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clfsean said:
I dunno. I don't speak Tibetan (whatever the prope name of it is) & their Mandarin is heavily accented with it. Kinda like the Mexican dialect of Castillian Spanish... the same, but not.

Most of the locals I saw & interacted with were like everybody else today... getting by. The gov't there is like the gov't here... removed unless needing get involved with directly in.
I often wondered on how languages change the moment they mix or become apart from others of the same.

My current Chnese instructor, only via coercing tells me Mandarin, but when I try to use it at a local Chinese restaurant, they look at me strange. (NOTE-not words used in martial arts, just general structures). These other Chinese have stated that certain families start their own versions what would be considered as slang. One guy told me it is something like Northen verse Southern speaking in the US. Words are understtod, but pronounciation and structure is altered.

My question to you, Sean, have you come across such inconsistancies with Chinese language?
My fellow brothers and sisters in the martial arts. I started this thread in the hopes that we would give Mr.Calkins the opportunity to clarify some of the biazarre stories about his training. In some aspects he did. In others he did not. Answered questions presented new questions which eventually leads to Mr.Calkins training coming into question again. For almost a month now we have tried to get to the bottom of his training. It has become apparent that this will never happen. In my opinion it is time to close the chapter on MT known as "Soke" Bruce Calkins. I am sure we would all agree that there are other things that we can debate that will further our martial arts knowledge. What good does it do to look at the pictures of Mr.Calkins and debate his possible weight issue? How does all of this effect us? In my opinion it does not. My intentions whenever I posted in a thread that concerned Mr.Calkins was not to belittle him it was to inform him that some people have different opinions about titles and how they are used. I was also hoping to enlighten him on some cultural issues as well. Mr.Calkins seems like a nice enough person and through all of the critisisim has handled himself very well. A quality most of us may not have displayed if the shoe were on the other foot. I would like to further discuss some of his training issues with him wether on this forum or through email communiations in order to get a better understanding of him and his philosophies. I believe in some ways it is our job as martial artists to further peoples knowledge no matter how outlandish their claims of rank or achievment are. Some of you may look at me and say why waist your time. Others may say I am a friend of his. That is fine I honestly do not know Mr.Calkins from Adam but if it is knowledge he seeks than I will offer to him what I know which was past on from my teacher to me. We must all remember that someone took the time to pass the knowledge on or none of us would be where we are today. In closing I would encourage all of us to maybe start helping Mr.Calkins from here on out. Remember also that most of the history of the martial arts has been handed doen by word of mouth wit very little written documentation. This is where some of his historical discrepincies may be coming from. I thank all of you for taking the time to read this.

RRouuselot said:
1)No you are what is known as over weight…… which is obvious from your gut hanging a few inches over you belt. I repeat, muscle doesn’t hang like that. You neck looks big when you lower your chin for the same reason your gut looks big. If I were to give you a body fat test I have little doubt you would be 25~30% fat. Good would be below 20%, excellent is below 10%.

2)You mean that didn’t give you a decoder ring too……man you got ripped off.
To BAd I though the moderators were going to watch your Personal attacks.. I guess not.. All you have to do is be a sponcered member to get away with this bashing.. (I WANT TO MAKE THIS PART CLEAR BEFORE ANYONE TURNS IT AROUND ON ME) I am not saying this is the Web Masters fault. He cant monitor everyone and you just like to Bash people you dont know. The Web Master is a Kind and Open minded person and I think Most of his moderators are as well. But...

1) Like I said... I have Diabites.. If you know anything you know that means I am under a Dr. Care to keep close watch on my weight. I have Body Fat and BMI checks every 2 months.... I am a Big Man But My Dr. Who is very creditable. has told me that I "DO NOT HAVE TO LOSE ANY WEIGHT." I habe a above avaerage BMI but it have Muscle Mass. If you look at a Lot of Power Lifters you will see this. (I'm sure no one will believe this but it's true..) I Leg Press over 1400 lbs and can do it at any time. Not just 1 or 2 time but 15-20 reps 5 sets. Also I work with a Full Extention Pushup that I have chalanges people to do 1.. I will do 5 for every 1 they do. and I do it. I have onl;y found 5 people that can do this push up and even some friends that I know that are Marine DI's have failed. When my dr. does the Pinch Test with the meter for BFC Body Fat Count. It is low but my BMI Which checks Body Mass Index is up. As I have said.. Only when you meet me or if someone meets me they will find this out. You can believe what you want from old Pic...

