Mr. Calkins

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Well if memory serve me right he said he'll be at the MA get together and Kieth said he would take video's of his skills. Hopefully if he'll show up we can put this to rest. I'm hoping things will be able to get back to normal and Bruce will find the giuding light to start a new. On another note I do not or ever have been a fraud buster or ever tried to find info. on anybody until today and a friend of a friend has seen Bruce in action and said at best it is basic MA stuff you learn in your first 3 -6 months of training, I'm not saying right or wrong just what I've been told by a thrid party.

Terry Lee Stoker
That was pretty much my opinion when the video clips of Bruce were posted: fairly basic stuff with some fairly major flaws, certainly not what you would expect from a 10th dan, or probably even a shodan in ANY art.

In any case, I gave my opinion of those videos elsewhere and don't really want to be posting any further comments on those videos unless invited to, as I said all I wanted to at the time.
Bester said:
Everyone in WNY I spoke to about him either a-didn't know who he was, or b-thought he was a nut.

Everyone Bruce.

I've called 20 schools so far.
You talk a good show for someone that has never seen me in person. You talk about some Basic Videos I put on my web.. Yes they look Basic... Why... Because I Said "THEY ARE FOR MY STUDENTS AND WERE MENT TO BE BASIC!!!" I never claimed that they were top level techniques or the best I have to offer. I said that they were Basic Takedowns I was working with a Kyu Rank Student for my students benifit.
As for these 20 schools... It is easy to put out a number without any names. I would love to hear some of the names. I could name schools all over WNY that I work with and guest teach at.. I do seminars and train with. It seems funny that they would have me at their schools for all of this if I was such a Joke.
So far everyone that has posted about me has never met or worked with me and most of you have the fact that you never could back up your words because you are in Japan or the UK. For this I say all talk. If you ever met me or had the time to train with me you would find out that you were mistaken.
Maybe I don't do flying jump kicks... Well none of my students do either. It is not required in our system. Also I BROKE MY BACK IN 2001 AND HAD MY LOWER SPINE FUSED!! I may seem a little stiff sometimes. but that doesn't stop me from teaching a student how to move freely. I once met an insturctor that was in a Wheelchair, Paralized from the hip down. I watched him teach a student how to do a 360* Cresent kick. Smooth as glass... But he never left the chair. This is the mark of a great instructor. I would never put my self in his class but I have the same ability to transfer knowledge.
elder999 said:
Oh, goodness heavens! Pleeease post a link!
I allready thought the Dude was a cartoon, post the link

As far as the Video links that were posted, I did'nt see basic techniques(hell the basics well done can be impressive), but lousy techniques and nonsense katas.
His own comments damn him more than anything anyone else can say.

He's made his bed, and it looks a lot like bed time.

The more he speaks, the more disturbing the "total picture" becomes. He is a black hole of misery - murder, severe injuries, illnesses, they all seem to come his way ceaselessly. Yet, he endures and is beloved by the people...

He is a modern Don Quixote, just with different and far more vocal windmills. But like the Don of literature, he'll eventually be forced to face reality, one way or another. For his sake, and for that of his students, I just hope it doesn't cost someone more than they can afford to pay...

BruceCalkins said:
I was 13 in 1975. I went to Ft. Lauderdale with Tamio Kamura in late 75 early 76 and started in Garland TX in late 78. I was with my Grandmother
BruceCalkins said:
My Mother was murdered in front of my eyes in Jamestown NY, when I was 13
BruceCalkins said:
Here again I have given all my information. I studied with David Frost In Garland Tx. At a School Called The Black Star Ninjitsu Academy. I lived in a dorm from Nov 1975 - Aug 1976……I missed the areas school entry date so I was going to have to take the years grade over again anywhay so my Mom and Dad Let me go there

From the Website:
In November of 1978 Soke found himself in Garland Tx. Here he met Master David Frost of the Black Star Ninjitsu Academy. This was a live in academy and Soke lived and trained at the academy for until August of 1979.

It's probably just me.
BruceCalkins said:
You talk a good show for someone that has never seen me in person. You talk about some Basic Videos I put on my web.. Yes they look Basic... Why... Because I Said "THEY ARE FOR MY STUDENTS AND WERE MENT TO BE BASIC!!!" I never claimed that they were top level techniques or the best I have to offer. I said that they were Basic Takedowns I was working with a Kyu Rank Student for my students benifit.
As a high grade, your basics should be exceptionally well-honed, and this should show in your movement. What I saw didn't appear to be the movement of someone trained in such techniques for 3 good years, let alone 30-something. Sorry Bruce, but I really don't think those videos did you any favours.
Soapy Calkins said:
As for these 20 schools... It is easy to put out a number without any names. I would love to hear some of the names. I could name schools all over WNY that I work with and guest teach at.. I do seminars and train with. It seems funny that they would have me at their schools for all of this if I was such a Joke.

Kaith maintains a website for WNY schools at
I worked my way down the list.
We know you haven't been really teaching at Mr. Kochs in years (at least) since there has never been a mention of you on his website, or even on his hand-out calendars.

Pinochio Calkins said:
So far everyone that has posted about me has never met or worked with me and most of you have the fact that you never could back up your words because you are in Japan or the UK. For this I say all talk. If you ever met me or had the time to train with me you would find out that you were mistaken.

