

Senior Master
Apr 30, 2007
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Last night I was putting all my MA/TKD stuff in my bag and accidentally droped my black belt, I picked up and in that moment I had blackflashes. My BB came directly from Korea when I was a blue belt, my sambonim asked me if I wanted something from Korea and I told him I wanted an embroided BB, sambonim gave a smile and asked me why, I told him I wanted a korean black belt for my 1st dan promotion. Sambonim smiled againg he brought me th BB that I put on a shelve till my black belt test 2 years afther. In that time (1987) I asked my girlfriend (now my wife) to put my inicials on the belt because I was afraid my sambonim gave it to another student wrongly.

When I did my examination and my sambonim tied my korean black belt was an amaizing moment, I did achieved my goal and I felt something we call pride.

All those feelings arise againg last night and fill me up with a joy you can-t imagine, I had to put on my well ironed dobok and tie my trully companion all these years and then bow to the mirror.

I love my BB it costs me tears and pain and most of the cases joy, even I have a beautiful new black belt I think I will use MY BB untill it falls apart.

Sorry to be emotional about a piece of black colored cloth, but it represents alot to me.

Manny every student should feel pride in there belt regardless of it beiing yellow or black, but I do understand what you mean. My first BB is still in a drawer and can never be replace, it is fallen apart but it is one of my proudest objects.
I don't think it's the cloth that provides you with this sense of pride.

Yes but this piece of cloth reminds me what I am and mekes me feel pride, there are some moments in my life that I trasure for ever, the firsth was when I got my BB in TKD, second when I finish college and graduate as a Chemical Ingeniering I was so proud and my father was a lot of more pride of me, and the best moments of my life was to see my two daughters born.

theres nothing wrong with taking pride in something you earned. Add the fact it has sentimental value.... Its no longer a belt, but a living memory of something great in your life.

Not everyone takes pride in the same thing. One mans scarrs are his badge of pride and anothers badge of shame. Pride is instilled by that individual.... So dont feel ashamed if you take pride in something that others do not... It obviously doesnt have the same meaning to them.

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