Prayers, Meditation and Good Thoughts Needed


Senior Master
Mar 5, 2006
Reaction score
Hillsboro, Oregon
Hey all,

I don't know how many of y'all out there do the prayer/meditation thing, but for those who do...

We had thought my neice, Boey Byers, had beaten the tumors in her brain last fall. Turns out the cancer has metastacized and is up and down her spine. She begins chemotherapy tomorrow and they're using words like 'miracle' when discussing her chances.

Lot of powerful people on this here forum. Any help would be, um, helpful.

Thank you all.
Consider her, and you, prayed for.

I wish her the best. :asian:
You and she and your family are in my prayers....good luck.
That's really rough - my thoughts are with you and your family, and most especially your niece.
Your niece and the rest of your family are in my prayers :asian:
I have no words. :(

Your niece and family will be in my thoughts.
My wife and I will be praying for her recovery, strength for you and your family and guidance and wisdom for the medical team.
May the peace that surpass understanding be upon you and your family. Our prayers are with you.
My thoughts and prayers are with your neice, her family, and you.
Good luck. You're family is in my thoughts. Here's hoping things will turn out for the best.
Thank you all for the kind words and powerful thoughts.

The good news is that the chemo is going smoother than we had expected. Last round it was just awful for her. When she found out she had to do it again, she literally threatened suicide.

Well, after the first round she's finding it's not nearly so bad this time. I don't understand the mechanics well enough to know why -- but she has an appetite this time, doesn't seem to be in as much pain. She's tired, but in far better spirits.

Long-term prognosis is still grim, but today she's much better than we'd thought was possible. Hooray for today.
Baruch Hashem for the small mercies. May He give her the strength and courage to get through whatever is in store.
Admin Note:

Thread moved to the Locker Room.

G Ketchmark/shesulsa
MT Assist. Admin
Jason, add me to the list of people sending her good thoughts. :)
I admire your attitude--one day at a time, and all--and for what they're worth, the prayers of this old war horse are with your niece, you, and the family.