Poll: Tight Rolling you pants?

Who has "tight rolled" their pant legs within the last...

  • 3 months

  • 1 year

  • 5 years

  • 10 years

  • 20 years

  • Never!

  • I have never, and will never tight roll my pant legs!

  • It doesn't matter when I last tight rolled, because I want tight rolling to come back in style today

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Apr 17, 2002
Reaction score
At an OP in view of your house...
You guys remember when "tight rolling" or "pegging" your jeans/pants was popular in the 80's? When I was in grade school you just weren't cool unless you tightrolled! :roflmao:

I voted last 3 months...but NOT FOR FASHION PURPOSES! Honest!! :D

I have a pair of terry-cloth work out pants that I like to train in, but they are a little 2 long w/ the shoes off, and I can't hem them. So, at the Marissa Marks benefit seminar...yes...I tight rolled! :rofl:
Originally posted by Ender
What is tight rolling???

I tried to explain briefly, but it was "in style" in the 80's. You would "cuff" the bottom legs of your jeans. You would take your bottom pant-leg, and you would fold it over, then roll them up. So, you essentially were "rolling" your pants by making tight cuffs. hence the name "tight rolling."

I remember too that some people did the "ultimate" tight roll, where after rolling their pants, they'd then pull their socks up over the pant rolls. AWESOME! :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: Awe man I was hoping that that whole thing was long forgotten. We used to "Power Cuff" our pants, my best friend in High School had it down to an art. My wife and I did see a lady walking around town not to long ago still sporting the Power Cuff look.

I put 10 years, but it was more like 13 years but who's counting?
I dont tight roll my pants, but I do tuck my pants into my boots. People laugh at me for it...

Its a Punk thing I guess. :mad:
Originally posted by Technopunk
I dont tight roll my pants, but I do tuck my pants into my boots. People laugh at me for it...

Its a Punk thing I guess. :mad:

But you're wearing boots, so you could always...


Originally posted by Technopunk
I dont tight roll my pants, but I do tuck my pants into my boots. People laugh at me for it...

Screw 'em, who cares about them anyway.;)
I think I've done that once or twice, but not for fashion purposes.
Man I thought that was outta style. LOL

I grew up in the eighties, but now I'm the "baggy" gueen LOL. Anything "losse fitting" is in (here in NY anyways). Old Navy fleeces are popular, too.

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