2) I think NYS would take offence at your statements. I have worked with Federal and Local Law enforcement for many years. My Licence and Badge were authorized and given me by NYS not some phony store... Due to Licenseing rules I cant just scan and post the copy of you papers but anyone with the want can check NYS License Burau and If they will give you the information you can find it... Bruce D. Calkins, Perry, NY

Like I have posted before.. I may have different opinions or ideals but I DON"T LIE!!!
arnisador said:
Can you be more specific about how to check the license? I didn't find it here:

Whom might one contact to verify it?
I don't know what is needed or if they can give the information but I recieved my license from The New York State Burau of Licenses. There has to be a Phone Number ... I didn't do it on the Web and I don't have the number still. They sentme my papers and I filled them Out. I had a previous Federal Security License within the last 2 years so I didn't have to re take the test. It was still valid. But they don't just hand them out. You have to have Background checks. Be finger printed, and Tested long before licensed.
Mr. Calkins I do not believe you are lieing just a little bit off from what people are saying , as far as body fat and overwieght I am no doubt about it, but i can still proform my task at the highest level that I can right now. As long as you are happy with your system and your training and your students are happy then who cares what people think. Most of my parent and my friends find me to be an *** most of the time but I'm a good teacher and that is what they are looking for. As I stated about the Battle of NY I'm glad your students did well and that speaks louder than any certificateto me, a man can only train the way he was tought and your legacy will be carried out by your students when life has pass us by.

terry Lee Stoker
Thank You Terry...

I will be posting Pics of my winners on our Web Site and Boy did they make us proud. We are a small school for now and I have a great group. If you ever venture to NY please feel free to look us up :ultracool
BruceCalkins said:
Thank You Terry...

I will be posting Pics of my winners on our Web Site and Boy did they make us proud. We are a small school for now and I have a great group. If you ever venture to NY please feel free to look us up :ultracool
Actually my wife family is from Jersey so maybe this Holiday season we will stop by Thanks
Being a full time and a half webgeek, I spend alot of time sitting. As a result, I'm not in the best of shape myself. I've joined a gym, and am actively working to get into fighting shape. Alot of people, especially in WNY are in the "overweight" classification. I blame it on long winters and great chicken wings. :)

In Mr. Calkins defense, I have to agree to a point. I've seen a great many martial artists who appear fat, yet who can still move well. Powerlifters tend to be 'thicker', and lets not forget Sumo. :) Add in health issues (bad back or joints, high blood pressure, etc) and you tend to move outside the "norm" in stats. The flip side of this is however, there is nothing like being in shape and physically fit. You look better, feel better and will move better. Thats why I'm in a gym. (Has nothing to do with the girls in spandex, really......)
chinto01 said:
My fellow brothers and sisters in the martial arts. I started this thread in the hopes that we would give Mr.Calkins the opportunity to clarify some of the biazarre stories about his training. In some aspects he did. In others he did not. Answered questions presented new questions which eventually leads to Mr.Calkins training coming into question again. For almost a month now we have tried to get to the bottom of his training. It has become apparent that this will never happen. In my opinion it is time to close the chapter on MT known as "Soke" Bruce Calkins. I am sure we would all agree that there are other things that we can debate that will further our martial arts knowledge. What good does it do to look at the pictures of Mr.Calkins and debate his possible weight issue? How does all of this effect us? In my opinion it does not. My intentions whenever I posted in a thread that concerned Mr.Calkins was not to belittle him it was to inform him that some people have different opinions about titles and how they are used. I was also hoping to enlighten him on some cultural issues as well. Mr.Calkins seems like a nice enough person and through all of the critisisim has handled himself very well. A quality most of us may not have displayed if the shoe were on the other foot. I would like to further discuss some of his training issues with him wether on this forum or through email communiations in order to get a better understanding of him and his philosophies. I believe in some ways it is our job as martial artists to further peoples knowledge no matter how outlandish their claims of rank or achievment are. Some of you may look at me and say why waist your time. Others may say I am a friend of his. That is fine I honestly do not know Mr.Calkins from Adam but if it is knowledge he seeks than I will offer to him what I know which was past on from my teacher to me. We must all remember that someone took the time to pass the knowledge on or none of us would be where we are today. In closing I would encourage all of us to maybe start helping Mr.Calkins from here on out. Remember also that most of the history of the martial arts has been handed doen by word of mouth wit very little written documentation. This is where some of his historical discrepincies may be coming from. I thank all of you for taking the time to read this.

