Northern Mantis Demo

7starmantis said:
I found this video of a Northern Mantis meeting. Some good drills and nice application work.


seems so easy to throw a person.

thanks, that's a pretty cool video.
i have a question though, when they do the first exercise they're dipping down into what? a belly-caving punch?
Looks like some type of low strike, maybe a groin strike or uprooting punch.

The part I was impressed with was the applications, looks like he knows what he is doing, thats rare to find nowadays online. Or offline for that matter.

enjoyable to watch someone move smoothly doing those techniques
thanks for the link
Anyone know anything about the teacher in the video, Marek Piechotka ?

Maybe I'll see if I can find him in the mantis cave.

7starmantis said:
Anyone know anything about the teacher in the video, Marek Piechotka ?

Maybe I'll see if I can find him in the mantis cave.

could you post a couple of levels of his lineage if you find him please?
Yes I found that too. Looks like he studied with the famous (or infamous according to whom you listen too) Kai Uwe Pel.

the tree doesnt show his from lo kwan yu lineage, but the text of his profile does...
btw, how authentic are these sites?
anyone could claim he studied under sifu jones for example and put that on his website. (that's mr. hsiao's response to me asking why dont we have lineage on our site since we go over it almost every week)
Fernando's page is accurate for the most part. Your right anyone can claim they study under someone, but their skill will tell the truth if their words lie.

7starmantis said:
Fernando's page is accurate for the most part. Your right anyone can claim they study under someone, but their skill will tell the truth if their words lie.

yeah obviously
but they can still BS someone and get their money for it!
Um, what money? You mean like getting students? Yeah thats just the way it is though, in America you have to deal with that in any business. The electrician you hire may not really know what he's doing either.

7starmantis said:
Um, what money? You mean like getting students? Yeah thats just the way it is though, in America you have to deal with that in any business. The electrician you hire may not really know what he's doing either.

that's not completely true
when you go to a mechanic you will see a certificate that he's had training or something that's approved by the city.
pretty much most of industries have that, except for computer science and apparently martial arts :)
You will also see certificates on the walls of martial arts schools. Unless you research the ones hanging in either the electricians office and the MA school they do no good to you. There are many, many ways to get "certificates" that mean absolutely crap. Also, having worked in the medical field I've seen "registered" nurses doing things that would make your blood boil...and loose them thier liscense, so a certificate really means...not much.

7starmantis said:
You will also see certificates on the walls of martial arts schools. Unless you research the ones hanging in either the electricians office and the MA school they do no good to you. There are many, many ways to get "certificates" that mean absolutely crap. Also, having worked in the medical field I've seen "registered" nurses doing things that would make your blood boil...and loose them thier liscense, so a certificate really means...not much.

damn.. im starting to question of lo kwan yu knew any KF for real now!
you're right...
mantis said:
damn.. im starting to question of lo kwan yu knew any KF for real now!
you're right...

The way you know is by the "fruit" if you will. You could see his skill in his own kung fu and cna still see it in the kung fu of many of his students and students students down the line. That is the true test, everyone must stand on their own skill.

Very impressive techniques. However, one must go beyond application and into sparring. For instance, in wrestling when you learn how to do a double leg takedown on a willing partner, it is an entirely different situation when you wrestle for real. Even if you have the techniques and mechanics down, you will have to make attempt after attemp before you can accomplish the takedown.
And some of the techniques in the video clip looks tricky. The willing partner is holding his arm out letting the instructor perform those moves on him. When you punch you extend the arm and quickly retract, not hold it out there. So the techniques have to be accomplished in that split second when a guy's arm is fully extended before he retracts it. If I see the instructor do that in a sparring situation that would be very impressive.
monster123 said:
Very impressive techniques. However, one must go beyond application and into sparring. For instance, in wrestling when you learn how to do a double leg takedown on a willing partner, it is an entirely different situation when you wrestle for real. Even if you have the techniques and mechanics down, you will have to make attempt after attemp before you can accomplish the takedown.
And some of the techniques in the video clip looks tricky. The willing partner is holding his arm out letting the instructor perform those moves on him. When you punch you extend the arm and quickly retract, not hold it out there. So the techniques have to be accomplished in that split second when a guy's arm is fully extended before he retracts it. If I see the instructor do that in a sparring situation that would be very impressive.

Thats true of any martial art or fighting training. Showing technique and application is important. This wasn't intended to be a "sparring" video.


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