OJ gets 15+

Good to see that some justice was done, since he escaped the justice boogeyman 13 years ago.

If someone evaded justice before, got into several scrapes with the law throughout the years afterwards, and was on his last chance, don't you think that he would have excercised some restraint, and steered clear of committing crimes? He obviously wasn't poor (living off a generous NFL pension), so we can rule out socio-economic reasons...
If someone evaded justice before, got into several scrapes with the law throughout the years afterwards, and was on his last chance, don't you think that he would have excercised some restraint, and steered clear of committing crimes? He obviously wasn't poor (living off a generous NFL pension), so we can rule out socio-economic reasons...

I'm guessing that he figured "Hey, I can get away with murder, you can't touch me."
According to this he's up to 33 years now http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/oj_simpson... either way it's still not really justice for Ronald Goldman & Nicole Brown because she was slaughtered messily and her killer got away with it. Reading the book written by the primary FBI investigator of the case (the same one who wrote about serial profiling) said that they KNEW he did it... just had a helluva time proving it. They suspect that Kato knew also that OJ did it but was held under some restraint to lie under oath... it was a difficult case to try ... especially with the tape turned up on Furman.
But yeah, got away with murder and while had to pay millions in the civil suit he was broke enough to go bad and now going up for robbery.

The saddest thing of all is that an NFL icon 10,000 yards career rushing and the first to do it... and he's still no better than the gang-bangah from the hood.
Used to be someone for kids to look up to.

Used to be.
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Well, 15 years seems a bit much for this particular event but karma's a you-know-what...
The saddest thing of all is that an NFL icon 10,000 yards career rushing and the first to do it... and he's still no better than the gang-bangah from the hood.
Used to be someone for kids to look up to.
I personally have a problem that athletes are even considered heros, someone to look up to, and/or role models.
I hope the Goldman and Brown families will move on. I understand their belief in their quest for justice, but I suspect this has exacted a toll on them.
The saddest thing of all is that an NFL icon 10,000 yards career rushing and the first to do it... and he's still no better than the gang-bangah from the hood.
Used to be someone for kids to look up to.

Used to be.

More and More common.
On the time... As they were announcing, we added up that he had a minimum of 8 years. I haven't found or pulled up an itemized list, but there some running consecutively, and some running concurrently. A concurrent sentence means the clock runs for several charges at once; consecutive means you do the time for #1, then you do the time for #2... and so on.
I personally have a problem that athletes are even considered heros, someone to look up to, and/or role models.

Buncha meatheads playing catch and making millions of dollars for it. Can't imagine why anyone would want that job. :shrug:
I personally have a problem that athletes are even considered heroes, someone to look up to, and/or role models.
Yeah, I agree which is why I said "used to be". :miffer:
Now it's just the money and omigod the money... I watch sports only because my dad (being deaf and blind and needs me to interpret the games) is a fanatic and while he's more of a college level, which is what I prefer anyway over the pros-- because they're really trying... so they can get IN the pros to make those gawdawful obscene amounts... is simply ridiculous. IMO they're worth a lot of money sure, but not THAT much!
There was that one player who purposefully sat out (in a suit) during one game and was fined something like $400K and he didn't look the least bit bothered by it. Sheesh!

As a kid I admired pro athletes like Julius Irving, Bob Grese, Mean Joe Green, Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Hank Aaron, Fran Tarkenton, and yea even unto OJ himself ... but now... these new guys... getting into dog fighting, shooting themselves, raping women, and on and on... gone are the heroes.
What the judge said hit the nail on the head for me. She said, "I tried to figure out if you were ignorant, arogant, or both. No I know, It's both."
OJ, while certainly guilty of these crimes was really, IMHO, convicted less because of the evidence and more because everyone knows he got away with killing Nicole and Ron Brown.

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