Public Service Announcement: That's not Satan... .

I propose that we post this thread as a sticky. It bears repeating - especially in the beginners forum.
If you are going to poison your lungs with tobacco, that's your problem,

But if you come to class reeking of cigarettes — it becomes a problem for ME.

a) it smells nasty — and that nastiness is magnified during the workout because of the sweat.

b) could possibly affect my health! (look up third-hand smoke)

If you are a smoker, it is going to be bad enough for your classmates smelling the toxins coming out of your body through your pores.

Shower before class and don't suck on any fags until AFTER class, please. If you live with a smoker, shower immediately before you come so we don't have to smell any second-hand smoke that sticks to you.

FWIW, I'm not terribly intolerant of smokers ... until I get in the dojang.
Likewise if you're an auto mechanic who sweats grease.
Is this just a Texas horror, or have y'all also seen French tips on <shudder> TOENAILS?

I have seen these...not in the dojo thankfully. They make me feel crawly inside.

The French-tip wearing fiasco is a big fan of making eyeswipes with her fingertips, by the way.

I would also like to add...long hair...tie it up! We are not In The Club. This is not the place to show off your flowing locks, okay? The only reason I won't grab you by the hair to provide a practical example as to WHY you should tie it back is that I would probably get in more trouble than you would. Just sayin.
Gross thread? haha...

Anyway, just use common sense on personal hygiene. Extra care and washing during the summer time especially.

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