Now I've Seen Everything.

This should be funny. These shows are getting out of control.

What is next? American Kenpo Idol?
When AbbotWannabes Attack IV. Tonight on Fox!
Carol Kaur said:
When AbbotWannabes Attack IV. Tonight on Fox!

"Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the temple..."
Steven Seagal: "and the golden Grasshopper award goes to..."
Danjo said:
In the latest issue of Black Belt Magazine, there is an article where Steve Demasco (Of USSD fame) and his cohort Charlie Mattera (Also of USSD) will be getting together with Aikido movie star Steven Seagal and the Shaolin Abbot to determine who will be the next Shaolin monk in a reality show.

The contestants will compete doing various animal forms and then they will be voted on to see who will represent the Shaolin temple to the world.

I have to say - this beats the vast majority of reality shows out there.
MA-Caver said:
He'd probably get Uma Thurman to perform that five touch heart bursting technique on them.

Hey, if its her doing it, I'll dummy up as a stuntman. LOL
Hand Sword said:
I think you might have to shave your head first.


I'd be too traumatized ;)
Could you imagine that show The Surreal Life with a gaggle of cheezy MA'ists all under the same roof?
Hmmm, let's see. We can put Ashida Kim, Charlie Mattera, Rod Sacharnowski, David Carradine & Steven Seagal all in the same house, and watch as they play all kinds of wacky kung fu antics!:partyon:

masterfinger said:
Could you imagine that show The Surreal Life with a gaggle of cheezy MA'ists all under the same roof?
Hmmm, let's see. We can put Ashida Kim, Charlie Mattera, Rod Sacharnowski, David Carradine & Steven Seagal all in the same house, and watch as they play all kinds of wacky kung fu antics!:partyon:


Ralph Macchio would have to be there. Long live the Crane Technique!

"First learn walk, then learn fly."
masterfinger said:
Could you imagine that show The Surreal Life with a gaggle of cheezy MA'ists all under the same roof?
Hmmm, let's see. We can put Ashida Kim, Charlie Mattera, Rod Sacharnowski, David Carradine & Steven Seagal all in the same house, and watch as they play all kinds of wacky kung fu antics!:partyon:


I am still betting on Seagal to come out the winner in that one. :uhyeah:
DavidCC said:
Someone ought to wrtie to David Carradine and urge him to apply for a spot on the show.

I'd pay to see that...