I thought this was a nice closure to this thread. Though reluctantly, I had decided to post seeing others post after it.

If I had lived nearby, even 6 hours away from Bruce/school, I would pay him a visit because he did present a open door invitation. I would have to personally meet the man behnd so much questionable and controversial issues.

As he continues to post and become familiar with others here, hopefully he can share something and more importantly-learn......
Brother John said:
Actually sir, healthy for an adult male is 19%.
Too much below 15% is beginning to be unhealthy.

Your Brother
I guess it depends on who you talk to and what kind of lifestyle you have, whether you are male or female, white, black or Asian.
Olympic Athletes often get down below 10%.
BruceCalkins said:
1)To BAd I though the moderators were going to watch your Personal attacks.. I guess not.. All you have to do is be a sponcered member to get away with this bashing.. (I WANT TO MAKE THIS PART CLEAR BEFORE ANYONE TURNS IT AROUND ON ME) I am not saying this is the Web Masters fault. He cant monitor everyone and you just like to Bash people you dont know. The Web Master is a Kind and Open minded person and I think Most of his moderators are as well. But...

2)) Like I said... I have Diabites.. If you know anything you know that means I am under a Dr. Care to keep close watch on my weight. I have Body Fat and BMI checks every 2 months.... I am a Big Man But My Dr. Who is very creditable. has told me that I "DO NOT HAVE TO LOSE ANY WEIGHT." I habe a above avaerage BMI but it have Muscle Mass. If you look at a Lot of Power Lifters you will see this. (I'm sure no one will believe this but it's true..) I Leg Press over 1400 lbs and can do it at any time. Not just 1 or 2 time but 15-20 reps 5 sets. Also I work with a Full Extention Pushup that I have chalanges people to do 1.. I will do 5 for every 1 they do. and I do it. I have onl;y found 5 people that can do this push up and even some friends that I know that are Marine DI's have failed.

3) When my dr. does the Pinch Test with the meter for BFC Body Fat Count. It is low but my BMI Which checks Body Mass Index is up. As I have said.. Only when you meet me or if someone meets me they will find this out. You can believe what you want from old Pic...

4)) I think NYS would take offence at your statements. I have worked with Federal and Local Law enforcement for many years. My Licence and Badge were authorized and given me by NYS not some phony store... Due to Licenseing rules I cant just scan and post the copy of you papers but anyone with the want can check NYS License Burau and If they will give you the information you can find it... Bruce D. Calkins, Perry, NY

Like I have posted before.. I may have different opinions or ideals but I DON"T LIE!!!

1)I have never given so much as one thin dime to support this site so I am not sure what you are talking about here.

2)So do Sumo wrestlers…..they also carry around too much body fat.

3)BMI can often be a indication of body fat %. My co-worker tested poorly on the BMI scale but only has 7~9% body fat. He is short so his height to weight ration doesn’t fit the BMI index. You don’t exactly look like you will be the starting center for the Knicks so I’m thinking BMI index would not be the best way to test you body fat.

4)It was a joke……..

Once again you back peddle and change what you have said/claimed. I said you looked over weight in the photo and you said you weren’t. I pointed out that muscle doesn’t hang over a belt like that and you said you weren’t fat and now you say your doctor says you are overweight and you throw in that you are a diabetic.

You claimed to have been to Japan as if that would qualify your claims…..when come to find out you came here as a kid. It's this kind of “gamesmenship” that makes you untrustworthy. One minute you deny something then the next you say something else.
Kaith Rustaz said:
1)[font=&quot] [/font]Being a full time and a half webgeek, I spend alot of time sitting. As a result, I'm not in the best of shape myself. I've joined a gym, and am actively working to get into fighting shape.

2)[font=&quot] [/font]Alot of people, especially in WNY are in the "overweight" classification. I blame it on long winters and great chicken wings. :)

3)[font=&quot] [/font]In Mr. Calkins defense, I have to agree to a point. I've seen a great many martial artists who appear fat, yet who can still move well. Powerlifters tend to be 'thicker', and lets not forget Sumo. :)Add in health issues (bad back or joints, high blood pressure, etc) and you tend to move outside the "norm" in stats. The flip side of this is however, there is nothing like being in shape and physically fit. You look better, feel better and will move better. Thats why I'm in a gym. (Has nothing to do with the girls in spandex, really......)

1)[font=&quot] [/font]I feel ya on this one. Working for the Athletics Office is kind of a double edged sword. Most of my day is spent at a desk or helping other people train. Therefore I have to actually make time for my own workouts which is not always easy.

