


I was just wondering how many people keep notebooks of their training? Personally I started one but find it hard to have time to write every tech, combo, form, etc... into it. So I kinda gave up on doing it. For me I was doing it to have as a reference but find that most of the things I am learning at the dojo just sink right in and it is almost like a waste of time to keep one. So what I was wondering is if I could get some feedback on this topic. Do you keep one? Is it important to your training? etc...etc.... I am interested to hear opinions on this.

I encourage all my students to keep a notebook. Benjamin Franklin - once you write something down it is to remember... keep with it!
I ask my students to keep one. In years from now they can look back and say "ok thats how we did it" It is also nice to look back and remember other things you might write down. Memories are fun.
I keep two notebooks one for my training the other for teaching, at the end of the day I make notes on the classes I taught that day. I keep track of the lessons I teach and student responses as well as questions that were asked. I use that input help with future classes.
Someone else asked this same question not long ago.

I've been keeping a journal since I first started Aikido. I write about the class (if anything funny happened), who I was partnered with, and what my sensei might tell me about certain techniques that I want to be able to look back and read.

The neatest part is having a record of my progress. I can easily flip way back in my journal and read where I wrote, "Tonight we did such and such technique. I hate this technique! I'll NEVER be able to get it! :mad: :wah: " and months later it'll be the exact same technique but I'll have written, "Sensei really worked with me on this technique (like he's done 100 times before) but I FINALLY "got it" for the first time!!!! I don't hate it anymore!!! Even if I can't do it perfectly every time, I finally understand what I'm doing wrong now!!! Happy day! :D". It's those memories that are so cool and encouraging. :)

Robyn :asian:
An the end of my training guide, i put in a few hundred blank pieces of lined paper. I write down brief explanations of drills, concepts or whatever. Sometimes i even use it as a journal. I recommend the journal thing because its good to look back on to your thoughts. :)
I dont understand how students write when training? I thought people goto martial arts to lean to fight or for a workout? Its nothing like a math or history class. I always thought that the best way to learn something is to use it and practice
A notebook is an excellent idea. With the volume of material and the intricacies of some of the techniques, a written record of the curriculum is a necessity (at least at my school).

From my personal perspective, the act of documenting a technique causes that technique to be burned into my memory. Also, writing down the information requires a thorough examination of exactly what is entailed for proper execution.
I also keep a notebook. I try to get the new students to get into the habit of keeping a notebook also. When they learn a new technique, or form. Write it out or draw a diagram. It helps them for when they practice at home, that way they know they are doing it right, and doing it the same way it was taught to them. It helps cut down the re-teaching time.

In my notebook, on the front pages I have all the material I have learned from my instructor, and on the back pages are my thoughts, or personal notes on certian subjects. I can then go back and see how my thoughts and my perspective on Kenpo has changed over the years. It is a chronical of my journey and growth in the art.

-Jason Johnson
My old kenpo school actually gave you a notebook with each of the techniques written out step by step for each rank level, each kata done the same way. By the time you test for shodan you had quite a hefty book on your hands. I added extra pages of pages to write down things that were added/changed in the curriculum or anything interesting that was brought up, not exactly a journal but more of a "straight to the point" kinda thing. When I left the school I managed to get a copy of the rest of the techniques from my level the rest of the way up to shodan so that I can continue to train on my own or with a couple of other former students of the school. Now that I've begun NGA I'll be keeping a notebook of my own.
I have several notepads in my desk drawer that are full of seminar notes, personal ideas, or notable descriptions and quotes.

I've never stopped in the middle of class to write something down, but I do write things down between seminars at the international camps. Although sometimes my shorthand baffles me and it takes me a while to decrypt it :confused: .

Besides this I keep most of my email correspondances, or at least the ones that contain valued information. Sometimes I'll hear things and a couple of camps later I'll be reading through my old notes and be like, " oooohhh okay, that's what they meant by that."

I find it very useful to keep notes, I just have too much going on to be able to remember every little thing. Besides sometimes it's funny to look back and see how off my interpretations were of what I had learned. Just like I'm sure I'll look back in a couple of years and say, "Damn you didn't know anything back then." Just an aspect of the journey. :cool:
At the school I attend we encourage all the students to make a notebook. We aid this by making handouts that we passout at different times. We also demonstrate the usefulness of keeping notebooks by using the ones we made (senior students). One of the ways we get the infomation in a form to be written down is by video taping a session or technique then a student can watch and rewind and review as much as he needs to get it into a written format. Many of the student bring a tablet to class and then stat a few minutes after and write things down and work it out with other students or instructors. Tapes are very useful for reviewing things. In many cases figureing out how to write down what you are seeing helps people remember it better. It is also much easier to bring your notes to class than bringing videos. Your notes can also be a memory jogger when you are outside of class and working out with a friend or fellow student. You can remember most of what you want to do but just have forgotten the step you review your notes and hopefully its is enough to shine some light on what you are doing. I may be mistaken but I think every school I have attend over the last 30 years or so passes out handout. It might only have some vocabulary words on it or how to count to ten in a foreign language but it is a start.
In the school I attend we also get written task thrown at us from time to time. Might be to read a few chapters in a book and write out a brief summery. When I started here I used to think they were a pain and did not see the point but I do now and will do the same thing if I shoul open my own school.
A notebook is a must. I've got the same one since I started Kenpo. It's almost completely full in which I can go back a couple of years and remember what was changed and for what reason.