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Senior Master
MT Mentor
Apr 30, 2006
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Hello all my lovely Martial Talk friends!

I'm in a reflective mood this morning, just idly people-watching while sitting here having a coffee. I'm wondering what all these good people do, what problems they've got, what makes them laugh, what direction their lives move in. I believe that every single one of us without exception has got a great life story to tell, so...

Imagine I'm a commissioning producer. I've seen you around and I'm proposing to make a movie biography of you. I charge you with casting your own lead. Who gets the starring role? And why? It doesn't matter who you choose past or present. As your imaginary producer having such great conviction in your story, I can pull unfathomably big strings.

Me? Conceited I know but I'd love to be played by Jodie Foster back in her Accused / SotL days. A clever actress and a strong-willed, smart and pretty woman. That's basically everything I'm probably not. Though it doesn't stop me aspiring!

Of course it'd have to be a computer-shrunk, wig-wearing Steven Seagal for the action scenes, ha!

I would love to hear from you.

Yr most obdt hmble svt,
Well I would love to have Sean Connery from his 007 days - handsome, witty, charming, deadly, etc... BUT, in order to be more realistic the lead would have to go to Larry the Cable Guy - redneck, overweight, lacking social skills, etc.... For the early life flashbacks it would have to be some skinny, lacking self-confidence guy.

Wow, tough question actually. Makes you think how not only you preceve yourself but how you think others see you as well. I'm sure if my wife answered this question for me it would be vastly different, and that is why I love her, she sees the real me, and has from the day we met.
Mine would be an easy one it was left on the screenwriter table for no one would produce my life or anything else not worth the money they would spend.
bydand said:
Well I would love to have Sean Connery from his 007 days - handsome, witty, charming, deadly, etc... BUT, in order to be more realistic the lead would have to go to Larry the Cable Guy - redneck, overweight, lacking social skills, etc.... For the early life flashbacks it would have to be some skinny, lacking self-confidence guy.

Wow, tough question actually. Makes you think how not only you preceve yourself but how you think others see you as well. I'm sure if my wife answered this question for me it would be vastly different, and that is why I love her, she sees the real me, and has from the day we met.
Yeah, I'm getting the picture in high definition! Forget the Cable Guy, Sean Connery in his 007 years it is!

You're right Scott, it's interesting how we see ourselves in our mind's eye isn't always what we see in our bedroom mirrors. As your producer I want to bring out the best in you so Sean it is and we'll mixdown the lacking-in-confidence flashbacks with a damn good soundtrack so it's still cool!

Yr most obdt hmble svt,
terryl965 said:
Mine would be an easy one it was left on the screenwriter table for no one would produce my life or anything else not worth the money they would spend.
Terry, I ain’t hearing that from you. There’s a story in you, I can feel it and I've got the midas touch in these things. If you’re not gonna sanction my biography of you, I’m gonna have to release it as an unofficial version anyway. Let’s see now, who’s free, Costner, Pacino, Spacey...

Terry, don’t make me pick one :) you know I will!! Ha!

Yr most obdt hmble svt,
Either Val Kilmer from his Heat, Saint, or Spartan roles, or Tom Cruise from Collateral. In all of the movies listed, the character was low-key, professional, and above all, deadly. OTOH, I also like Val's performance as Doc Holliday in Tombstone :D
Wel jenn I gues you made me do this so Jim Belushi that would be my choice, he is funny and so I'm I and we both have the same body type if you know what I mean. By the way round is a shape for all of you who says anything different.
terryl965 said:
Wel jenn I gues you made me do this so Jim Belushi that would be my choice, he is funny and so I'm I and we both have the same body type if you know what I mean. By the way round is a shape for all of you who says anything different.
Yay Terry! James Belushi - Dude!!! Seriously cool choice. Funny, I think a choice like that speaks volumes - you're a confident guy! You know if I had to choose a screen dad, that'd probably be him - though maybe I'm just seeing myself as "Curly Sue" remember that one?

Ok, done deal, I'll get you a K-9 too, I'll bet you're a doggie fan??

Yr most obdt hmble svt,
kenpotex said:
Either Val Kilmer from his Heat, Saint, or Spartan roles, or Tom Cruise from Collateral. In all of the movies listed, the character was low-key, professional, and above all, deadly. OTOH, I also like Val's performance as Doc Holliday in Tombstone :D
Oh yeah, I'm SO liking that, Val Kilmer made Heat what it was, am I right? And no matter what you all think of him, Tom Cruise's Vincent was a masterpiece of characterisation. Man, you're painting a BIG picture for me here - with that casting recommendation and that avatar. Woohoo, I'm looking forward to making this one - I'll order in extra ammo and stunt ketchup!!