2)[font=&quot] [/font]Hell most Americans are overweight. I have traveled to many countries and thing I notice the most is there doesn’t seem to be the same population of fat people as in the US. This is both sad and pisses me off. Just have French people have a reputation as being snobs (which is not always true) Americans have reputation for being fat…..not overweight but good old fashioned FAT.

3)[font=&quot] [/font]Hmmm powerlifters also have a reputation for being on the “juice” too which produces “roid gut”…….a big belly. Sumo wrestlers are big, strong AND fat and also have tons of health problems and die very young as a result of being overweight for so many years. They may be strong but are not in good shape. The great Chiyonofuji proved you didn’t have to be big and fat to be good at sumo. He was smaller and leaner than your average Sumo wrestlers and was one of the best wrestlers of all time. Being overweight/fat IS equal to being out of shape. Sure people can perform certain things when they are overweight/fat but from a health point of view they are still not “healthy”.

So how did we get on the subject of weight? I think is was because someone mentioned most if not all people that claim to be a “Soke” have big guts and are overweight.
RRouuselot, I competely understand your fustration but why do you let this get you so far down on a personal level did this man do something to harm you or a family member or maybe a student of your. I'm not trying to get you madd just trying to understand your hated mentallity towards this man. I have always enjoyed your post and your heart warmed comments you speak with such passion about your Art and your training. Can you please explain to me, maybe PM me if you wish.
Terry Lee Stoker
Twin Dragons MAS
terryl965 said:
RRouuselot, I competely understand your fustration but why do you let this get you so far down on a personal level did this man do something to harm you or a family member or maybe a student of your. I'm not trying to get you madd just trying to understand your hated mentallity towards this man. I have always enjoyed your post and your heart warmed comments you speak with such passion about your Art and your training. Can you please explain to me, maybe PM me if you wish.
Terry Lee Stoker
Twin Dragons MAS
Because he is on a crusade instead of looking to understand, to bash. I believe that he had his share of martial art charletains and conmen. However, to understand someone like Bruce, and his mis-guidance, perhaps compassion and trying to help Bruce pull away from such questionable, controversial, and educate, is too much to ask from someone that has turned so cold.
terryl965 said:
RRouuselot, I competely understand your fustration but why do you let this get you so far down on a personal level did this man do something to harm you or a family member or maybe a student of your. I'm not trying to get you madd just trying to understand your hated mentallity towards this man. I have always enjoyed your post and your heart warmed comments you speak with such passion about your Art and your training. Can you please explain to me, maybe PM me if you wish.
Terry Lee Stoker
Twin Dragons MAS
This is not on a personal level, and I never said I “hated” anyone. Please don’t try to put a different motivation into my posts that is not my own. Usually if I dislike someone or think they are full of crap or an idiot and just aren’t worth the time or effort I put them on my ignore list. To date only two people have been put on that list.
Folks commented on various things they saw on Calkins website….his Klingon battle sword, bogus certificates, etc.
As was stated before someone mentioned most if not all people that claim to be a “Soke” have big guts and are overweight.
RRouuselot said:
Once again you back peddle and change what you have said/claimed. I said you looked over weight in the photo and you said you weren’t. I pointed out that muscle doesn’t hang over a belt like that and you said you weren’t fat and now you say your doctor says you are overweight and you throw in that you are a diabetic.
Do you just read what you want and forget the rest. I said that I was being watch for weight and my Dr. Said I did not need to Lose any weight. I'm not over weight it is the way I am built. I have a Low Body Fat but Size and Girth to Height is my BMI and that is high. I have 29' thighs and a 36 waist but w 54 chest and I am 5'6"
BruceCalkins said:
Do you just read what you want and forget the rest. I said that I was being watch for weight and my Dr. Said I did not need to Lose any weight. I'm not over weight it is the way I am built. I have a Low Body Fat but Size and Girth to Height is my BMI and that is high. I have 29' thighs and a 36 waist but w 54 chest and I am 5'6"

36 inch waist????

Must have been a bad photo angle then.
BruceCalkins said:
Do you just read what you want and forget the rest. I said that I was being watch for weight and my Dr. Said I did not need to Lose any weight. I'm not over weight it is the way I am built. I have a Low Body Fat but Size and Girth to Height is my BMI and that is high. I have 29' thighs and a 36 waist but w 54 chest and I am 5'6"
Perhaps your pic on your site is out-dated in comparison on how you look now?
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