Public Service Announcement: That's not Satan... .


Master of Arts
Apr 25, 2008
Reaction score
Southern Cal.
My PSA for the week:

Not gagging your training partner will earn you favor in your dojo! (and certainly with your better half).

Did you know? Coffee and soda can make your breath stink for hours afterward!

All those points scored in sparring could be resulting from the distracting cloud of repugnance emanating from your mouth. Maybe you've noticed that people tend to hold themselves farther away than absolutely necessary from your face. Perhaps they avert their faces when responding to you, and you've landed more points on your partners way too easily. Hmmm, maybe it's Satan? Naw, it's halitosis!

Do everybody a favor and brush your teeth, scrape your tongue, use mouthwash, or whatever it takes to make your breath acceptable for those forced into close proximity with you.

Save the bad breath for serious matches, exorcists, and street self defense.

Got any PSAs for MAs?

The strong foul odor will result in no one wanting to work with you, people avoiding you and eventually you being asked to leave class.

Heres an idea.... if its cloth, throw it in the washer... if its dipped foam and you are too lazy to wipe it down with a clorox wipy thing... wear it in the shower!!!!!!

Just please keep that STALE, BUTTERY, VINEGAR, god aweful crap OUT OF MY GYM!!!!!!
Same thing with stinky, fungus-infected feet and nails. Please treat your skin disorders and consider staying home if you are infectious. Don't take it personally if your instructor asks you to wear protective shoes to avoid passing the infection to someone else.

Both your classmates and your instructors will thank you for your consideration, although we appreciate your dedication.
One last thing please leave that greasy kids stuff out of your hair during workouts, if I wanted to be a fry cook I would be at Mc Donalds insteed of McDojo.
Ditto on the nails. Mine grow quickly and I cut them before every class to keep from gauging my partners.

If you work all day, I understand that you can't shower before class. But, it would be really, really nice of you to put on more deodorant as you change. Bonus points if you take a paper towel and wipe your feet off as well.
Yes, thank you! And within an hour or so of actual class time. All-day BO seems to have a way of multiplying the smell factor of exercise BO.

That's not often possible for those of us with jobs, kids, etc. But a complete (that means undies, too) clothing change and a reapplication of deodorant is usually sufficient, especially for those of us who are desk jockeys.
Oh, and for the kiddies (and some gross adults) boogers stay in your nose or go in a tissue. I hate seeing you dig around in that snot-locker and wipe it on your gi, which I am going to be grabbing shortly.


What I find useful are those packets of big wipes that are for babies when you change their nappies. They get you clean quickly and easily, can be used all over as they are gentle. That, clean clothes and deodorant and you're away because yes the nails will be cut!
Long toe nails make me feel physically sick, I can't look at them, horrible.
You know, I find the smell of clean sweat on a man down right Sexy! :kiss: Too much deoderant is kinda gross IMHO. I like men to smell like men. That's just me though.

You know, I find the smell of clean sweat on a man down right Sexy! :kiss: Too much deoderant is kinda gross IMHO. I like men to smell like men. That's just me though.


But we don't like to smell each other's funk. We think our own funk is just fine.
What I find useful are those packets of big wipes that are for babies when you change their nappies. They get you clean quickly and easily, can be used all over as they are gentle. That, clean clothes and deodorant and you're away because yes the nails will be cut!
Long toe nails make me feel physically sick, I can't look at them, horrible.

Those wipes are wonderful. Useful for cleaning up before a workout, or even if you're grabbing a meal to go and they punk you at the drive through. Well..maybe Joe Pesci didn't use that exact word...LOL!
You know, I find the smell of clean sweat on a man down right Sexy! :kiss: Too much deoderant is kinda gross IMHO. I like men to smell like men. That's just me though.


My missus tells me to back you up on that ...

... now my paranoid side is whispering in my ear that she really thinks I need a shower :lol:.
Dear madame,

Just because you are knocking boots with the Sensei doesn't mean that rule #7 does not apply to you.

I remind you that rule #7 clearly states that fingernails shall be kept short at all times. A copy of the rules is clearly posted in the lobby for your perusal.

Please note, that although French tips are not, technically, your fingernails (and are in fact, not nails at all, but plastic and adhesive matter), they are still attached to your fingers, and thus are governed by the aforementioned rule.

My Eyes
Oooh french tips. Those can be grabbed and twisted in a...shall I say...convincing fashion? ;)
Is this just a Texas horror, or have y'all also seen French tips on <shudder> TOENAILS?