So you will be at the MT seminar in July then? Where numerous members of this forum will gather in 1 place, so show your mastery? Or will you be scheduled for surgery that day, or will you be facing off against the evil Romulan horde, or will you no show? It's a $25 event, cheap enough that anyone can collect pop bottles to cover it if need be. Personally, I doubt you have the guts to show up at events with real martial artists. I watch the WNY scene, and I've never seen you on the teaching bill at -ANY- local event that was advertised. Police blotter (for creating a public disturbance while "training" with a sword in public), yes. Events, no.

Sorry Bruce, but almost everything you have said has turned out to be false, wrong, or an exaggeration. It is really too bad that those people you do play with won't be honest with you. You are a sham. I've seen 85 year old men move better than you. Your videos content can be basic techniques, thats fine. You however should be uber-polished in them, not creaking like a 3 legged At-At on Hoth. You are nothing more than a wanna-be, who lacks the true spirit of a serious martial artist, and fabricates to cover up his short comings. You may fool the hics in your town, you may fool a few other WNY frauds as well, but you cannot fool those of us who have really done this for years, not just diddled with it as you have.

You claim you have taught at events?

You claim you teach at Bob Kochs?
When was your last seminar there?

When did you teach at Bill Adams? He's the biggest school in WNY and has had a gazillion events.

Have any copies of the event flyers you can scan in and post?
No? Didn't think so.

Go away. This place is for real martial artists. Not fakes who buy recognition from other fakes.
Gemini said:


From the Website:
In November of 1978 Soke found himself in Garland Tx. Here he met Master David Frost of the Black Star Ninjitsu Academy. This was a live in academy and Soke lived and trained at the academy for until August of 1979.

It's probably just me.

Hmmm, that would indeed appear to be quite a mix-up!
Well, sometimes I think the poor guy is more mixed up than a DQ Blizard.
Guys like this should come with warning labels: "May be nuts"
I don't have the time nor interest, but it'd be intriguing to see a side by side comparison with the claims from his website on one side, and the things he's said on MT on the other... Just to clarify certain points...


Chronological, organized timelines are not a great idea for ArchDuke Van Calkins. Better to stick with the fanatasy that he has been presenting

BTW it is not real hard to judge Der Uber Calkins for what he is, and as far as believing. I do believe. I believe that Der Uber is a fraud
Aaron, the BJJ website referred to is (or could be, perhaps there are more).

If you run a Search on "Calkins" then you'll see he has become a byword for a certain type of martial artist. In fact his name is mentioned so frequently that I expect to find it in dictionaries in the not-too-distant future. Fame and Notoriety are of equal value to someone suffering from Munchausen's syndrome are they not?

The cartoons, Photoshop collages and general abuse go back to his first arrival on the board as a ... contributing member ... earlier this year (about 4 months before he turned up here). The members there have developed a twisted affection for this gentlest of men, and appear to think of him as one might think of those strange white-faced people with baggy trousers and red noses that you see at a circus.

Not helped by pictures from his own website that have no need for any editing at all...
Okay here is a proposal if anyone is up to it. I say two or three good Black Belts men or women take a trip to his studio unannounced and look over his programs. This way it can be settled?

Make sure no one has a cell phone to warn him lol that way no "emergenices" happen.
I just recently the wife and I went to the movies about a month and a half ago and we saw KUNG FU HUSTLE. His claims of MA and his wordings sound just like some scenes form this movie. OMG!

I am doing some research on the instructors he claimed to have learned from. The Instructors listed on his certs show up nowhere on the Net or old phone book archives.
Tripitaka of AA said:
Aaron, the BJJ website referred to is (or could be, perhaps there are more).

If you run a Search on "Calkins" then you'll see he has become a byword for a certain type of martial artist. In fact his name is mentioned so frequently that I expect to find it in dictionaries in the not-too-distant future. Fame and Notoriety are of equal value to someone suffering from Munchausen's syndrome are they not?

The cartoons, Photoshop collages and general abuse go back to his first arrival on the board as a ... contributing member ... earlier this year (about 4 months before he turned up here). The members there have developed a twisted affection for this gentlest of men, and appear to think of him as one might think of those strange white-faced people with baggy trousers and red noses that you see at a circus.

Not helped by pictures from his own website that have no need for any editing at all...
I believe that was the one.
BlackCatBonz said:
they have one of bruce's certificates up on bullshido.....specifically the one from the ninja academy......and the date on it is aug.8, 1976

look for post #7
That thread is too funny. Well, when the morons there focus.

Couple of high points:
- Brucey is now 6 degrees higher than his only legit instructor. WOW!
- Bruceys students stances and blocks are pure crap. He has a 3rd degree BB whose outside block is absolutely the reverse of anything I've seen. Then again, I try to look at real arts, not the movies.
- Looks like he teaches "Karate-Kid-Fu".

Etc. Etc. Etc.

I'd love to spar these people. ****, I'll even use a "Bathla" or whatever you call them. :lol:

How bout it Brutha? We meet in the field oh honor, try to duck the cops so you don't get busted again for "pubic disturdbence", butt heads like true "Warriors of the Empire!" then go at it like Worf and Durass? :rofl: Ok, I'll wear my slave girl outfit. It'll be more like Leia vs Hutt.
</SARCASM> (I have to mention when I'm being sarcastic since there are a few folks reading who are too stupid to figure it out without the tags. I also don't have a slave girl outfit, so you perves stop fantasizing right now.) :lol:

'oH pongwIj'e'K'Bester.
betleHlIj HInoj?
'oy' DaSIQjaj - Oic da shikh jaj.
Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam.
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