reason I thought about it is that I'm going to some job fairs, and this would be a helpful way to remember who I am (at least I think?)

whats the general consensus?

Solidman82 said:
That depends, are you ugly?

My mommy says I am not :D

seriously though, not hideous or anything LOL

As an employer, I would find the picture an asset to the resume'.
Make it small and tasteful, so that it does not overwhelm the actual content.

Good luck in your search.
oldnewbie said:
As an employer, I would find the picture an asset to the resume'.
Make it small and tasteful, so that it does not overwhelm the actual content.

Good luck in your search.

I was thinking along the lines of a passport picture, small and beside the name at the top of the resume...

thanks for the input!

I agree with OldNewbie. I think a picture is good in that it helps me recall the person. After I interview 20 ppl it becomes hard to remember anyone. The picture will allow association with your interview, good or bad. lol

If you really want to be sure, ship your resume (postage paid, of course) in a small gift box with a framed 10x13 glossy photo and a gift card that reads, "With all my love to my potential employer".
It depends on where you are applying to perhaps.

Last hiring we did we got one resume with a picture, after a bit of a chuckle it.

If you are applying for a job where how you look is important (model, actor, etc) then a portrait is probably a must, but for a professional job I'd not reccomend it unless it is requested. I don't think it will help, and it could be seen as unprofessional and actually hurt.
If you have a beard or facial hair and there is a "Code" at the new place for no facial hair, then this could be a problem, for you should have found this out before you applied in your research and then shaved as is proper for these types, and then take the picture to be sent.

In this day of electronic applications, I find that really cool resumes with cool fonts and even pictures get really chopped up, when either sent in or processed. Hence the reason to have a paper copy for those who require it and in this case a picture may be ok, depending upon job area, and an electronic text version "just the facts mame". This shows you can handle the technology of getting through the application process. Also if someone does not like your face, fo no reason other then you remind them of someone, they may put you on the bottom.

So, for every good point I can think of I can think of a bad point as well.

I think it would depend upon what job you are applying for and what field, and if it makes a difference, or are jsut trying to make your self stand out so you will chosen?

Not much help, but another opinion.
Rich Parsons said:
If you have a beard or facial hair and there is a "Code" at the new place for no facial hair, then this could be a problem, for you should have found this out before you applied in your research and then shaved as is proper for these types, and then take the picture to be sent.

Not a problem. Have facial hair, but the kind of jobs I'm looking for better not have those kind of restrictions!

Rich Parsons said:
In this day of electronic applications, I find that really cool resumes with cool fonts and even pictures get really chopped up, when either sent in or processed. Hence the reason to have a paper copy for those who require it and in this case a picture may be ok, depending upon job area, and an electronic text version "just the facts mame". This shows you can handle the technology of getting through the application process. Also if someone does not like your face, fo no reason other then you remind them of someone, they may put you on the bottom.

Well, I've not seen too many people looking like me LOL. I'm probably going to keep two copies of resumes, one with picture, one w/out. The thing with paper copies, many places scan resumes and store if you don't get the job immediatly, I'm not sure if the technology farts with pictures, but I doubt it. I hired three technologists a while ago, and had about 50 resumes. None had pictures though, so I never directly had to deal with them, hence the question!

Thanks for the input!

We don't see many with pictures, and the ones we do are usually from foreigners. For a professional position, I'd advise no.

Put a picture on your web page and include your main web page URL on the resume. They can then find apicture if it's really important to them, but won't wonder why it's there otherwise.
I worked for some stickler guys at an oil company once. We received a resume with a person's picture on it and they immediately tossed it aside saying something like, "Is he an actor? Why the foto? If I want to see him, I'll call him in for an interview."

Rich made good points also, both pro and con.

My vote? No foto.
arnisador said:
We don't see many with pictures, and the ones we do are usually from foreigners. For a professional position, I'd advise no.

Put a picture on your web page and include your main web page URL on the resume. They can then find apicture if it's really important to them, but won't wonder why it's there otherwise.

Great advice. I'll need to change my home page then, focus it on a job. right now its just my common links LOL
mrhnau said:
Just in the process of sending out resumes. do you think it is wise to stick a small picture in the corner? I've heard of people doing that, and wondered if it would be wise... One reason I thought about it is that I'm going to some job fairs, and this would be a helpful way to remember who I am (at least I think?)

whats the general consensus?

I once asked a "resume expert" about that, he said:

mrhnau said:
Just in the process of sending out resumes. do you think it is wise to stick a small picture in the corner? I've heard of people doing that, and wondered if it would be wise... One reason I thought about it is that I'm going to some job fairs, and this would be a helpful way to remember who I am (at least I think?)

whats the general consensus?

NEVER put a picture on ur resume
it's just plain unprofessional
at least in technical fields
No, nada, nay, negative, 0, stop, red...
in a job fair u have to stand out against other people.
u can have a nice cover letter (good if u know the names of the companies u wanna apply to)
and you have to make ur resume as pro as u can
then the key is to follow up on it... give them calls in less than a week.
remember ur resume gets u an interview, ur interview gets ur the job and ur skill keeps the job.
Hopefully u'll get interviews so remember to send thank u letters (or emails) to your interviewers for "giving you such a pleasant interviewing experience" and other BS u can throw in there
good luck
I have to agree with the posters that say no. I do hiring for my own company and for the company that I consult for and a picture is too 'gimmicky'. We hire on qualifications and references, not on looks. The thing that makes your resume memorable or stand out should have nothing to do with a picture.
I believe standard practice is to discourage including a photo. It becomes too easy to make hiring decisions based on appearance, rather than qualification, or at least for someone to make that accusation. Unless it is a specialty job like a model where your appearance is what you are hired for, don't do it.
Was gonna get to this earlier, but had stuff to do. Never put your picture on your resume. Only give them your qualifications and experience. That's all they should need to determine whether or not to go further. Pictures open a whole can of worms...
As someone who has hired several hundred people in the
past, I would recommend not putting a photo on your resume!
The up side to a photo cannot make up for the down side.
The most important thing I would always look for on a resume
was the qualifications. Is someone qualified enought to fill
this position. If they are the next question would be will they
fit in and perform up to and exceed our expectations. Generally
your resume just gets your foot in the door if you have good
enough qualifications. Once in everything is up to your
interviewing skills and the situational needs of the employer.
I always encouraged people to spend as much time as they
could on having a professional resume and then backing up
their resume with some impressive interviewing skills. Lose
the photo and concentrate on selling yourself by your ability
to wow your potential employers with great interviewing skills!
Just my two cents!

Brian R. VanCise
No, no, no.

The resume is supposed to highlight your experience, skills, work history, and maybe education. How you look should not be a factor at all, and that's really the only reason to attach a pic.

For the interview for my current job, I didn't even have a face-to-face interview. There were a couple of reasons for that, but I liked that physical appearance and body language were not a part of the interview process at all. I only had to concentrate on the interview itself, answering the questions, and interacting with the interviewer.
