Posture & Power

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This thread is the epitome of the state of Yong Chun. Perhaps its time to put the discussion to bed once & for all. I propose that this whole sordid business be taken out of the realm of the theoretical and tested in the practical. Time to put up or shut up in the same manner as the Gracie's, show up and prove it under non-compliant pressure. I'm not a fan of BJJ or MMA, but they have my respect for backing up their claims with action. If you want to be taken seriously, put your 16 hour training course to the ultimate test. Otherwise its nothing more than unfounded claims and supposition. If none of you are willing to do so then shut the hell up about your claims of superiority. Feel free to send a PM, my door is always open. I have nothing to prove but am always willing to learn something new & useful. Enter with civility and it will be returned in kind, enter with hubris & malice be prepared to deal with the consequences.
Now this is threat , will moderation do something about this ?. It is interesting , you personally are afraid to even meet people for a friendly practice but you have no problem to create confrontation between me and him put your student in a situation which can be very uncomfortable situation .You behavior is very interesting and I am surprised that people who follow you fail to see that .You can send your student here to handle me with ease , because I really can't come easy to Canada or USA .
I'm in the US! I'd like to be "handled with ease" by ANY student of Hendricks Snake engine. I'm a really nice guy in person. I'm not a psycho. I've met people on here and they're all still alive and not in my freezer. I'm in Arizona . I travel to CA sometimes. I enjoy interaction with others. I have actually made friends with people I meet on here. For me talk is cheap. The proof is always in the puddin. So if any student of the Snake engine would like to meet up with me. I'd love too!
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This thread is the epitome of the state of Yong Chun. Perhaps its time to put the discussion to bed once & for all. I propose that this whole sordid business be taken out of the realm of the theoretical and tested in the practical. Time to put up or shut up in the same manner as the Gracie's, show up and prove it under non-compliant pressure. I'm not a fan of BJJ or MMA, but they have my respect for backing up their claims with action. If you want to be taken seriously, put your 16 hour training course to the ultimate test. Otherwise its nothing more than unfounded claims and supposition. If none of you are willing to do so then shut the hell up about your claims of superiority. Feel free to send a PM, my door is always open. I have nothing to prove but am always willing to learn something new & useful. Enter with civility and it will be returned in kind, enter with hubris & malice be prepared to deal with the consequences.
Well I asked Sergio and he refused . I was polite as much I could , but I haven't hid my intention . He tried to sell me is book and convince in his version of history . Along the way he said bad things about my friend from HK . The conversation went well until he realized I am not buying his story , when he lost his temper and tried to insult me.
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This thread is the epitome of the state of Yong Chun. Perhaps its time to put the discussion to bed once & for all. I propose that this whole sordid business be taken out of the realm of the theoretical and tested in the practical. Time to put up or shut up in the same manner as the Gracie's, show up and prove it under non-compliant pressure. I'm not a fan of BJJ or MMA, but they have my respect for backing up their claims with action. If you want to be taken seriously, put your 16 hour training course to the ultimate test. Otherwise its nothing more than unfounded claims and supposition. If none of you are willing to do so then shut the hell up about your claims of superiority. Feel free to send a PM, my door is always open. I have nothing to prove but am always willing to learn something new & useful. Enter with civility and it will be returned in kind, enter with hubris & malice be prepared to deal with the consequences.
Be aware , some people may find this threatening and report you to the forum's moderation .
Your video I found way more interesting than any video I've ever seen him post.

---Thanks Jake!

My only criticism is your boxing sucks.

---No argument there! I never claimed to be a good boxer. And I realize I am exaggerating the mechanics a bit to make my point. But sometimes people just can't see the differences unless you make them as easy to see as possible! ;-)
If you want to be taken seriously, put your 16 hour training course to the ultimate test. Otherwise its nothing more than unfounded claims and supposition. If none of you are willing to do so then shut the hell up about your claims of superiority.

A good dose of common sense! Well said dlcox!
Well I asked Sergio and he refused . I was polite as much I could , but I haven't hid my intention . He tried to sell me is book and convince in his version of history . Along the way he said bad things about my friend from HK . The conversation went until he realized I am not buying his story , when he lost his temper and tried to insult me. So ,that is that ,just a lot of empty talk . I am still ready to meet with him, even for a talk if not for skill comparsion, but somehow I think that will not happened .

Soooooooo......the grandmaster gatekeeper won't meet with you and feels threatened; and the guy he diverted you to won't meet either. Hmmmmmmmmm
Please provide the link!

Here are the two complete Mike Sigman DVD's that i have:
[EDIT: Links removed due to copyright violation - Dirty Dog]

Thank You, but I am not going to spend 2 hours watching his videos at this point, I simply do not have the time.

Is he calling Peng Jing "ground reaction force" and is he impling that it is somehow using the ground? If so two hours of a video will not change my previous post
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Soooooooo......the grandmaster gatekeeper won't meet with you and feels threatened; and the guy he diverted you to won't meet either. Hmmmmmmmmm
And the youtube cash register rings
I'm in the US! I'd like to be "handled with ease" by ANY student of Hendricks Snake engine. I'm a really nice guy in person. I'm not a psycho. I've met people on here and they're all still alive and not in my freezer. I'm in Arizona . I travel to CA sometimes. I enjoy interaction with others. I have actually made friends with people I meet on here. For me talk is cheap. The proof is always in the puddin. So if any student of the Snake engine would like to meet up with me. I'd love too!

