Paging the scientists


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
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In Pain

I did not have the time yet to read it. Stuff like this fascinates me.
But I have to admit, it's more for amusement than actual scientific merit.
Any thoughts?

I wish I could find the map again one TV show showed as proof for something templar or other...certain important locations connected superimposed a maltese cross over Europe and North Africa...

But I do find the theory interesting...
Hmmm..seems more "New Age" than Science to me...just my .02.
yes, some crystal pendulums ans incense seem to be involved. or was that something else they where burning....
Hmmm..seems more "New Age" than Science to me...just my .02.
Can't disagree with that sentiment. I don't think too many scientists will go along with the hypothesis. :asian:
I know what Professor Cox would have to say about this I think :lol:. I think it is sufficient to say with a reasonable degree of confidence that it is not rigorous science :).
Here's an interesting blog about a somewhat related issue, the Pauli Exclusion Principle. I link it for a couple of reasons. One being that it is the nature of science for anyone to have a go at picking holes in what you say, for that is how knowledge is advanced. The other being that if you have a blog and spout your mouth off about someone in particular {e.g. a certain famous physicist} then be aware that everyone can read your blog and that certain famous physicist may well appear on your blog :lol:.