Yr most obdt hmble svt,
Ok, I will give you all a chance for comedy see my photo in my avatar, i am the guy on the right. Are there any actors that remotely look like me? I am looking for suggestions!
NOT taking looks into account,I would pick Christopher Reeve because there are so many things i liked about him and could relate to many things he has said in his life, but you can very clearly see I look nothing like him! Any suggestions! (be nice!) :)
Jenna, any ideas?
I have been told that my eyes look like Patrick Swayze's LOL!
stickarts said:
Ok, I will give you all a chance for comedy see my photo in my avatar, i am the guy on the right. Are there any actors that remotely look like me? I am looking for suggestions!
NOT taking looks into account,I would pick Christopher Reeve because there are so many things i liked about him and could relate to many things he has said in his life, but you can very clearly see I look nothing like him! Any suggestions! (be nice!) :)
Jenna, any ideas?
I have been told that my eyes look like Patrick Swayze's LOL!
Frank, yeah good ol Christopher Reeve, what a hero on and off screen! He was a big guy too as I recall, well over 6” and a helluva fighter through his paralysis. Top choice! I understand totally!

Ooooh baby! Patrick Swayze hits the spot for me alright, ha! Didn’t he do some genuine MA too, or am I imagining? Nah, scrap Swayze - you look like a solid guy Frank, I hear Russell Crowe’s free these days – I’m thinking LA Confidential Russell Crowe - the strong, tough and silent type and not the bigtime vaunter that he is now.

For the stickwork scenes, well a toughie and no mistake. I know Kali and Chris Sayoc’s stuff featured in Bourne and The Hunted but not much stickwork. Hmmm... OK, hows about we get Crowe on the blower and you can train him up. If he get’s lippy or outta line, we’ll contract you to smack him good, LOL!

Yr most obdt hmble svt,
Well, if Crowe is on his very BEST behavior we can strike a deal! :)
I admire him as an actor but not when he is hitting people with telephones!
I definately try and be more the gentleman type! I guess like Clark Kent!
Thanks Jenna, you are a great producer!
Maybe i can do my own stick fighting scenes?
No one can play me like I can. :ultracool
shesulsa said:
No one can play me like I can. :ultracool
Never a truer word spoken! Now that’s what I like to hear. Though did I say it’s not high-paying – I would hate to compromise anyone’s artistic integrity by mentioning money!! Ha! And don't tell me you don't get outta bed for less than ten million, cause it ain't gonna fly girl! :)

I’m thinking you’re the type of lady who would relish doing your own stuntwork too! No wires, just pure skill and talent! I’m loving it already. What’ll we call it?

Yr most obdt hmble svt,
Jenna said:
Never a truer word spoken! Now that’s what I like to hear. Though did I say it’s not high-paying – I would hate to compromise anyone’s artistic integrity by mentioning money!! Ha! And don't tell me you don't get outta bed for less than ten million, cause it ain't gonna fly girl! :)

I’m thinking you’re the type of lady who would relish doing your own stuntwork too! No wires, just pure skill and talent! I’m loving it already. What’ll we call it?

Yr most obdt hmble svt,

LOL! Credit, directorial priveledges and scale will be enough for me.

Howzabout we call it, "It ain't the years ..."?
bushidomartialarts said:
nathan fillion from firefly. not the best looking, or the strongest, or the smartest. just stubborn as hell and totally devoted to his people.
Now, don’t be disrespecting the Filster! I like Canadian guys, stout and hardy, ha! But I like your thinking – seeing the bodywork behind all that sparkly opalescent paint is a great skill to have. As is modesty my friend! What more can I say? We start shooting end of month – any particular flavour of personal assistant? LOL.

Yr most obdt hmble svt,
shesulsa said:
LOL! Credit, directorial priveledges and scale will be enough for me.

Howzabout we call it, "It ain't the years ..."?
Ah, touche, touche!! You got business acumen too. Damn, you all-rounders, LOL :D OK, I'll have to call my lawyer.

It ain't the years as in...
"It Ain't the Years, (It's the Fame)" or "It Ain't the Years (It's the Money)"

Ha! OK, I concede ;)

Yr most obdt hmble svt,
stickarts said:
Well, if Crowe is on his very BEST behavior we can strike a deal! :)
I admire him as an actor but not when he is hitting people with telephones!
I definately try and be more the gentleman type! I guess like Clark Kent!
Thanks Jenna, you are a great producer!
Maybe i can do my own stick fighting scenes?
Now Frank, don't go all Clark Kent on me. Nothing better for our Russ than a timely slap from a real man!! Ha! Oh, I'm having one of my moments: picture it - "The Man with the Golden Sticks". Oh yeah! Coming atcha!

Yr most obdt hmble svt,