Personal Space...


Black Belt
Oct 31, 2004
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Hello all. I was just thinking about building a small personal dojo in my backyard. For now though, I just use my backyard to train and sometimes I use the livingroom. I have allways wanted a nice secluded place to meditate and train. Here is my question though. What kinds of places do you all use for personal space like this???
I don't know about the backyard dojo, but for myself, when I workout or train , I like my privacy too unless you're playing aswell, ( meaning the back yard is out/ even just to hang a bag) so usually I have a setup in the garage ( if double all the better ) and lounge for early morning callesthenics , light shadow boxing and bwe. Anywhere I'm not going to be distracted will do though ;) :D

Hello, Same here, the garage is my training spot for a quiet and private place. It would be nice to go anywhere and practice without anyone seeing you. To learn to be invisible,have not master that yet. I get caught all the time....just joking....

Training outdoors feels different if you haven't tried it yet. Many of the fishing spots I go to, there is hardly anyone around, good place to practice different stuffs. Feels weird sometimes. (at the beach,love the ocean). Training in the sand gives you a extra work out on the legs. We do Ulua style of fishing and you need 4x4 trucks(lifted)to get to these fishing spots,rough roads over lava fields. I rather fish than fight....where do you like to train?.....Aloha
From what I remember of living in the US people back there like to sue each other for any thing no matter how stupid. Therefore if you are going to train other people I would reconsider the backyard dojo. I think I read somewhere that I guy train others in his backyard, a student got injured claimed his teacher was negligent and sued him; the teacher lost his house and land as a result. Don’t know how true the story is but better safe than sorry.
RRouuselot said:
From what I remember of living in the US people back there like to sue each other for any thing no matter how stupid. Therefore if you are going to train other people I would reconsider the backyard dojo. I think I read somewhere that I guy train others in his backyard, a student got injured claimed his teacher was negligent and sued him; the teacher lost his house and land as a result. Don’t know how true the story is but better safe than sorry.
I am talking more along the lines of a "personal" dojo/space.
Satt said:
I am talking more along the lines of a "personal" dojo/space.

If that is what you mean by personal you can train by yourself almost anywhere.........why would you even ask such a question?
Any room where I can close the door and have an hour of undisturbed time is my personal training space...
Well since I own the Dojaang I have access 24/7/365 days a year so really have no problem, before I would go out in the wooded area by my house and be by mtself, something about training in the woods brings out the best in me.....:uhyeah:
I train in my garage in the winter and outside on the patio and the backyard lawn in the spring and summer and fall. I have a heavy bag/double ended bag set up with a timer. I also use a tred mill and I am looking into a weight set solo flex type. I want to set up a MA circuit training type of workout.

But anyway..yes I some neighbor asked you to train him and you say yes and he gets hurt... you do leave your self open for a lawsuit. Something to think about in for the future.
My personal space used to be in our dark, damp, dirty, basement. But we just bought a new house and will be moving into it in December. One of the first thoughts I had was that the garage (it's a 2 1/2 car garage) is the perfect size to train in. So that will be my new place. It will sure beat that old basement. I also plan on converting a small space in the new basement for the real cold winter days, but that space will be pretty limited.

But anyway..yes I some neighbor asked you to train him and you say yes and he gets hurt... you do leave your self open for a lawsuit. Something to think about in for the future.

You can find liability wavers all over the Internet. I took one and altered it to state my name in place of the business name and changed a few other things to fit my needs, then I have them sign it. It may not always hold up in court if they do decide to sue you, but at least you have written documentation that you described the risks and they agreed not to hold you responsible. Here is a sample of what I have my friends sign if they want me to teach them at my home to give you an idea of what I am talking about.

I hereby represent that I am physically and emotionally able to engage in martial arts instruction, that I have had the training procedures and expectations explained to me. I further acknowledge that by entering upon the course of training, I will be exposed to a risk of personal injury arising out of possible negligence or unavoidable accident due to the very nature and physicality of the art of self-defense. By signing this agreement, it is my stated intention to knowingly assume such risk, and to hold Jason Johnson, and all of his property in **************, and all agents and representatives thereof completely free of liability for any injury sustained as a result of my participation in martial arts instruction. __________ (Initial that you have read and understand the above paragraph)
Satt said:
What kinds of places do you all use for personal space like this???

Sometimes a public space can work just as well as a private one. When I lived closer to the beach, I used to walk along the cliffs to a nice little open spot overlooking the ocean and practice forms and basics by myself. It was a nice, serene spot that usually had a slight breeze. I was in full view of the joggers on the nearby path, but I just ignored them (mostly). Some of them gave me those interesting knowing smiles, as though they were saying, hey, I used to do that.
I don't know about doing full workouts and forms in public, but stretches and a few kicks or some qigong for sure. I just don't like to be interupted really, but if you don't mind the distractions, there's nothing wrong with it . Oh, and when ppl try to copy me and misuse it on poor unsuspecting public or hurt themselves , I don't want to be accountable , even if it is only me and him/her who know where he / she got it. Just another thing an unfettered mind in training doesn't want in there. Peace in practice is hard to acheive when you have to find it on a crowded beach. I'd rather the peace and focus over attention myself , but each to their own ;)

Enough of my 2 cents worth anyway