Haha, yeah, that's not going to happen. I offered to meet Hendrik several times in past years - even after he said he welcomed anyone to come see for themselves. So when I took him up on the offer to see in a friendly exchange and/or demonstration, he refused flat out and even threatened to call police and then said he reported me to FBI lol (no joke!)
Probably best to just leave this poor guy alone - I don't think he's very mentally or emotionally stable TBH.
True! but that's because the legs of the chair is still connected to the ground and transmitting GRF to and from the ground lol

Mike is Doing a different thing compare with the force flow handling I mention.

He is using posture as main instead of direct use of force flow path. No action reaction force is mention . No details handling in the lower four bow, no the seven bow development.
Haha, yeah, that's not going to happen. I offered to meet Hendrik several times in past years - even after he said he welcomed anyone to come see for themselves. So when I took him up on the offer to see in a friendly exchange and/or demonstration, he refused flat out and even threatened to call police and then said he reported me to FBI lol (no joke!)
Probably best to just leave this poor guy alone - I don't think he's very mentally or emotionally stable TBH.
I was just talking to Wayne Yung and he mentioned that FBI story . I'm not that lucky to be reported to FBI by him, on the other hand , being Serbian I am probably on some kind black list in that organization so maybe there is no need for personal report so his problem is resolved
Feel free to send a PM, my door is always open. I have nothing to prove but am always willing to learn something new & useful. Enter with civility and it will be returned in kind, enter with hubris & malice be prepared to deal with the consequences.
First off, what do any of us have to gain by coming to your door, except loosing money for travel expenses. There is a chance I might go out to new Mexico to visit Phil Romero, If I do and you are close in proximity I will make to sure knock on your door. But too Be honest I have absolutely nothing to gain by meeting you. So i might just wait until Phil visits Hendrik and coordinate my trip at the same time as his in California, that way I can kill two birds with one stone and gain more from my trip. dlcox I extend the same offer as I did for Zuti, If you are so eager to find out what snake engine force flow is all about directly in person then spend the money for a plane ticket to visit me in Toronto, my door is open. I can do one better, How about we can film the whole thing and post it for everyone to see on this forum to judge for themselves. I await your response:cigar:

Time to put up or shut up in the same manner as the Gracie's, show up and prove it under non-compliant pressure. I'm not a fan of BJJ or MMA, but they have my respect for backing up their claims with action.

The Gracies didn't go to anyone of their challengers door to challenge them, the challengers came to the door of the Gracie Academy to prove them wrong if you remember correctly. I extend the same courtesy.
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First off, what do any of us have to gain by coming to your door, except loosing money for travel expenses. There is a chance I might go out to new Mexico to visit Phil Romero, If I do and you are close in proximity I will make to sure knock on your door. But too Be honest I have absolutely nothing to gain by meeting you. So i might just wait until Phil visits Hendrik and coordinate my trip at the same time as his in California, that way I can kill two birds with one stone and gain more from my trip. dlcox I extend the same offer as I did for Zuti, If you are so eager to find out what snake engine force flow is all about directly in person then spend the money for a plane ticket to visit me in Toronto, my door is open. I can do one better, How about we can film the whole thing and post it for everyone to see on this forum to judge for themselves. I await your response:cigar:
How about you come to Tainan and film it ? Or even better , how aboout you come to Serbia when I go there next time , no need for filming nor return ticket
How about you come to Tainan and film it ? Or even better , how aboout you come to Serbia when I go there next time , no need for filming nor return ticket

I think that I will have some iced tea with cold milk and let the wisdom of kung fu hunting on the net go by.
How about you come to Serbia when I go there next time , no need for filming nor return ticket
No thanks! I don't feel like getting shot nor the idea of not being able to return home from a third world communist country:)

I think that I will have some iced tea with cold milk and let the wisdom of kung fu hunting on the net go by.
It is easy for you, you have the only and original, the most complete Yip Man;s wing chun . You have to understand , it is not easy for the rest of us who have inferior, incomplete arts , we often get frustrated when people who do have something we don't point that out. But you are right about one thing, non of them will ever come to meet me
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No thanks! I don't feel like getting shot nor the idea of not being able to return home from a third world communist country:)
Ok , that is it than, you are afraid , but you should visit my country , it is very old and beautiful country, have something you can't find in North America , like history , culture , art , best food on the world , the most beautiful woman and the most intelligent people , unimaginable night life , the best of all , despite of all the things your country did to my people , you would still be welcomed there with open arms . You can't find such a goodhearted people anywhere else. Now , your comment saying a lot about who and what you are , and thank you for that . Looks like that snake emei whatever engine attract certain kind if personalty .
It is easy for you, you have the only and original, the most complete Yip Man;s wing chun . You have to understand , it is not easy for the rest of us who have inferior, incomplete arts , we often get frustrated when people who do have something we don't point that out. But you are right about one thing, non of them will ever come to meet me , they inviting me there knowing I can't go there with my passport , Really brave
Haha- I have not offered to meet you.After all you have had some lessons from Cheung's brother in Serbia.
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