My Site is Finally Up!

Okay, I "softened" the language considerably on the Buyer Beware program, but am concerned about coming off as negative.
I am thinking about changing that page to "Frequently Asked Questions" and making it very positive towards my program and not negative at all towards other programs.
Does everyone here think that sounds better?


I believe this approach is best for your school to grow and become real successful as well by providing what you can offer and not being so negative about others
The updated version looks good; I could find the schedule quickly.

I would suggest a rephrasing here, though:
What age groups does the school teach? Ages 8 and up. We will not teach younger than that due to personal opinions about teaching children that young, but the head instructor will recommend other schools if a parent insists that their child be taught at a younger age.

I'd just leave out the personal opinion part, and mention that you can refer them to schools that handle younger students. "Opinion" just invites arguments about why "my little Johnny is special!"
Okay, I am finished with some BIG changes, all of which were suggested here.

Everyone read the "Class Info/FAQ" page, which replaced the Buyer Beware page. It is totally positive now and includes time, prices, ages, and lots more.

Also, I moved my lion logo so it does not look like a splash link.

I am going to keep my pics on my Flikr page for now, since uploading pics onto my main site is a pain in the rear, but will fix that later, since some of you pointed out that you can't get to Flikr at work. I am happy about what everyone said about the photos that I picked. I like pictures that stress the students and the fun we are having.

Thanks everyone and keep the comments coming!

Beautiful job, AoG. The info/FAQ section now looks totally professional, and I really like the `student' section. Very clear, and I'm sure very gratifying for the students in your school whose names are given along with their belt level. And the belt-tying diagram is about the clearest I've ever seen anywhere! Wish I'd been able to see it when I was first starting TKD; it took me forever to work out how to tie a belt properly (could've asked my instructor but I didn't want to be a pest).

The rape-facts section is heartbreaking and infuriating...:( :rpo:
Excellent stuff AoG! Congratulations on a job well done! :asian:

Seven Owl Dojo in Charlotte, NC is hosting an Akayama Ryu seminar on Saturday, April 14th. Joseph Lumpkin, former head of KFC is one of our black belts and usually attends all the Camps. If he's sufficiently recovered from a recent injury, he'll probably be there. If it's in your neighborhood, please join us.

Mark Barlow
Site looks good!!

One thing, you still have the personal opinion up about student age in the FAQ section.

Just curious, what does CSRA stand for?
I liked the simplicity of it and think it's a good no-nonsense site promoting your school without a lot of hype. Good job.

Hmm, Augusta Georgia huh? How far is that from Chattanooga? :D
Congratulations on getting your site up! Nice and simple, yet informative.
My friend this is a great site. Congrats to you, very professional looking, easy to navigate.
Site looks good!!

One thing, you still have the personal opinion up about student age in the FAQ section.

Just curious, what does CSRA stand for?

CSRA stands for Central Savannah River Area, which includes Aiken, SC and Augusta, GA, but extends all the way from Evans, GA to Outer Aiken (Jackson, New Ellenton, Trenton, and all the other tiny areas on the outskirts).

I am leaving the opinion part on the age up. I know it may sound a little hard edged, but I want it known how I feel to parents that call me wanting to enroll their four year old (which happened a few days ago).

I liked the simplicity of it and think it's a good no-nonsense site promoting your school without a lot of hype. Good job.

Hmm, Augusta Georgia huh? How far is that from Chattanooga? :D

Ooh, Chattanooga would be about a 4 hour drive if I remember right. Still, if anyone is in the area, I would love to have you join us.

Anyone who is reading this: bring a uniform or workout clothes and give me a ring before you show up. If you are a teacher, I would LOVE for you to share something with my students, or simply come for a workout and a fun time.


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